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Everything posted by JoeBitch

  1. 🙄….I don’t like it, in the bathroom, quick 4-5 minutes….looks forced and unnatural but it is what it is
  2. The contrast is amazing….one is having fun and enjoying herself the other is 😩
  3. Yup and I am convinced Esmi is bate blocking Marlene 😂
  4. They better get used to it….energy crisis in Europe is only getting worse 😂😂
  5. 😂😂….RLC figured those girls are good for nothing, let’s make it all guys and bring gay money into the business 😂😂😂
  6. This forum is more entertaining than her 😂😂….love it
  7. Well, I can invested, I can give it to my kids, I can get me great hookers around the world 😂😂😂….I can find a lot of use for it instead of throwing it away. But again, to each it’s own 🤷‍♂️
  8. In that prospective if you don’t care what’s on RLC cause it’s cheap, who am I to tell you how to spend your money. I usually don’t throw away in the garbage $365 at the end of the year because it’s a dollar a day 😉
  9. Yes, those are not regular girls. Or least the hot ones. The idea of RLC is great but they are failing at making it interesting and sexy. If you are there for weeks and months and you haven’t done anything beside taking a shower and bending over this thing is not for you….just my opinion
  10. True. But at least in my case I join because of particular girls. For that reason I am always in and out of RLC. Not because of money but because I get the feeling of not getting the content for the money. To each it’s own, but unfortunately I join for a little and then I go away for awhile lol
  11. Yes, she is interesting but that will go away fast. People won’t pay money for that. RLC ain’t cheap 🤷‍♂️
  12. yup, i am catching up on F1 🤣...you can see more explicit movies on TUBI than this apartment lol
  13. 🤣 as long as there are suckers to watch
  14. For real….I would love to watch that apartment but it gets harder and harder….thank god for the other girls tonight 🥰
  15. I used to date a girl like that. She was a lot of fun. And she had 2 friends who were like that. They were part time “models”…usually will work out at clubs and invents as models, playboy bunnies etc. Sometimes, we would get trashed as make orgies with her friends. Miss those days lol. But they will not go out with you if you don’t have money and a nice car. Buying her cloths and getting her stuff was pretty often. Yeah, miss those days and those girls 😂😂
  16. Cause someone told her he will eat her ass until she comes in his mouth 🤷‍♂️😂😂
  17. Sounds like you guys are watching Nickelodeon 😂😂
  18. 🙄….good luck with that….😂😂
  19. i didn't even bother to watch 😒 and i like her...
  20. Yes, I think she did it a few times but all I remember was at the end she wad doing everything under covers….it was sad to watch lol
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