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Everything posted by Magnus15721

  1. I have never seen anybody play with their hair and look at their ass in the mirror more than Zaba! Zaba please get out of B1!
  2. The winner is not the girls! The winner in this scenario is us, the paying customers!
  3. Then you don’t give them the extra month! After 3 months we vote to stay or leave!
  4. It would force the girls that don’t do anything to either participate or leave!
  5. I like the idea of giving the girls 3 months to show they want to be here. However, I would suggest that after 3 months the RLC gives us, the paying customers 3 days to cast our vote on whether the girl stays or leaves based on performance. If we vote her to leave she is given an additional month to improve her performance! Again, after that month we cast our final vote to stay or leave! This is no different than what we all deal with in our daily jobs! There are a few women on here now that would be voted off the island!!
  6. When it comes to these gatherings Esmi tends to stay to herself and spend most of her time on her phone!
  7. I’m a novice on the history of Esmi so I appreciate the history lessons! I agree with you and many others that Queen Esmi should take her talents and move on!
  8. Esmi’s demeanor is that of a person who doesn’t want to be where she currently is!
  9. I often wonder if Esmi and Zaba’s mother is the person that doesn’t want them to do much in front of the cameras? Esmi’s girlfriend, who visited that one time, did everything she could not to show any skin!
  10. Esmi is pissed off because Zaba fucked in her bed! She stripped her bed completely even her little pink pillow! It appears that her Marlene had some type of disagreement also!
  11. I saw a short video clip that Zaba was looking at on her phone and it looked like it was Esmi. She appeared to be hugging a woman from behind? Please view the video and give your opinion. Zaba is in her room and the time is approximately 11:05am in Barcelona.
  12. Zaba doesn’t ever leave her panties off for very long no matter the situation!
  13. Poor Zaba no one wants to play with her! She puts out such negative energy!
  14. If I was any of the couples along with Masha, Lavi, Mathilda, Marlene, Anya and Kristy I would be pissed off knowing that there are individuals who don’t do shit on camera, but they are still getting paid! They need to hire women who are exhibitionist and have no problem being on camera! The women who currently don’t perform the RLC should either cut their pay or charge them rent! Who is hiring these women? This is a voyeurs site and we pay our membership to see some fucking action! I’m tired of watching Esmi’s shower and fashion show! All she does is take showers, change panties and clothes when she is at the apartment! Definitely not fair to her housemates M&M!
  15. Whatever Esmi used to do on occasion on camera will not happen anymore! Whoever she is dating put a stop to it! We all know her daily routine is spend a few hours at the apartment, show a little skin and then leave later in the evening! Queen Esmi and Princess Zaba the Royal sisters who are getting paid for doing absolutely nothing! Where would we be if we didn’t have M&M to entertain us?
  16. Wherever Esmi was going she didn’t invite her sister to go with her…wonder why not? Be interesting to see if Marlene and Zaba bring back a couple of “friends”!
  17. Zaba must read the forum because she was doing a little dance in front of the mirror like Esmi was doing this morning!
  18. Zaba spends more time primping and admiring herself in the mirror! That’s about all she is good for!
  19. She kept her panties on and she left the door open! No eye drops and no tablet no ear buds!
  20. I don’t think she is in for the night! Probably taking a power nap to get her second wind!
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