I don't really understand the need for "pills" in the morning, it's not a rave party ... 😳
BTW someone was suggesting Zhanna is pregnant (which I doubted) ... well now I really hope this is not the case!
you mean here?
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to me (but I hope I'm wrong) it seems more like A putting a pill in Z's mouth ... am I wrong?
Agree that the vision of three naked female bodies is always pleasant, but I am afraid that this technique (all naked in a abed doing nothing) is spreading like a virus (also Zhanna is playing the same Sera's game in B1 although I am convinced she has a great potential).
Viewers get easily used to these visions and become quickly bored (at least I do).
personally, although not my type, after seeing her jaw dropping performance in the living room (soon after she came in), I admit I find her very seductive.
Wish we see more active behavior from her, no idea what stopped her after that night...