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Everything posted by Marco71

  1. Maybe i am asking too much, but does anyobody knows the address of this apartment? I would love to search for it on google earth. Reply me in PM. By the way, sorry to the moderators and other customers if what i am asking is unappropriate, in that case ignore my request.
  2. If they want to remove it, it doesn't need all of this time, i guess.
  3. Yes, for now it's still in the list, but UM
  4. But in her room on the furniture there are still many things belonging to her.
  5. I am saying this, sex or not sex they must allow me to see everything because people pay to watch, not to watch what RLC selectively chooses.
  6. Also in this case, if I pay to view then I must be able to view, not hidden places not seen by cams.
  7. I am beginning to think that RLC means exactly this, that is, real everyday life cam, so real life of common people NOT just sex. The problem is, unless we have some kind of pervert curiosity to see what normal people do, we are paying just for this: like if they would tell us: "Do you know what happens in normal life? Here it is". Ok, but we don't need this, we already have our normal life, no need to see what other normal people are doing and how they are living, because we already know that. Unfortunately we are paying (well, really me actually not) for something different, and the service that they provide is not what we want.
  8. So Britt, as always, sex out of villa. But, considering all, there are so many apartments where there is never (or at least almost never) sex, not only B4 and B7......
  9. Non seulement hors caméra, elle les reçoit à l'extérieur de la villa, je commence à en avoir marre d'elle.
  10. Clients Britt visite évidemment... Certainement pas dans la villa.
  11. Surely you can see this on Segpay or Verotel website (depending on where you did the sub).
  12. Days ago she was talking with her mother and father
  13. So maybe should we expect her using this object to perform shows like girls do in chaturbate or similar sites? When she was in her previous villa she sometimes performed in the corridor, where there were no cams, and keeping door closed, so impossible to see for RLC audience (and i should say, RLC paying audience).
  14. I remember it bough this along with a vibrator and balls some time ago, and showed to other girls in the B4 living room
  15. Yes but if you run the mouse over the rooms you can see a blurred preview image
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