She facilited they portfolio 😂😂😂 and for survive in show and survive this house from full people comining all couples like Sea Port RLC house Montenegro
Mmm this people Made every for the show and subscription and big view because are need to stay in show
is simple if no do nothing in your life and are payed for fucking
trust me i hear to much from masha speak in call when was drunk Sasha healt mind are bad
they Made every just for green dollar baby 💵💵💵 easy like this
She dont love sasha or dasha they Made this just for make money and click bite need hype 🤡
This house need some strong or no Dasha and Sasha will be moved or this house come much people from RLC in rotation
And dasha and sasha for me use Masha just for no exit program and hype after bad show whit tasha and sam
Guys Masha Say is Just for Hype and safe this poor people and they house
They no have money needed come back RLC for survive after sasha destroy all his money in market stok i hear masha speak this in call
For me Sasha is not a boy is a Pussy
He wanted easy money and no do someting in his life just go back in program fuck and Get some good money
Pusssyyyy Sasha Get a life and do someting in your life and no approfitate from masha
Sasha is 🤡🤡🤡