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Posts posted by 1962Starfire

  1. 11 hours ago, tle said:

    I'm starting to think the same thing.. I'm wondering if Jade decided she'd had enough and split...

    There must be a reason why RLC still list Alberto and Jade as participants. If they truly are gone, I think we would have seen a "left the project" message a long time ago.

    I think they'll return.....either in the same apt. but refurbished, or in another apt. or even Alberto's new house.

    In the meantime, RLC should run "The Best of Martina" recordings from her years with them! 😄  😄  😄

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  2. The question begs to be asked.
    If RLC kept Elli and Vladellia's names listed as UM for so long, and then brought them back in a new apt., can we expect the same to happen to Alberto and Jade??
    Will they return in his long-awaited house or a new apt.? (Unless there is some other reason for the long UM.)

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  3. 6 hours ago, itohkata said:

    Or maybe, they left for that house he's supposed to have, and Martina is moving back in (i'm trying that thing some of you are doing, drawing conclusions from 2 bits of intel, tell me how I'm doing please, I'm trying to fit in). Two moving in a row, that takes time, especially with the amount of stuff he accumulated !

    Alberto finally moving into his house was my original thought (from a few pages back) but I think by now, we would have seen a "left the project" notice from RLC.
    No....I think it's more of a medical or a close relative problem for the long UM, either with Alberto, Jade and even Martina or one of their families.
    The silence is deafening.

  4. 1 hour ago, MountainSwede said:

    Wouldn't be surprised to find that Al and Jade have moved on.

    I can picture old fish tank with new fish, better balcony and "son of Taco" on the couch!!

    I might also venture a guess that if they did move on, would it be to Alberto's long-awaited house?

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  5. 2 hours ago, tle said:

    I hope it's good for Martina... I hope she has someone taking care of her....

    I hope so too. Martina is a very independent woman but everyone needs someone in their life to share the everyday joys and sorrows. I hope she has, or will have, someone like that to make her happy. She deserves it.

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  6. 8 hours ago, JYBRD said:

    It seems like he has a lot of work to do with Jade sometimes. Trying hard for some reason.


    I could be wrong but could it be the loss of Martina?

    He doesn't seem to have any bond with Jade like he had with Martina.

    Maybe Alberto is starting to realize what he had with her and it's really gone now. Even when things were bad, they still seemed to have a fond, personal connection to each other.

    I don't see that with Jade. Their relationship, even the sex, seems very superficial.

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

    Drama queens are overly introspective and emotional women, sometimes bridging upon hysteria. Nowdays, they are prone to a feeling of victimization by the patricarchy, which they blame for every little problem they've had in life.

    In the US, they are celebrated in government and media, and ruin Disney movies. Other than that, I suggest you do not marry or live with one of these evil things.

    I didn't see Martina as a "drama queen" at all. Quite the opposite of your definition, in my opinion. She cared for Alberto and helped him financially more than once. She was   instrumental in him finally getting his house.

    If you want a drama queen, watch Masha for 20 minutes.

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  8. 6 hours ago, Francisq1 said:

    Are you sure of the date November 11? For me, it's November 10 in the bedroom. And Taco wanted Alberto's sandwich.

    You are correct....my mistake.

    It is 10 Nov at 19:38. I was looking at the date it was listed under (11 Nov)which, confusingly, starts at 6AM on the day before.


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  9. 27 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    It was one night about a week ago. She pulled out every trick in her book,  and was workin it like an ice cream cone in the desert. He should have stopped her and performed Connie lingus on her. And then settle back and watched some TV. I have to say I don't have this problem with my Guy. I have to slow so he won't cum before he bends me over a chair and works his magic on me. Lol


    I don't get Alberto sometimes. His mind seems to be elsewhere in some of his marathon sessions with Juliet which may be the cause of his orgasm problem. Money? His new house? Martina?

    Your Guy sounds more attentive. He's a keeper!

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  10. 1 hour ago, ashleyxyz said:

    That was meant to be 45 minute blow job's. 😂  do you know what time the hug was?


    I bet it seems like 45 hours to Juliet!

    The big hug was on 11 Nov at 19:38. (Taco looks on like a little kid wondering if his parents will stay together.)

    Also, note what happens at 19:41:55. I think it speaks volumes about the relationship of these two.

    • Haha 1
  11. 3 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Hey Star. I think it's sad myself. Obviously they seemed to have a relationship with no boundaries, I hate seeing couples break up who once had feelings or were in love go there separate ways. but i think Martina was sad about it, and when Juliet finds out he really has no cash to take her out for a nice dinner and a movie  and has to give him 45 hour blow job's and he still doesn't cum she'll drop his sorry ass.

    I completely agree! That long hug between M&A in the bedroom said it all.

    Alberto may even kick Juliet out before that when it dawns on him that there is no other connection to his Goth Girl except the "45 hour blowjobs" that don't get the job done.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Adalbert said:

    Could be but I think it is a bit more than a speculation.  There were some conversations between Alberto and Martina, where she mentioned that she has a sexual relationship with GF4. But for sure everyboday can think what she/he wants.

    Very true but the question still remains, were the conversations about GF4 or some other girlfriend of Martina's? 

    We'll never know, but you are right. We all love to speculate on what we want the answer to be, sometimes disregarding what the truth may be.

  13. 3 hours ago, JYBRD said:

    All that apparently took place off camera.

    I may be old school here, but let's not forget there is only a 50-50 chance of this since it's always been only speculation of some sort or another. 

    The possibility exists that GF4 is just that.....a girlfriend and nothing more. It may just be the reason that she is rarely on camera, not wanting to be drawn into all the public sexual speculation about Martina.  But, again, just conjecture on my part.

    It makes me think of that old "If a tree falls in the forest......"  riddle. There really isn't any "right" answer.


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  14. 7 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    I admire the guy.  But do we have to put him on a pedestal?  Maybe. I am OK with it …  but I’m just saying we should all think about who the world’s true heroes are.

    I have to agree with you there, Jen. We Americans are pathologically obsessed with the trivial.

    There is no reason why Matthew Perry's death should have been on the network's nightly news (3 night's in a row on NBC) when so many other important things are going on in the world. Just my useless opinion but modern TV fodder AND commercials are turning viewers brains to mush. Cell phone media is also turning generations into digital morons.

    We need to, literally, wake up in this country and KEEP INFORMED as to what is important politically, socially, economically and environmentally. So far, we have a pretty good thing going here. Why let it slip away over what Taylor Swift wore to an awards show?

    ........sorry for the tangent. (Drops the mike.) LOL


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  15. "Martina left the project"

    With those words that I thought we'd never see, over the years, I feel I am going to do the same when my subs. to RLC runs out. 

    Alberto and his Goth Girls are about as interesting as paint drying and there are no other apts. that have any attraction at present. The only exception may be Masha and her daily dramas.

    It has been interesting getting to know some of you here on CC. I am going to check in from time to time and hope you PM me if something interesting happens.

    Take care and be nice to each other. 


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  16. What a wonderful finale for Martina by finally letting down "the fourth wall" for us, and speaking directly to her fans. A heart warming and sincere gesture from the woman (most of us) have come to love and respect over the years.

    Much luck and all the best to you, Martina!

    May your future be filled with love, happiness and success.

    Let us know every so often, in some form or other, how things are going with you and Taco!

    You will be missed!


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  17. 26 minutes ago, Moosecini said:

    Very cordial and lots of time together today with M & J.  Looks like they're getting along again.

    Yes. Nice to see that for a change.

    it's been a stressful time for all of them. Hopefully, Martina can walk out the door, for the last time, with smiles (maybe some wistful tears?) and goodwill all around.

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