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Everything posted by TfiDeano

  1. That poor little arse, she won't sit down for a week 🤚🏼👋🏼 RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  2. 33, and yes probably sooner than her mid 40's.
  3. This may surprise you, but I am rapidly going against Masshole...he has an ego the size of the fucking moon and everything is about him. We have to remember, Karma has been spending time with Medusa so of course she will keep her distance from him, I think she always has done and she will of course support Medusa over Masshole given what recently happened.
  4. I think it is safe to say men are not the issue here but as you say more so the drugs. I can't see how men are the problem when she cries over one and then hours later has another guy in her bed ready to fuck, so it's definitely not men lol. I'm not siding with her though I am a follower...but, there's a BUT. She lives off RLC, she doesn't work (doesn't need to), she owns 2 inside-out cats that she utterly adores, she isn't a fan of eating, she is a big fan of drink and likely party powder (drugs). Every guest she has over are in a bath with her within 4 hours and of course she is a nympho and maniac. She needs to read that memo about growing up and settling down and so on otherwise if she continues her life on RLC she will be dead by the time she hits her mid 40's.
  5. We have known this for months lol, it's really no big deal is it lol.
  6. She advised and recommended she join I'm guessing but I sure she will be back.
  7. She won't if Masha spanks her arse too hard...did you see her spanking her not 10-15 minutes ago...she nearly knocked her to the other side of the room lol.
  8. She needs to hook up with Medusa lol.
  9. Biped yes but definitely not bionic!
  10. All participants have freedom of choice, it's not called RLC for nothing, and viewers are not automatically entitled to see tenants and guests participate in any form of sexual activity. What we are entitled to and what we pay for is 24 hour access via cameras and mics to all the apartments and rooms. What the tenants do or do not do on cam is their choice and we as viewers can switch cams if there is something we do not approve of. That's the knitty gritty of things in the reality of the site.
  11. Dayana in her air hostess training school uniform.
  12. I'm only aware of the conversation Masshole had with Sara blaming Medusa for Sara's excessive behaviour when they were out together all day. I'm not aware Sara was blaming Medusa, but either way Medusa is better off not coming in to contact with them two. It's strange how he can accuse Sara's behaviour being excessive but it's okay for him to have sex with her in nearly every Barce apartment in every room...very bizarre coming from him...the man with a big ego.
  13. I would imagine it was unfinished, but clearly their friendship has been cut right down the middle with a hot knife through butter. That hot knife being Masshole...the man with a big ego...and a big dick lol.
  14. I dunno what is worse, Shaq playing with another girl on cam in Masha's apartment or Masha taking a piss and shit on the floor on cam when she stayed with D&S recently.
  15. Really, REALLY lol...we know where the cam is...but I know you're just joking obviously lmfao.
  16. Park showing a recording of himself cooking to Caroline lol...GAAAAAY. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  17. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  18. I was starting to enjoy watching Karma, but just like that she sinks back to the depths of being a sad, brainwashed pathetic little girl. I will honestly be glad to see the back of her when she hands the keys back to B4. If she does read these forums then more proof she does not give a shit about her fan boys and what they say because she continues with this utter fucking freak show BS. I hope it's enough for her to decide never to return to the project once she leaves.
  19. What's Masshole got anything to do with Karma, you should be more concerned with the fact that Tantra has visited despite Karma being on her period yet he still presses a head like a molestee and molests her. He is one mother fucking sick bastard, and she ain't much better for allowing this to happen. I said 2/3 days ago he would be there and here he is even when she has the painters in. They are a pair of fucking freaks and he will be eating her shit next.
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