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Everything posted by 1charliefoxx69

  1. Did anyone else notice Wolf and Ney didn't have their usual daily visit? He usually goes over to B4 or she comes to hang out?
  2. Wolf is more than aware of Max's advances he watched him kiss her and fondle her his first night in the Villa. Wolf told him she was the "neighbor from hell" and Margo repeated it. You missed this, her in the red wig and nurse outfit, when he fingered her?
  3. And we know this only because.. everyone say it with me now.... "Noldus Told us"! Amen... (It is Sunday)
  4. Karma's Friend.. Mr Tantric is back...wonder if he will take off his shoes this time around.. am I the only one who no noticed the entire time he was with Karma in bed he never removed his sneakers...not even in bed while they were having fun.
  5. Thanks DDHM I can appreciate your thoughts on the this. You haven't changed, thanks for your always cogent thoughts here on everything RLC. I know it's been a long while since I chimed in but I'm still here and like so many still watching all. Where we disagree is I think Max is a dick. A selfish, boorish, insecure guy with a big wand he wants to wave around. He doesn't think beyond the head of said member. You say he's just out to have fun but the way he spoke to his ex about Cecelia, then lying to her in the phone while with Ney... Saying he went out to smoke after she left.. he's incredulous. He's supposed to bring her back to the Villa tonight, let's see how that plays out.
  6. What Ney does understand is that Max Is going to chase all the tail he wants. He has a week to get with Sara who's leaving, he wants Karma but she won't get with him while Sara is still around. She needs and wants affection, she's the girlfriend type and she picked the wrong dude to lay down with because his narcissist ways won't let him be anything but what he is. He may please her and vise versa but he will always disappear and disappoint her.
  7. Max On the phone with his plus one and lying about last night thinking that Ney doesn't understand what he is saying.. He mentioned that they have a reservation for this afternoon. He won't say anything about being with Ney this morning, he did mention making French toast though.. I bet he won't take Ney with him.
  8. Ney feeling something new. Because having sexual relationships with different people can change not only your perspective, but it can and will change you. Bare with me. The other day she mentioned to Max that she had not been "active" in 5 months. Seeing her sexual energy on display here and her overall personality and vibe she seems a very 😎 cool in a hot 🔥 way. It's been said that she and Wolf used to be together, my question is was that 5 months ago with Wolf 🐺 or someone else? Granted, given my recency bias, I think it may have been. There's a strong connection between the two of them. Maybe the security of what she feels with Wolf she wants to find with someone else. But she is very young and comfortable in her own skin. Today's a new day and she's feeling something...and someone new.
  9. Margo is loud I'm I the only one who noticed that you can hear Margo when she and Wolf are engaged in her room...in Max's room on 3-12/13. But you cannot hear her passion in Wolf's room. Yesterday morning after waking up with Ney, he went in to wake up Margo with his morning wood, she quickly woke up and he handled his business. As they Max heard her an came out to the hallway, funny the dog did to thinking she was in distress came downstairs and was met by Max. After playing with the dog and letting it out he went back into his room to hear more. Ironically, their position for this session "doggy style". Check the replays.
  10. I was wrong. Last night I said Mass/Max is a dick. About that I was right. He is insensitive, boorish and self absorbed. Granted I don't know the man but there's an old axiom that goes "When someone shows you who they are the first time believe it." Where I was wrong, I thought that Ney would give into the circumstances and be with Wolf again. She started to and changed her mind. Despite how she felt earlier in the evening when Max showed up with a plus one and then ignored her and his guest while pursuing his usual agenda. After being with Margo and Wolf for a time, Wolf started going down on Margo she walked across the hall jnto the bathroom then into Max who left his door cracked. Sorry for the play by play but despite her strong feelings for Wolf, Ney spent the night with our new resident dick named Mass who asks to be called Max .. a$$.. kinda rhymes..
  11. Your assessment is pretty good. Cecelia has a man that's why she agreed, she told him, like Wolf they couldn't get down when Margo and he came to visit. Same thing here. No BJ no penetration it's how she operates, think of the night when Lacrem aka La-Creep and company were on the couch. Same scene. His rudeness and lack of self awareness is sad for an adult. Rule # 1. Don't bring sand to the beach. Rule #2. Don't throw sand in the lifeguards face while others are swimming too.
  12. Margo is ready to bail... Max wants an explanation so he can stare at her eyes a little more... Ha!!
  13. Love that Ney is rejecting Max and ignoring his chit chat. The look on Cecilia's face was priceless when he stopped talking to be her and pulled up a chair next to Ney. :) Ha!!
  14. KO... I hear what you're saying but you are focused on what might be naturally pleasurable to a woman. You have to look beyond the surface, sex is just sex for most men. Women see it entirely different. There a few exceptions to this. Few..m
  15. She is a superhero and her gravitational pull is hard to resist. They both emode the same energy. You can't look to see...what they feel. He and Margo are equally aligned.
  16. I will disagree with you. For what it's worth Wolf is sincere. That is why he is successful in his endeavors.
  17. I love RLC, all the various characters who have been a part. I have watched a long time and was the one who asked if someone would feed "Patches' the cat who lives at B4. So know this when I say as much as things change they stay the same. For example, Cecilia won't suck a dick that's not her boyfriends. Wolf gets a lot of shit here but he is a caretaker of shorts. I love his energy, he would do anything How do you bring someone to a party then suggest how they act? He planned this party with Ney, Margo and Wolf. And He is still hitting on Karma and Sara's friend.. I rest my case for now.,.
  18. Max Is a dick. You have no class at all. He trying to act sophisticated but he's not. I repeat Max or Mass is a dick.
  19. You can see Ney is hurt. That will be better because Wolf is there but she is very disappointed.
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