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Everything posted by Melle2

  1. That's ok, but why are you hiding the sucker under the pillow, Octavia. You can take it out of the closet and do your private thing under the covers.
  2. Octavia is a good example of how it's all about participating in life and acting in secret. I think it happened the evening before last. Shortly before the lights went out, she took her clitoris sucker out of the cupboard and quickly hid it under her pillow??? And then unpacked it in the dark. You could hear the typical noises of the device and after a while a pleasant moan from Octavia, ending with a sentence in English about how good that felt for her??? Octavia has given viewers enough in the last few weeks that there is no reason to complain. But why hide it under the pillow? Besides, it's probably clear to everyone that there's no sequel with Carlos. An attentive observer can see this from Octavia’s facial features.
  3. At some point the question arose as to what the blue ball was all about. The blue vaginal douche is always used when Day is on a work assignment. This way you can see when she is leaving to meet a man. The discussion that arose in this forum about whether Day is a sex worker must be answered with a clear yes. She has also developed a technique in which a small sponge plays a role so that she can still work at least until the end of her period. This happens outside of the cameras, however, so I can only assume. In this respect, however, Day has become much freer than she was in the beginning; she hides less. She has perhaps realized that her actions are just part of normal life, even if they still cause her problems with the cameras. If you can't see it, you don't need to look. The actions show that she has developed great hygiene. RLC can be credited with showing us the life of a sex worker, as you can see that she is a normal woman who also seems very happy and exuberant quite often. Only the sex life with her so-called boyfriend is very strange. I can hardly imagine that Day enjoys his visits much or even has fulfilling sex, because in contrast to his first visit, when he really took care of Day, what he delivers now is very sad.
  4. This probably applies to all of us who have ever learned to drive
  5. Good luck with your driving test, Octavia.
  6. By chance I noticed the faintly written slogan "other people's private lives" and was surprised. I can hardly describe lying around in beds and occasionally listlessly fiddling with the female tenants' own pussy as a private life. If there was really something private to see, the tenants would retreat to rooms or corners without cameras. It's not enough for me when a top dog plows the women in bed, so I'm not commenting on Massimo's behavior. I would like to know more about people's thoughts. Unfortunately, this is hardly possible because most of the tenants speak Russian, while most of the viewers come from English-speaking countries or at least understand the English language, I suspect. A positive exception so far has been Octavia, who shared her actions and thoughts with us. Unfortunately, there has been a communication breakdown for a few days, even though Octavia announced otherwise. If RLC has a hand in it, those in charge should remember that it is contributing to losing customers. Unfortunately, she also started doing things in a hidden and covered way, very regrettable. Of course, it's difficult to get a normal life into the houses, especially when it comes to sex life. In the houses in Barcelona, the only people I've noticed positively so far are Zabava and Octavia, who have brought partners from outside into the houses and communicate with them in English, even though these two women suffer greatly from their relationships. This is the only way to get to know a private life. But the hidden actions should stop. There is nothing more to say.
  7. Hello itohkata, it's not worth getting upset about individual comments, especially if there are no further explanations. Let's resume our intelligent way of mailing. This is precisely what has distinguished most of the comments on House B1 so far. I also don't understand what characteristics gay or female comments should have. But there are probably few men who think with their brains rather than with their d....
  8. What do you want to tell me. If I can understand a person, do I have to be a woman or a gay man? Then I have to disappoint you, I'm a man, sorry.
  9. The relationship with Carlos seems to continue.. Octavia has sought the help of a therapist, via Instagram; and realized that she and Carlos are different types of relationship people. While she always needs absolute closeness to her partner, Carlos retreats further and further away as Octa's desire to get closer increases. Octavia had another long conversation with Carlos this morning and was very euphoric again afterwards. She wants to see how much pain and pleasure she can endure. Now the joy prevails. I can understand her desperation, it is difficult for a person who needs absolute closeness to find a partner who can tolerate or reciprocate.
  10. Octavia spent the weekend with the girl. They were at the villa party together and the next day or night they went out partying outside the houses. And the girl can give Octa a little lightness so that she could forget her sorrows.
  11. Ok Frank, I understand, no hidden message. You have to remember that she comes from a different cultural background. I think it's common there to eat offal. Or do you call it innards.
  12. Unfortunately you are right. You wish you could help her, but you really can't.
  13. Octavia is talking again and she is torn. Carlos got in touch again and they probably talked to each other yesterday. I think her thoughts will go crazy again. I don't know what to advise you, Octavia. Remember that if Carlos doesn't behave the way you want, you'll be sad again. Do the right thing... It will probably be the case that sadness will be your eternal companion. With this in mind, you can give him another chance if you think he can develop and you are ready for another defeat.
  14. Oh Octavia, just forget about Carlos. Your attempts to save something that cannot be saved only hurt you more.
  15. I completely agree with you But I think that enthusiasm is a feature of Octavia's character, as is the sadness that comes with failure
  16. Then the correction is absolutely necessary
  17. It may be that this is better. English is not my native language, so I can't say anything I want to say. I think that's better. English is not my native language, so not everything I want to say comes out.
  18. I have to admit that these posts about Octavia give me a lot of pleasure because the contributions are on a really nice level. It should also be mentioned that Octavia is worthy of receiving such comments. She is not only a beautiful and intelligent young woman, but from my point of view a really real person who doesn't put on a show for us like so many others at RLC
  19. On Tuesday she was still at the beginning of her crisis, probably still overwhelmed by the events of the weekend and full of hope. I think Octavia has largely buried her hopes today. Her gestures suggest that there has been no message from Carlos. I miss the joy on her face and her singing in the shower. It will take a while...
  20. Thanks. OK, then I understand. I assumed her speech took place this morning. My impression is that she made several gestures today that she had something to say, but it didn't happen. I think she briefly read the posts on the sofa this morning and said "you're so cute, people," and that was it.
  21. Can you tell me when that happened? Otherwise I totally agree with you, she is a wonderful person
  22. That's probably right, that would also be my approach. But Octavia is very emotional, was really looking forward to the physical closeness, enjoyed the sex and hoped for further development. Plus she fell in love...
  23. He told her that he was on vacation with his parents and that's why he didn't communicate. When she asked why he posts photos on Instagram but doesn't write to her, he replied that he answers her when he wants to. Not exactly the answer you'd expect from someone who theoretically looks out for each other's well-being, right?
  24. Poor Octavia is suffering a lot because Carlos isn't in touch. Yesterday, in a conversation with her coach, she expressed this again. But the coach was of the opinion that she has to accept it, and I'll even forgive him if I interpret the translation from Russian correctly. I disagree. I watched the recordings again and I still think that a man who has just met a woman wants to get to know her properly and, above all, explore her body if he is really interested. I didn't notice any of this with Carlos. I don't understand this compulsion to have anal sex, because he constantly demanded it, even though Octa had mentioned several times that it hurt her. Maybe I'm misjudging the situation and Octavia disagrees with me. I do think that Octavia had a lot of fun during sex, although she probably didn't have an orgasm, and for us viewers, this was very present and we also had a lot of fun, I think. In my opinion, this was the best sex weekend I've seen at RLC. Wonderful, but I still feel uneasy when I see how Octavia is suffering. If I understood her conversation yesterday correctly, she still has a little hope that Carlos will get in touch again. She wanted to give him a chance yesterday, but when I see the look on her face before she fell asleep, I don't think that happened. Her coach probably advises her to get in touch with him herself, but I tend to agree with Octa that it is incomprehensible that Carlos hasn't contacted her for four, or now five, days. That is not like someone who cares about his partner's well-being, as he has always emphasized. Theory and practice don't fit together here.
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