hello to all.
important message, about the site camcaps.net and the site https://xcamfan.com/.
following the reading that we can see on this forum, the people who open their mouths, or write absolute stupidities, without knowing the real reasons, refrain from writing or treating people as idiots.
to give you the information to all this, a moment to give to our friend toto for the site camps.net, and angevenusduciel and inconus, for the site xcamfan.com.
this person was banned, on camps.net.
on xcamfan angevenusduciel, and unknown, can no longer react or other on the site. and for good reason the dear moderator StnCld316, was banned, or limited the action on the forum.
as for the xcamfun site, the reason was spam. in no case were the writings on this forum the same, all different in writing. but this moderator stncld316, preferred to listen to the managers of the site camarads.com, who in no case has the power to ban or other. but as once this dear moderator stncld316, wrote in a private message, to our friends quoted above, that he would not act in any case, if all the rules were respected of the site xcamfan.com. once again we note, the lie of this part, and that unfortunately he is rotten to the core this moderator stncld316. so to this day our organization, and very clear, either he restores everything in good uniform, or you all will be penalized. it is clear and precise.
for the fanatics of writings and who like to judge others.
ps: all our writings posted and that the truth about the site camarads.com.
we have all the proofs to what we describe, video, write.
ah good listener, for the subscribers of the site camcpas.net or xcamfan.com, the dear moderator stncld316, has no power over the server, so if you want to listen to him like a prophet, watch your bank account.