I'm constantly amazed that given your negativity and opinions on how other people spend their money, you don't actually watch RLC so pretty much everything you gleam is second hand. Are you on some kind of mission to interfere with other peoples lives? Is not your own mildly interesting enough? I can understand giving your opinion ,but constantly everyday with the calling subscribers idiots because they choose to spend their money in a way that you disapprove of ? Have you considered that given the number of subscribers who choose to spend money on RLC, only a minuscule number really care about you calling them idiots? I'm just curious about your motivation. There must be hundreds of thousands of subscribers that don't even know or care whether you or I exist, to put things in perspective. Is this your life? I find camcaps invaluable in keeping up to date along with my subscription. However I don't tune into camcaps to have someone call me an idiot for how i choose to spend my hard earned money, and I'm willing to bet that given the number of subscribers overall that there are 99.99999999 percent who feel the same. Having said all that, i fully acknowledge that you have the right to be as negative as you please in the spirit of a free forum... Just sayin...