I can honestly say that I have no idea where to start with this... But one thing that frustrates me is when someone lies because they fucked up. The fact that the "friend" said she said she never gave consent but rode the hell out of Shaq was just a bold face lie. Bitch you were caught red handed. At any time you could have got up, called for help left the apt but instead went multiple rounds is just sad. Then the fact Masha has the never to put on her chalk board to "Be kind please" after she referred to Shaq with the hard er... I mean she had no problem with him being black when he was laying pipe but the minute, he fucks up she has to use racial slang makes me not feel sorry for her.
But one thing I will defiantly agree on is her antics drive views to the site, I'm sure there's some matrix that shows she one of the top watch channels but it's even more depressing that after everything that has happened RLC is willing to risk someone's life for views. Nobody can deny that this story has a high chance to end horribly either by her substance abuse, abusive relationships or the mental stress that all this brings. But yet it's all funded by RLC and they seem to be perfectly okay with it as long as they make a buck... Was she really fucked up that she shit on the floor? I just can't help laugh at that and a few of the other jokes... (I know I'm wrong for this)