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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Can someone explains to me WHAT is so damned important to get stuck to your phone like that ??
  2. Ah Sera !! Sera !! What a better way to keep company ( excuse my english ) to a friend to .. get your hands glued to your cellphone ... She is so incredibly USELESS
  3. A question for you all: Why is Sera paid for in the project ? Besides seeing her nude when she takes showers, she does NOTHING, SHOWS NOTHING THAT COULD BE INTERESTING ... Not even something "sensual or sexy" ... She clearly doesn't belong here ...
  4. I would like to see Alsu " make another topless show but this time, with Brittney" ... or Anya ... They seen to get along very well ... so why not ?
  5. Just for fun ... Look at Sera in B4 ... Alone on a bed ... still checking her cellphone ...
  6. So agree... We keep Brittney, Alsu in B4 ... And Sera goes to ... BHome !!
  7. Where are Anya and Taylor ?? They were flirting in the LR and suddenly, they disappeared !!
  8. Tani has fun with others ... Tim is about to call her , to isolate her ... And keep his influence on her ...
  9. Just a question : How many consecutive days Rani is wearing his black "DREAM" T-Shirt ? Looks like 3-4 days in a row !
  10. Brittney looks so miserable in B1 ... She must get out of there and move to B4 , where there is LIFE !
  11. Svetlana is in B1 !! .... Oups ... Forget it , it is Sera ! She's doing what she does the best since she came in the project ! CLEANING !! NOTHING ELSE ... So PATHETIC !
  12. With Sera ??? You will hope til your last day, my friend !! Don't want to discourage you but ...
  14. Put her in a place that lives, and you'll have another Brittney !! In B1 with "Sera", any girl will have fun ! Look at Elmira ! When Esmi was there, they used to workout together and at least talk ... Now Elmira is almost all her time in her bedroom ... So sad !
  15. When I look at Sera, I suddenly realize how much I miss Esmi !! Would really like to see her back !
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