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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. It renewed automatically today for 3 months , I didn't remember it was today... I'll see after that ...
  2. I really miss the good old times in RLC where we had interactions "EVERY NIGHT" ...
  3. I've never seen those appartments so boring ... Nothing happens ... We just have B5 with some "action" ... The rest is dead ! B1, B2, B4 and B7 ... NOTHING !!! RLC, DO SOMETHING !! Bring back fun before it is too late !!
  4. Girls watching " Memoirs of a Geisha ". Excellent movie !
  5. Brittney !! Already to bed ??? Please, move to B4 before it is too late !!
  6. We must admit something: Alsu is way more funny and looks happier with Anya than with Sera !!
  7. Not sûre but I think Anya was supposed to sleep with Alsu ... Hope he won't ruin the night !
  8. Looks like we'll be stuck with him EVERY NIGHT !!! 😡
  9. Tani already to bed !! Is it Tim's influence again on her ? Hope not !!
  10. Je suggère que Sera emmène Alsu avec elle à B1 et que Brittney aille à B4 !! I suggest that Sera brings Alsu with her in B1 and Brittney moves to B4 !!
  11. To be honest, I am really not a fan of " Guys alone" in the project ... In couples with girls, ok but alone , that would be a "NO" for me ...
  12. Like I said earlier, he is very insisting ... and will finally get it !
  13. Is he the new Samson ?? Chasing a girl and insisting until he has what he wants ? Unless I lost something, his room is in B7, right ??
  14. I still don't know what she is doing in a project like RLC ... She must be really close to someone in RLC !
  15. Cleaning is WAY MORE important for Sera than look / act sexy ... She's got NO SEX APPEAL !!
  16. With Sera, it is not the first time ... It happened with Radi and Amira as well ... So I don't think Elmira is the problem ...
  17. I feel so bad for Elmira !! She used to be always in a good mood ! We saw her doing her workout in the LR ... Since Sera arrived, we barely see her , she is always alone in her room , no one talks to her ...
  18. Alsu is way MORE sexy than Sera ! There is no comparison possible !!
  19. Watched the bath with Sera last night ... Even There, she CAN'T act sexy ! She REALLY DOESN'T KNOW what sexy means ... She is the Number 1 most PATHETIC AND BORING Girl in all the project since I subscribed in 2015 ... Even Nana was more interesting than her , that says much!
  20. In all the vacant rooms, if she comes to B4, she deserves the big room upstairs ... She's the most active of them all ... Not counting Tani , who lives now in B7 !!
  21. If she goes to B4, she should bring Brittney with her ... Would like to watch these two in the same appartment...
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