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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. You have your opinion, I have mine ... And it is ok ... We don't have to agree on everything ...
  2. She is the most Gorgeous Girl of all the project, actually, and one of the prettiest ever ... She is so sexy, sensual, even erotic .... To me, she is a Goddess in all her sensuality !
  3. RLC, please CLOSE B7 ASAP and get rid of these tenants ... And most of all, DON'T put them in another appartment ! It is RIDICULOUS AND PATHETIC !!
  4. Lorraine is going where she can get attention! And the only place is in B1 with our lovely goddess !! 😡
  5. Just have to look how sweet he can be when he wants to fuck her !!!
  6. I wonder why she decided to have sex with him, with the crisis ( another one ) que he made in B2 ! I still wonder what she does with him, besides sex, he doesn't deserve her ... He badly treats her ... HE is the one who is ALWAYS right ...
  7. He could have the decency to put his underwear ...
  8. As I already said, you can think that and it is ok, but I disagree. Don't know why, just a thought !
  9. I really think she is more into girls than boys ... Don't think she is interested at all by Samson
  10. Timur in B2 ??? It is time for Holly and Thor to go back to B5 and have their threesome fun with Tereza !!
  11. Watched Kaley and Lavika cuddling yesterday, they reminded me Kaley/Kami and Kaley/ Kristy when they were in Russia ...
  12. Way too long for me, and probably most of us ! Don't know why she's still there !
  13. What a surprise ! The 3 best thumbnails are B1, Cams 7-8-9 !!
  14. Lorraine seeking attention ... The best way: Get close to Esmi !
  15. It is one if her only bates she made ... Compared to what she can give us ... Once from Time to Time doesn't deserve her to have the Villa Suite Upstairs !
  16. It is one if her only bates she made ... Compared to what she can give us ... Once from Time to Time doesn't deserve her to have the Villa Suite Upstairs !
  17. Monica is a total failure in this present stay ! Real disappointment ! She doesn't deserve to get the big Master Bedroom in that Villa ... She does NOTHING but watching her laptop ... She could go and it would be ok for me !! Same for Leia !
  18. Think it is the 1st time I say that but I lost complete interest watching Holly and Thor... ALL they do is Fucking, fucking and fucking ... Hate to say but she now reminds me Masha ! And it is been a long time I don't watch her anymore ... Maybe it is more Thor's attitude and reactions I don't like but ...
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