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Posts posted by dana

  1. On the plus side, we all know from past experience that this apartment can go from zero to hero within a couple of days.

    Let's hope that these two ladies leave for home soon and some fresh new hotties take their place.


    I would like to see these two ladies take it from zero to hero in a few days but i'm not living under the illusion that it will happen.  Short of that..yes...Time for RLC to send them home and bring in some new tenants who wish to fulfill the purpose of the voyeur apartment!

  2. Well that was my thought too, but I didn't want to put it into words as I find it annoying! I honestly don't mind the girls going out all the time, it's what I'd be doing in their position, but what really winds me up is the hiding in apartment. I don't think the girls have any obligation to be home all the time like some people do, but I do find it disrespectful to deliberately hide from us when they are in the apartment

    I agree..  I don't mean to come across as suggesting they 'never' go out...of course, we all would.  But, lately, it seems they hardly ever stay at the apartment.  We don't really get to see them interact much...

  3. Well Yury they could say no, and party with us, but they choose not to. Like I have always said you have to make choices, sometimes we make the right ones, and sometimes we make the wrong ones, but no matter what we have to live with choices we make.  :yikes: :headache:

    They 'could' say No but, based on past behaviors, would we really expect them to??  I didn't want to believe that Danaya was as selfish as Adele but either she is or just can't say No to Adele any better than she could to Ilona.  Why would we expect them to recognize any obligation they should have to those that have paid for that nice apartment they are 'kind of' living in?  They are, quite simply, taking advantage of  everyone...they are....Selfish. There is just so much that is wrong with this whole situation but, others have suggested similar disbelief to no avail.  Nothing good will come of this room and, RLC appears to care less than the girls.  Again...just my opinion..perhaps right on...perhaps misguided.  Night all!

  4. Can anyone explain to me why this is a "Premium" room?  The least RLC could do is change it to the standard room.  Talk about false advertising...

    So, i guess the idea is that RLC wants me, as a visitor, to preview their rooms...especially the 'Premium' rooms and sign up???  Ok, let's say i've previewed this room for the last week?  Really???

  5. Мій Dearest Даная

    Я не впевнений, як би це сказати, так що я буду прямо вперед.

    Адель не добре для вас, вона зробила вас бути кимось, хто ти ні !!!

    Я спостерігав за тобою кожен день, тому що я вуайерист.

    Ви змінили так багато в останні тижні з моменту вашого друга Ілона наліво.

    ЧОМУ ??? Я збентежений. Мені сумно !!!! і я в шоці !!!!

    Ви були стати однією з найпопулярніших дівчат, коли-небудь бути в проекті Барселона.

    Ваша популярність різко знизилася, так як ви стали як Адель.

    Боюся, власники проекту можуть відправити вас додому, як і інші дівчата перед тим, хто тусувалися весь час. Я сумую за тобою Афродіти

    Ми турбуємося за вас, тому що ми дбаємо про вас.

    Дякуємо за поділ так багато про те, хто ви є, деякі з них не скоро забудуть вас !!!

    Я знаю, що ви отримаєте цю інформацію, тому що це дуже важливо !!!!!

    Світ і Любов, бути безпечними і бути щасливим

    Well said...I too am sad...Just when I started to like her, Adele came in..and, she did change and, at least from my perspective, not for the good.

  6. A new girl is definitely needed. I remember when Irma was giving everyone massages then Lilo came and ruined the vibe. With there being no vibe between these girls, a new girl wouldn't ruin anything and would give us a little more flesh to look at! Maybe Adele with rub and shake the new girls tits like she did to Dayana last night.....right in front of the cam!

    than again...they could ruin the new girl...I think they need to get rid of these two and start over.  I'm not sure this apartment is fixable??

  7. Just got here today...based on comments, i assume they're gone again.  Wake up RLC...you're losing membership...I know there will be others but, if treated this way, they will be gone too.  As for Danaya getting passport... :)... as for the shows to placate the viewership, i think i know why they are doing that but, it's not working...as least not for me!  As for those who argue that they are 'visiting' Barcelona and we should expect them to 'party'...i agree...except that they were given a free apartment for another reason and, those of you who are members, paid for that apartment...it's called 'obligation' but i doubt if these girls know the meaning of that word.  As i said before, as a business owner, if i treated my customers with the same disregard at RLC, i wouldn't have a business...nor would i deserve one.  Just my opinions...I enjoy reading your opinions as well.  Have a nice day, i guess.  I can't even understand the dumb TV?????

  8. For the millionth time, these girls are not nor will they ever do anything sexual with each other. EVER!! And if you think RLC is going to make anyone have sex with one another, your best bet is to stop watching this apartment because like I've said countless times before, THESE GIRLS ARE NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING SEXUAL!!"

    And as for the topic of people with differing opinions, I for one am tired of people acting as if because they're just stating their opinion, that it somehow makes them exempt from any kind of argument or criticism. You're posting on a public forum, it's natural and should be obvious that some people are not going to like what you have to say. Granted that people should be more respectful when disagreeing with others instead of downright calling someone names like some people here tend to do because that just shows a lack of maturity, but people really should grow a set of balls and stop acting all girly just because someone disagrees with them.

    thank you...you just made my point.

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