ah leora if I could only hear me and fulfill my desire to see you all but naked sexy heels .... I would be the happiest man in the world. but it has left the sweet thought of you
rlc without leora would be nothing. she is a wonder of nature. if I had here with me I would cover it with gifts and attention. only thing I do not understand is why he never uses sexy stilettos. I would die to see her naked on sexy heels with his wonderful new tattoo masturbates for us ... wow
I'm not talking about rebecca. She is already the past. I value this. and I agree with you that only girl to be confirmed in bc2 is Belle. and I hope to see you again as in the days of lola
in these girls I see myself when I was in the military and was expecting the day to come home .... do not live at the situation as a holiday in Barcelona but as a job. although basically a job is .....
but not see the desolation and sadness in the eyes of Fine? I certainly would like to keep her but with girls enhance it and make it happy. so it is a sadness to see her.
bc1 and bc2 are a real scandal worse than in hospice I already know your standard answer but I would report the discontent of many RLC spectators encountered on various forums. Often we speak not to renew the contract with you. thank you
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I made an account. I believe that adding up the hours in which irma or Ilona wore the pants do not reach 24 throughout their stay! Here some girls wear 24 hours a day! how things change in life RLC HELP US !!!!
But nice that a girl interacts with us !! now I understand why it is so leora wait to satisfy us! just an exhibitionist. but the law only to his apartment?
I love Belle and I still see the night with rebecca megan and lola. and I wish she were still just friends just to prove how sexy woman is. but you can not deny that with Jasmine his fire has gone