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Everything posted by dennisjf12

  1. most guy that do porn, have if I remember right, have a (fluffer) a woman off camera, all she has to do is to keep them hard, Most guys that do porn have to have extreme control to get it up, get it in and get it off on command. I don't know about any drugs, you would have to worry about staying hard for more than 4 hours, that would be a killer for his dick, it is very dangerous to have an erection for 4 hours or more, "look it up" Dennis
  2. Thank you for the cute pictures Dennis
  3. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Hi all On Twitter for voyeur_villa who is Nan nam, also does anybody know, Tver apartment will keep the same name and if they will online of offline during the move, Also Tver cam three Ivo has a hot bowl of something setting between his legs on the chair, this a least the second time I have seen this done with him, what is it for " Also earlier on cam 5, petra did a show, did any body record it, if so can you give a link to it before its gone Thank you Dennis
  4. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    You did not see the last part
  5. I am so sorry, for being a pain in the A., but I am have been so much trouble find things, I wish when they went to this new site, that I would have asked for a refund, I know it sounds like i never finished the third grade, but in 74 I was a high school grad., will the help of some friends I have my dads side of my family tree back to 1550 in Baden, Baden, Germany, and have over 7,000 in my family tree, I have found a very bad mental health problem, come up through my Grand fathers family, that at least affected at least one of his parents and has affected almost every person in his bloodline come up through today, in one form or another, I am the oldest of us three boys, and my next younger brother, has skitsofrantic & bipolar disorder 20 years before my extreme depression & bipolar disorder, with no help of treatment to this date, I have been forced to stop all work on my family tree. At least in my family, I have stopped this madness, for we have had no living children from birth, X 3, Only God knows where it started and only knows where it will stop !!! If you family was a Friedman (nn) and catholic, and was from Germany, not Jewish, and has mental health problems, and live in any part of the US, I would like to hear from you. Dennis Friedman [email protected], my family tree is on Ancestry.com
  6. I keep seeing, VV split xx, or Tver split xx, what does this mean ?,
  7. Tver will be moving very soon, I was told April 10-12th or later, unknown if they will be offline or on or they will have a new name, it was said that new people are coming.
  8. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Not sure but don't think that was Ivo, i thought it was another guy update: the guy that sat in front of the camera that I saw had a blue checkered shirt on, that was Jacky boy friend that spent the hole night with Jacky in Bed. Dennis
  9. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Did anybody notice how dirty everybody got, this is why Patra was crying, she makes sure Tver never gets like this, and yet everybody complains Petra is a wiener,
  10. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    He sure did have a limp dick, after Petra got done with him.
  11. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    I see, but I want to see in the bedroom with petra, I have never been able to see her having sex. Any body ever find a video of here have sex, Please send me a link to it Thank you Dennis
  12. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    The show is over for me, I only have free account
  13. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Any body know what show/chat room petra is doing know
  14. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Posted 24 March · What has happened? Sonya is crying, What all we need and should be doing after a fight with the other half, is make up sex, it bring you closer together, and a lot less unhappy, with a lot less crying, and in the morning you both be in the same bed, after a while, you will find your fighting just for the makeup sex, Dennis
  15. Third picture, throw the boots away, look at how bow legged she is, even the next picture, nude, look at her legs, now look at all the girls above, she will have knee pain by the time shy is forty, and will need new knees by 50, she needs shoe inserts, now, before it is to late, somebody needs to tell her
  16. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    I don't know why everybody is so down on Tver apartments, there is worse things RLC, but I don't go around putting them down, to everybody there own, I only posted this for the people that would like to know, if you spent as much time as I do, there you might understand what is going on, you strike me as the kind of person that only reads 1/2 the book, but yet he knows the hole story. Dennis PS I know I will get in trouble this too, "wrong category" sorry
  17. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Re: Petra was yelling and that always unhappy girl was crying ??? , not sure but, Party was supposed to be at voronezh, she went to check everything, and she had to start cleaning the apartment living room floor, move the table, and start in the bedrooms, not sure what all else she had to do, but I also seen her afterwards, and she was not happy, what I did see her do she was doing by herself.
  18. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    any sex in petra room please record
  19. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    If there is sex in the bedrooms tonight, please can someone you record it. Thank you
  20. dennisjf12

    Tver - Split 4

    Party getting ready to start at VV to night at Voronezh for all of VV to night tver apartment people will be moving, Ivo & Soyna are looking at new places
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