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Everything posted by happyman88

  1. Very interesting, thanks Kitek. You know it always puzzles me how all the girls meet with any of the guys. Belle was up and out early so the meeting must have been pre-arranged maybe yesterday so I'm guessing it must be some kind of dating site for Barcelona? This must be what the pics are that they are always showing each other on their phones to see what the other girls think of them.
  2. Lola's friend is very nice, not overly pretty but attractive and Lola does appear to have an attraction for her with her little gropes and flicks of her nipples. It's a pity she couldn't replace amateur cam girl Rebecca or the forever virginal Megan
  3. Well strike me down with a feather! That camel toe is a beauty to behold; why is it that a cameltoe can sometimes look more sexy than the bare model? Quite extraordinary
  4. You're right, Belle is actually proving herself to be something of a revelation and seems to have come of age over this weekend. She's very pretty and her nipples are superb for a lass of such a slight frame. The future is looking promising
  5. But have Ilona and Irma left Barcelona for sure; that's the $64,000 question
  6. She most certainly would. I'm going to take a break for dinner
  7. Yes it would, so I'm also guessing you remember back to my posts concerning Dayana in her early day? I still believe the sooner Anna comes back (which I reckon will be tomorrow evening) and takes Belle under her wing then the better it will be for her even though Anna does appear to be more streetwise than her demure appearance suggests
  8. Thank you very much for this Kitek and this might give more meaning now as a reason why Belle stayed out all night last night. I think as a father of two daughters I look on these situations in a more paternal sense. We are not bothered about the younger girls going out and enjoying themselves but returning at 10.45 in the morning after being out all night is a more worrying situation for their welfare. As I've said on earlier occasions when these matters occur, we don't know the girls and never will and we are just observers on the outside of the goldfish bowl but one can't help but feel concerned.
  9. in fact it even pre-dates the dvd; I've found it in the loft and it's a VHS Video cassette; jeez don't it make you feel old!
  10. thanks Mikey for reminding me of when she was there in the great city. I think I've even got the concert on dvd somewhere.
  11. Lo Lo Lo Lo Lola - for me you are, as the other great lady says, Simply the Best. For anyone to have the endurance to masturbate continuously for over an hour and with multiple orgasms I find quite extraordinary and a joy to watch and during the last orgasm her nipples were so extended and erect, you could hang your coat on them. Of course it would be better if the sheet was thrown to the side for an open bate then your wonderful pussy lips would be on display but then Rome wasn't built in a day. Forget the negativity from some Lola, in my book you are the Queen of the Baterthon.
  12. Very, very true - they are a truly beautiful and fascinating species and I love (most of) them but I've found to my cost to never try to understand how their inner mind really works.
  13. holy moly - she must have seen your drawing Thes and needed to go to the bath to check out her geography LOL
  14. Thanks for the insight to the psychology of the young female mind Thes; I've never been able to understand them
  15. It's OK here Mike and that's with snail pace broadband in rural Scotland although I couldn't open your attachment just now but I could open Lyree's Maybe it's the .gif extension?
  16. ... and then of course she went for a second helping with the five fingered widow albacore, either due to a technical fault with the balls or she couldn't figure out how to use them properly
  17. that's cruel Mikey for someone who missed it LOL, damn glad I caught i live - lucky us is what I say.
  18. ..... until Stella found Irma's magic duo balls then it was melt down time. One apartment goes to sleep and the other comes awake - and how !!!
  19. Sorry guys but I have to disagree here; opening barca2 in my opinion was a good move. All the girls have different characters and there has been bonding between different couples and threesomes. e.g. Anna bonded with Lola and still does even though she appears to be forming a bond with Belle. Lola bonded with Polya when they were at barca1 and who knows if they still see each other when they are out at night and now Polya is bonding with Stella. When they are each in their own apartments they will do their own thing. It's like any bunch of friends who live in the same city, they will team up and go out and maybe stop over or go back to their own place. If you had an apartment in Madrid there are still places of entertainment there and it's on the same time zone so you'd still have empty apartments for many hours of the day. Polya and Stella had the place to themselves last night and look at the performance that generated! At least with this arrangement, we're still seeing all the girls chilling out which will do for me. Don't worry winter will be here soon and too cold for the beach so you'll be seeing more of them all then.
  20. ha ha yes you're right Nold, it's just as well I'm retired and thankfully don't need to live to a diary any more
  21. What a crazy night, it had all the makings of another Wonderful Wednesday but ended up, in my eyes, as a Nearly Night. Who would have thought that the most mature of them would be the one to get most drunk and throw up. The fancy dress performance I thought was great with one of the best bits seeing Rebecca nearly freak out at the carry on. I guess the antics were all too much for the lil' ol' country gal. Megan nearly bated but either passed out or chickened out before anything happened. Thunder thighs Desiree nearly bated but was too tired probably from all the other ones she'd had during the day. Did Anna nearly make it with Belle or was holding hands and kissing just being comforting? Polya didn't try but left the stage to Stella who nearly made it twice, firstly with the duo balls and then the five finger widow. I guess she found them difficult to use as did Irma. The star of last night though has to go to Stella who really opened up - literally! The performance with the balls was a joy to watch and she appears to be a natural and has taken about the same time to loosen up as did Polya. Where did Anna and Lola go this early morning for 2 1/2 hours - who knows; breakfast on Las Ramblas maybe! Anna, Belle and Stella in barca1 bodes well for the future so let's hope they are all on the longest available visa
  22. think we will be disappointed - no Wednesday party at home this week,
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