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Everything posted by MrFlexxy

  1. I've missed watching her these last few days! I'm just hoping Radi leaves soon so I can watch again, I'm sure there's plenty of people that have enjoyed having her there though.
  2. Fiora's going to be there all day trying to get all that stuff out of the pool 😄
  3. Villa roof raining in again in H/T's room next to the wardrobes, they really need to get that fixed
  4. Yeah, she's struggled with her mood for this whole stay. She said so herself that her mood is up and down all the time during English months ago. It was telling that during English homework ages ago with Tweety, her joke answer for what she couldn't live without on a deserted island was SSRI's and Men 😄
  5. I give it 15 mins till the oils are out. She’s too predictable. I can’t watch anything Radi is part of, she’s the only person in RLC history that I actually dislike. I should just stop talking about her
  6. Guess it’s time for Radi to turn Kristy into her next target 😁
  7. None of us know what any of them say behind each other’s backs. Everyone seems to blame Lorraine for everything that happens, but Radi is the one they’ve all been arguing with and avoiding, not Lorraine 🤷‍♂️
  8. Pretty sure they just went out shopping for food, Holly took the trolly thing they always take when they do
  9. I has thinking the other day when Holly was cleaning stuff, I've seen all of the other people in the villa cleaning it, hoovering etc, but I've never once seen Radi cleaning anything.
  10. A lot of them call each other their real names randomly. They probably just don't speak English that much because it's a second language to them. Would be nice if they did though, I've enjoyed Holly and Tweety doing English lessons, been fun learning more about them.
  11. Yeah I do know what you mean, but at the same time, I'm still enjoying them. I'm not great at putting stuff into words, but I do believe the dynamic between them would have turned out different had Radi not pushed her way between them at every opportunity. It got to the point where I could predict down to the minute when Radi was going to get off her bed and knock on their door and stick her head round acting like she was randomly saying hello, when she'd been watching the cams waiting for them to get on the bed. It happened time and time again, whenever they got comfy together, laughing, having fun, here comes Radi. But we can't change what's already happened, so we'll never know!
  12. She broke up with a guy just before this stay, she was struggling when she got here. Tweety originally came here to help her and cheer her up, which is why they were in B1 instead of the Villa to start with, I'm guessing Tweety wasn't planning on staying.
  13. She's learning English, studying astrology and working toward opening a Lingerie business. A lot of the art work she's doing is to help her with the design side of it. All this was said in English classes.
  14. Holly did go back to Ukraine. She was in Kyiv before coming back to Barcelona for this stay 🙂
  15. Maybe I worded that badly, wasn't meant be drama 😆 I meant I'd like to see them in an apartment in the city rather than in the villa
  16. I’d honestly prefer it if Holly/Tweety were out of the villa, think it’d suit them much better. People seem to think the villa is the cool place, but most of the time it’s filled with drama
  17. I keep forgetting it’s not RLC that control the website, it’s been Tweety being slow updating it all these years!
  18. All good bud, just not a fan of people telling other people how they live their lives is "wasters", tells me too much about a persons personality. I shouldn't have said anything, it's not going to change how you treat people😄
  19. What's a proper job? Should everyone be a doctor? or an Engineer? Is everyone that is part of the entertainment world wasters as well? You're here calling girls wasters while also paying to watch them. Sigh. Come back when you complete "Maturin"
  20. A lot of these girls are directly affected by what you speak of. Wasters? they're trying to live their lives like the rest of us. Maybe don't sub to RLC and instead donate that money to a charity that's helping Ukraine.
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