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Everything posted by MrFlexxy

  1. Loraine just told Luna that Holly and Tweety are coming back with friends soon
  2. Holly's been super happy and giggly all morning, appears she's pretty happy with the people in B7
  3. Explains why Holly and Tweety changed their plans of coming
  4. Tweety just confirmed big party tonight with a costume theme, all apartments will be going
  5. From the conversation Tweety had with Luna before, looks like she's not going anywhere and just using the cases as a way to manage her cloths. Also sounded like she's going to continue sleeping with Holly
  6. I didn't see her when she was with Zac but from the conversations these last few days she seems like a really nice girl
  7. Nice that Luna can talk to most of them, great that we can actually understand some conversations as well
  8. Holly cheering up Tweety this morning, Tweety's been on the phone with her mum a lot the past few days, could be some family issues? Would explain why she's been sleeping in Holly's bed the past few days still
  9. No, she's definitely English. They were asking what she eats in England, and her accent isn't something you'd have as a Spanish native
  10. Tweety has packed a lot of stuff, so she's going to be away a long time. The theory of Luna taking her room till she's back could be right, doesn't make sense to let her go away again and leave a room empty for a long time
  11. Pretty sure Tweety isn't leaving, just another holiday. Holly and her were looking at hotel's a few days ago
  12. If she wanted help, she'd ask. I think it's more that she enjoys doing stuff and keeping busy, it's just who she is. Plus it was probably Holly who ordered the plants
  13. Not suited for what you enjoy, very much suited for what some of us do
  14. Shows this move was only decided in the last few days, only had those pictures put up last week, already taking them down Bogdan will be thrilled that he has to hang them again 😄
  15. Time for a plot twist - Radi comes back and takes the master bedroom 😆
  16. Does look like Tweety is leaving. Probably the reason why Holly is being moved, she probably won't be to happy about it, but she'll manage 😄
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