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Posts posted by david_d

  1. BTW, how long do you have to be a member at CC until you are not a newbie anymore?

    Do you know something we don't know? Just curious.

    It´s not rocket science, RLC has changed Noras name from her old room to Alisas room.

    the bedroom with cam 5 and 6 is still the nora's room on RLC. THe bedroom of alisa was the bedrom with cam 7 and 8 (you can see  under the plan of the appartment). Nothing has changed and the appartment is still under maintenance

    Yes you are right, sorry my mistake

    You study certainly no rocket science indeed.

  2. Well, you pretty much got the whole job right there. Oh, and I want to mention some funny quotes;

    "Let me see your head..[guy talks], lol two heads". She is funny though.

    But, she is quite a easy to get girl jugded by this (lovely)action of her.

    And, she talked about (also a bit funny) that probably a lot would watch this, and that she not wanted to think about that part. Lol.

  3. I think we don´t see her touch tonight :-\

    May be or may be not. I think that in the last night she had not any sexual purpose or the pursuit to enjoyment, she just posed for us.

    I saw that she made a picture of herself with her stuffed animal. I saw that in a conversiation modus, so I guess she send it to him. And that conversation was a few times on her phone, mayb something in that conversation that turned her on or something. Hope we'll see it again, or she has to quit talking to him :D

  4. If you guys were listening to her speak she went in there so she could tell her guy friend about RLC, he saw the cameras while she was showing him her drums and he kept asking her about them but she said to him that she has to go into a room without cameras to tell him about them because she can't talk about RLC to him on Camera,I think she would have gotten in trouble with RLC if she did.

    I Only captured the last thing she said. "I can't tell you, wait for 2 minutes, then I tell you", something like that. But I guess she talked earlier about it, and kept saying she was telling about it when she was visiting him. But what If he know's and he get a premium account and watch her, that would be weird right? Is that allowed? I always questioned about that kinda stuff.

  5. if i catch Alisa masturbate, i would share the Videos. I guess this is the reason why we here at CC. Do what you want lucky guys who have Videos, but when nobody share it, this forum is lame. In german we say; then is this forum for the ass.

    It's the fact that nobody want's to get banned, and if someone with no posts asks me to share, tell me one good reason to share with somebody like that or share when people bag me with nothing in return?

    I share, but only what I want, and trade with people personaly. Sharing stuff on forums like this I would NEVER do, so you know.

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