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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. 4 minutes ago, nack said:

    That was a flash in the pan i guess.There haven't been many men there, since that incident. It can happen though !!

    They have housekeeping so why not a maintenance all i seen of him is fixing the camera a doing odd job around the apt. My be he don't stay there. You no Rlc would put the apt UM for some one to come in a fix thing and clean. My be this new site don't hide ever thing like RLC

  2. 3 minutes ago, Voyeur House TV said:

    Nope, our pricing is not going to the same level as theirs. We adjust our prices as more apartments are being added to VHTV just to cover the payouts to our participants. The next pricing increase will be 39.95 for 30 Days of Premium. We believe in adequate pricing at VHTV. Please enjoy.

    Talking about RLC, as soon as we reach the same amount of apartments and more, you will not pay for the apartments you don't watch. Nifty, isn't it? :)

    That good I only watch a girls apt so i won't pay much

  3. 19 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Wahts the purpose for bringing a guy in a appartement with a couple who do not swap partners? Volga would be the better option for him. Makes no sense to me.

    This is what vv won't guys not girl

  4. 5 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    Lol she was there only for shower and sleep anyways.

    Just got up and did/t she her stuff in the closet and she left her dishes at the end of the couch and she good at putting them in the sink. I did see her come home

  5. 1 minute ago, happyone said:

    Here you go Ed2 just for you IMHO NO way-laughing my ass off emoticon

    So these girls can't fuck out said the apt they have to bring them back to the apt. Don't you ever think that these girls won't some privacy .Just because Rose and Jas did some last night there going to keep going just for use. My be they don't won't it all over social media that they brought guy home and fuck him My be they won't to have sex with cover and the camera. Thinking with your dick again

  6. 1 minute ago, happyone said:

    laughing my ass off emoticon you need the facts that the guy covered up the cams first--UM was not so Vanessa could have sex :angry:


    I got the facts but Vanessa has been with RLC long enough to no better and Vanessa was the one that call them. I think the gay did't trust RLC to put it UM or trust Vanessa to call them. He can't call them he not on the list and they my not wanted to wait till it went UM

  7. Ever one in Voyeur Villa is over a dubna apt except one MONA why is that . She must be special and all the guys in dubna are wearing cock sock. Just what i won't to see. NOT. Why to go VV this is going to get a lot of new viewer. NOT

  8. If you are waiting on this apt to come up with a good meal you starve to death.  All they have in this apt is cover dishes.They don't even have appetizers. LOL

    • Upvote 1
  9. That should be in your rule book. Rule #1 Look up the word Voyeurism. Rule #2 this is what we won't out of you. #3 If you can not perform Voyeurism out in the open not cover up or have thing blocking the view then please don't sign up for our program and please don't ban people for speaking openly if you don';t like what they say. All we trying to do is make you a better web site

  10. 1 minute ago, VoyeurVillaNews said:

    It turned out that Girls are having too big tits for the rumba dancing, so only Lisa could dance nude. :biggrin:

    Sorry nude to me is having nothing on so they was just topless not nude and there was plenty of time they could have gone nude but they chose not to so they made VV look like fool. Have them look up the word Voyeurism and my be they can figure out why they  are there and also figure out it a business

    • Upvote 1
  11. 40 minutes ago, VoyeurVillaNews said:



    Sorry, the promised not completed by the tenants. Guess they changed their mind :blush:

    This is not how you are going to make any money & get new paying viewer. You need to throw out the rule book that you made & start over. There need to be consequences for there action. They have nothing to lose but VV has a hell of a lot to lose. You are letting these girls run the VV & they will run it down to the ground if you let them. It your web site not there. You are the one that won't to make money & sexual activities is what make money & having a girl like Mona will run customers off. There 3 more voyeur web site  that we can go to to get what we won't.You now have serious competition and you going to let the tenant run your business. It a voyeur site the girl no what there getting in to so they need to get with program or not sign up

  12. like you all say you can't understand a women well i can;t understand men that carry on over nothing. The way some of you talk you never ever had a women before so i guess this shit is exciting to you or you are marry and she pay no attention to you and i don't have RLC but i have 2 other site and i don't get work up over them But i am a women so this shit don't phase me and for Blue it just some thing to pass the day by. Blue junk don't work from the stroke

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  13. Let see Gina and Lola go to the laundry room to bate Rose and Jas hide behind the sink counter with there back turn to bate. And Belle kind of use her legs to hide her bate and Violetta wear pajamas all the time so all you got is Polya once in a while so i see nothing to get work up over. It seem if one of the girl goes around the apt nude that the greatest thing in the world. If you go to Dj site and look at Car,Jas,Rose new girl & Belle You see the new girl and Belle is the prettiest girls there

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