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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. Not that I heard about. She has only a show with the Bolshoi which requires short hair. So the battle is Kami against the other girls who are trying to convince her to wear a short wig for the show. Kami is changing her mind every hour, or even less :" Yes, I wil take a wig, no I am going to cut my hair"... At the same time, playing with her long hair... I hope she wil keep her long hair, at least one third of her real beauty.
  2. Kami's mommy also, she feeds her, cuddles her, helps her, advises her... Kami has strong needs of attention. Kaley is perfect and she loves Kristy too.
  3. Kristy is doing Kami's bed, even if the sheets are not really dry, it should mean, as Ridgerunner thought, that she is coming back in the night.
  4. Yes, they should make party alcohol free... and young boys free also. Only old people from AAA.
  5. Kami, wrote RLC in a mail, will be gone for 4 days, from next friday to monday. I heard a few days ago her english BF talking about meeting her in Switzerland with his friends.
  6. Listening to Kami, who immediately showed to Yula that there was no white gap anymore where she parts her hair on top of her head (the hair massage filled that) so listening to Kami the hairdresser was not keen at all to cut all her hair. I just hope the girls will be able to talk of something else now and that Kami will understand that she has no choice but to be a very beautiful with long hair. She is not in a bad mood anymore.
  7. Kami phoned Yula from the hairdresser, Yula became a little mad at her, tell her not to cut her hair, just doing the "massage" provided and find herself a wig for her show. Kami isn't sure of herself at all. It seems that Yula convinced her not to cut and she is again searching the internet for a wig for her friend. Just wait and see. The first time I see and heard Yula losing her temper. Those Russian are much nicer then us.
  8. 17:04 Kami left officially to cut her long hair short.... They have been talking mostly of that the last days, she decided firmly herself yesterday night, and no one could anymore make her change her mind. She took an appointment a little bit after waking up and then she is gone. She doesn't look happy at all, she is even really pissed. We will see if she changes her mind once with the hairdresser... I hope that she takes care of her hair and doesn't come back looking like a semi-bald parrot... (she is supposed to go to a special haircare place).
  9. Yuri talks a lot, for sure, takes a lot of place, and Kami and Kaley got bored, (and me too as he is covering the other's voices). That doesn't mean he is immature, just a a seller... By the way, Kami changed again her mind about the future of her hair.... She said again this afternoon that she is a victim of a virus which forces her to want to cut her hair and that she is struggling against it (ie, taking a lot of selfies showing her long hair). Anyway, hair discussion takes the lead in this apartment. But Kaley (her real name keeps coming under my fingers) is changing things, cooking, feeding well Kami, taking care of her, loving her and managing Kristy. A real full time work !
  10. Yes, the updates about her hair are boring and I try to give very little of it, but it tells a lot of Kami's state of mind. She is not well. Fucking on the kitchen table is not bad at all, it is cleaner then eating on it...
  11. You are wrong, the immature is Kami : shy, unable to give articulate answers. She was almost speechless, listening to a man like a little girl. Yuri owns and art gallery and has faith in himself, he is not a kid, even if he has not a manager haircut. Kami is lost, no work anymore for the moment, just this small Bolshoi project which takes all her brain. Kristy and Kaley try hard to put some reason, logic, in her mind, but she is becoming more and more obsessed by her hair, her new look to be, and changes very often her mind. Yesterday, she was firmly decided to cut it all, Kristy managed to convince the Bolshoi to make her look not like a boy but like a bohemian, which implies no wig and more hair. Still, she wants now a "studio cut" - she said it this night in the bathroom before leaving. Kami planned to make a trip in Europe but she was seemingly forbidden to leave by RLC, and stop talking about it and to make phone calls to travel agencies. Kristy and Kaley are becoming very intimate. Kristy touched Kaley's naked breast under the T-shirt two days ago and went even between her thights under the blanket in the living room. Kaley was pantyless, and Kami was falsely scandalised, smiling. Kaley is a bit reluctant, but less and less each day...
  12. Kami and Kaley left together, Kaley still looking for a wig for Kami and her show, Kami still threatening to cut her hair if she doesn't find any. But she is less tense. Yesterday night Kami was at the Bolshoi, Kristy joined her.
  13. Kami cleaned it, it is drying in the bathroom. Kami left around 8:30 PM, hair washed, full of energy, that is good for her. With Kristy and Kaley she has to go back to life... and stop her hair neurosis.
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