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Everything posted by Beldonn1

  1. It's Yuri, via Noldus, who wrote that, and the Sotchi thing was between the first and 11th of this month. What you write is making sense, but Kami is normally due to go on stage on the 16th and 17th, if I got it right. It seems strange. Maybe she will go, I heard her talking about Sotchi. I don't know who is Christian, could be the sister's husband.
  2. I really don't know what she is going to do about her hair. She seems to change her mind everyday. I think also she is depressed, changing quickly of mood, laughting, crying, and she is quite difficult to handle for the other girls. My theory is that she is going on the stage as a boy, a tomboy, but she doesn't like the wig as she wants to be the most beautiful girl on the stage. Most of all she wants to be famous, at almost any cost. But I like her and I don't want her to hurt herself.
  3. The suitcase is full of crowns, for a show I guess. She made also a few calls, looking for a haircut session (stritch sessin in russian)... with no success. Now, she is back to bed and to sleep.
  4. Kami up at 8:40 Kristy posted some photo of junk food, she packed a lot of clothes before leaving, she must be with her family.
  5. End of the hair story for Kami, at least it seems, but we will see that tonight. Yesterday morning she had an argument with Kristy as she was supposed to go the Bolchoi and cut her hair short. Kami answered they were going to examine her hair before doing anything, Kristy being as everybody around her against this haircut. She posted a photo of her with a wig, like a beatles haircut, above her long hair hanging around and a mask, an old photo. The hairdresser just gave her a shampoo, she said on the phone, for greasy hair I guess. Kristy on the phone again was happy for her. She also got a phone call of a woman talking about a "dance contract" in russian but it is the same in english - but she put immediately the sound off. Kami is lying a lot, could be to hide the fact that she isn't that smart. Kristy seems to do the thinking. Nice video also on her social of the cat finally discovering the hamster and putting his nose near the cage. The cat was more scared than the hamster... Just now, the alarm at 8:30, four hours after getting eventually to sleep...
  6. They shoud get the help of the hamster, free him in the bathroom and see if the cat has still some guts...
  7. The girls have been searching the bathroom.... I know they are not very good, but still... When did you see the cat ?
  8. Indeed, but it is what happen when a good castrated male is supposed to live with naughty girls... How am I going to do it, he said to himself, I should better hide !
  9. Are the mods supposed to tell us who we are supposed to like or not ? There is no voyeur in RLC as the tenants know and can see they are under cams and act accordingly, some of them fucking all the day and night long to deserve their appartment and their wages. So the only interesting thing in RLC is the life of the tenants of this appartment. Kami has a life, as Kristy and Heidi. I like to know what they are doing, to understand what they are talking about, knowing that they decide mostly what to show of their life, on RLC or on their social. The only girls roomates theme is for me the most interesting, and the fact that Kami, Kristy and Heidi are in some way in the show business is even more interesting because less predictable. The couples are boring, B1 and B2 is really too fake for me, even some of the girls are funny and nice. But it becomes also too predictable. So the real thing is the Moscow appartment, the lives of the three girls and most of it the ups and downs of Kami. Many friends also are coming to this flat, more than in others. There is here something which is more like reallife than anywhere else. The mods (not all of them, for sure) want to make this site about sex only, they are in the sex business, not in the life business. They seem to despise the tenants. So, let those mods get out of this appartment as they don't understand and don't appreciate what RLC is meant to be about. And I tell them to stop insulting those who don't share their opinions - as CC rules it.
  10. Yes, the cat will have a friend to play with when the girls are away... But it looks like a fat castrated pet.
  11. No, she said that Moscow under the rain will look soon as this thaï see... She is with Kami, could be blocked by the flood, which happens quite often in Moscow. Put the sound on, you can hear some thunder...
  12. I don't think she cut anything this night, only did photos. By the way, the replay is out on most of the cams, not only in this appartment.
  13. Kami and Yula are not yet back at 08 :15, but Kami published on her social a photo of her and a girl and a bottle of booze: Kami with a new brushing, no haircut, alll hair on oneside. It looks like the photo shooting of her hair she talked of before getting the final haircut.
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