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Posts posted by Suckfootsoles

  1. 11 hours ago, eagleb1 said:

    Why do you respond to this person?  He is clearly unhinged.


    16 hours ago, Maturin said:

    Why are you waiting for that and how long do you think you'll have to wait for? Do you have other goals in life?

    Obiviously you got the same goals reading this shit just as I have.  This is free speech I know is nor allowed in the new Caliphate, the terrorist mayor says everything under control lying sack of shit..

  2. You socialists EU  and NY dems whose chicken shit party sends in a murderer to kill republicans at a ballpark and Hillary killing Libyan Ambassador and CIA guards dish it out but cannot take it, love it.  You dems also support BLM who want to kill cops, you never hear the coverage on the fake news networks.  Obozo gives pallets of cash to Iran?  no investigation, well Mueller will get to all democrat cover ups, and Susan Rice will lie about that even.  Oh, dems you need 1000 more Investigative teams to look for that Trump Russian collusion there is nothing there there, idiots.

  3. 7 hours ago, eagleb1 said:

    Why do you respond to this person?  He is clearly unhinged.

    Typical liberal leftist democrat elitist whose mayor flies to Germany on the taxpayer dime for no official business?  de Blasio is a psycho, but you dems love to pay all those taxes in NYC. Giuliani cleaned it up, but another dem mayor comes in and raises crime, gives to the unions, defers maintenance to public transportation, oh god.


  4. 7 hours ago, eagleb1 said:

    Why do you respond to this person?  He is clearly unhinged.

    Is Ireland and Scotland part of your United Kingdom of ISIS?  That is ISIS practice to let Charlie Gard die, your new Caliphate is in swing, you guys allowed this to happen.  Thank god Trump will skip this island of death and ignore whoever the PM biotch is.

  5. An American doctor is going to the new Caliphate to try and save Charlie Gard, social medicine does not work, rationed care, have to wait months for treatment and since no one has a defense budget where that money goes to healthcare still people have wait, are denied care. "Oh our healthcare is cheaper than U.S."  Socialists medicine is rationed that is what makes it cheaper, denying simple procedures for the sick.  How sickening, pay your share even more to NATO.  U.S needs to pulls all forces out of EU and put them in Taiwan for China and the South China Sea.  How come liberal Aussie Prime Min. Sucks his balls not doing any spying on the South China Sea? they are closer, we have to his do it because Sucks his balls is a pussy.  This is NATO, shit break it up worthless.  Taiwan would love to have U.S. military there.  And closure would include military base Northwest on Aussie land, put there by fucking 1/2 cracker head Obozo with the physco wife and jutjob kids like Chelsea who runs the money laundering pay to play foundation.  Bill goes there to have sex with the interns with cigars.

  6. On 4/8/2017 at 1:40 PM, StnCld316 said:

    Browser Add-Ons are usually the underlying cause of most problems when it comes to viewing live streams.  These Browser makers sure didn't do the Internet World any favors.

    I'd say they should eliminate Browser Add-Ons altogether.

    Do you know of good flash substitute for iphone that are free and somewhat reliable?  Would love to peek on the rlc view times a day at work since i have lte network not monitored at work.  Thanks. I 

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