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Everything posted by MoritzMax

  1. Visit to Amira and Karina without Serafima: Amira lay Topless on the back, Frank massaged her and quickly was the hand of Amira with Frank in the panties Unfortunately veto from Jenn
  2. Amira, Karina and Daisy in # B4 promise more for a knitting night Mira and Oksi get up, you have to go to the party, without you it will be a "mourning evening"
  3. Serafima cleaning lady in the Christmas costume, very much
  4. I got an ice cream with cream. It gets too hot in # B1 with the two Christmas women
  5. Was soll diese ewige Antipathie gegen Oksi, wir wissen, dass einige User sie nicht mögen. Es ist Langweilig in jedem "dritten" Tweet von immer den gleichen User zu lesen "Wie Scheiße" Oksi ist. Mila und Oksi sind das "Paar" in #B4 bis sich ein neues "Paar" bildet oder die Regie eine neue Paarung bildet. Keine Bange, Mila beherrscht das "Wechselspiel" What is this eternal antipathy to Oksi, we know some users do not like them. It's boring to read in each "third" tweet from always the same user "How shit" Oksi is. Mila and Oksi are the "couple" in # B4 until a new "couple" forms or the director makes a new mating. Do not worry, Mila dominates the "interplay"
  6. Elvira is melancholy, she will think of her family on Christmas Eve.🎅 We stand by you, tomorrow the world is alright again☀️
  7. Oksi is possessive, intrusive, a little too rash for Mila. Mila will take her liberties when offered
  8. Occasionally, the oracles and glass balls should be replaced, is like a weather forecast, nothing is correct. 😊🤔
  9. Oksi and Mila get on wonderfully, there's no girl coming in that fast.😁 Do not even think Elvira likes girls 🌹
  10. Mila and Oksi seem to be old friends, quite the opposite as desired.😁😁😁
  11. Daisy is like a foreign body at the party, the girls in the party dress, Daisy goes for a jog
  12. Unfortunately not, or good? Daisy has tied herself to her bed
  13. Who else comes from the party girls? RLC - Daisy please move to # B1
  14. Mila, that gives hope for sexy parties, well, if she gives herself well with Elvira. Mila, das gibt Hoffnung für sexy Partys, na gut, wenn sie sich gut mit Elvira versteht.
  15. Also enough for # B1 at the moment 😁
  16. "Warten und Tee trinken" ist ein Synonym womit wir in Deutschland zum Ausdruck bringen: "Nicht voreilig eine Meinung zu einer Person bilden." Der Übersetzer verfälscht den Sinn "Waiting and drinking tea" is a synonym with which we in Germany express: "Do not make a hasty opinion about a person." The translator falsifies the meaning
  17. 👍 Manchmal muss was gesagt werden nur um was zu sagen. Laima ist gerade angekommen, nicht jeder kann sofort "explodieren". Abwarten und Tee trinken, ich werde mir meine Meinung nach der ersten , zweiten Party mit oder ohne sie bilden. Sometimes something has to be said just to say something. Laima has just arrived, not everyone can "explode" immediately. Wait and drink tea, I think I will form the first, second party with or without them.
  18. "Daisy is back" - and hopefully get away quickly.
  19. Elvira hat es drauf, alles was sich "versenken" lässt sollte sich heute vor Elvira in Acht nehmen.😀 Elvira has it, everything that "sinks" should take care of Elvira today.😀
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