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Everything posted by MoritzMax

  1. Ever thought that maybe it's Sophie's older sister? Striking similarities
  2. Have a nice trip Anabella arrive well and determined again here at RLC. You are a girl you want to see again
  3. Noldus, I hope you made the best substitution in # B4.๐Ÿ˜ A mix of seasoned RLC girls and "newbies"
  4. Maybe today comes the "Gang" from # B1 to visit. The "Lover-Boy's" will - If they come - certainly bring "good things from the bag" --- Or "farewell dinner" for # B2 today in # B4 โ“
  5. Stella is full to the stand-up collar, not only with alcohol. Your time has expired. RLC should quit her job
  6. Stella is full up to the stand-up collar, not just with alcohol. It should be replaced as soon as possible by RLC
  7. Stella is the kind of woman that nobody needs. I never liked her. She is an evil for RLC. It's about time someone intervened.
  8. Jessica needs a man๐Ÿ˜‚ Hello RLC, you still have a "Stecher" in stock - Or?
  9. Maybe once a month, they can put the boys on a girl As a bonus for example ๐Ÿ˜‚
  10. Sie mussten erst ihren Haupt-Job erledigen. ๐Ÿ˜ Jetzt ist es Zeit fรผr die Runde bei RLC ----- Sara arbeitet gut mit, gute Noten in Pflicht und Kรผr. Stella kommt nicht auf den Punkt, austauschbar. ----- They had to do their main job first. Now it's time for the round at RLC ----- Sara works well, good grades in duty and freestyle. Stella does not get to the point, interchangeable. Die Show muss weitergehen - The show has to continue
  11. Belle und Nate sind "Schall und Rauch" sie sind weg und das ist sehr gut ! Aktuell ist Angelina Auf das sie aus #B3 eine Lusthรถhle macht.๐Ÿ˜„ Belle and Nate are 'sonic and smoke' they are gone and that is very good! Currently Angelina is Hope she makes #B3 a pleasure cave.
  12. So kann es weitergehen bei RLC Mรคdchen, die ihre " Stecher " mit in die Wohnung bringen. Jede Show ist gut, wenn sie nicht als "Show" vorab erkannt wird. Leider setzt RLC zu oft auf die falschen Mรคdchen. So it can go on at RLC Girls who bring their 'Stecher' into the apartment. Every show is good if it is not recognized as a 'show' in advance. Unfortunately, RLC relies too often on the wrong girls.
  13. Damira is missing with the 'gentlemen'. She would probably serve both at the same time.
  14. Well, let's hear some old users here ๐Ÿ˜‰ 'Old women' to the recycling women to say๐Ÿคญ
  15. It can be assumed that RLC has opened his 'OldieThek'. New girls need the land. What do you want for 19.95 euros per month. Even in 'Old Germany' costs a 'curb swallow' more.
  16. First comes Stella, now Jessica. What a descent of this apartment in a week.๐Ÿคข When Sara leaves the apartment in the near future, we will get the first RLC retirement home after collecting the next 'return'. Well, the RLC costs only 19.95 euros, more is not worth it at the moment.
  17. With the many "repetitions" of the girls - they are getting older - RLC must necessarily set up an "RLC Senior Home". #B00 Suitable for the users of the "first day"
  18. Aurora, come back. You forgot to take Stella with you ๐Ÿ™‚ Goodbye Aurora, you were an asset in # B1. With the us Sara it was top mood. Come home well and come back if possible. You are a girl who is welcome and allowed to come back.
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