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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. It happens with esmi ALOT!!!! Happened with leora quite often before Paul got there, but the stooges here think we should be as ok as they are with the bullshit!!!
  2. He's home more than the other sister that's part of the project! Fucking waste of space she is!!
  3. With her bags????????? Please say with her bags!
  4. can we have someone from management ask him this lol,i like super samson though,but he really DOES behave like a fucking caveman sometimes!!😄
  5. fucking hilarious!!!!!!....she sniffed herself the 1st day she got here as well😆
  6. Thought it was my phone that was messing up!! 😆 🤣 it's confirmed then, zoom function is no more 😢
  7. Isn't this the girl that was sleeping in Lilith's room the past few nights? If she is, she and Tim fooled around before their session tonight...
  8. Perfect way to treat a fucking creep!!! Bogdan shouldn't have left him in a house with only women though!!
  9. I'm pretty sure bogs was the one who invited him, forgot to take him when he left?? He's such a creep....
  10. I see that no bj is the topic, but I'm more shocked by the fact that they didn't use a condom🤨, but good session tho (I'm not a big fan of condoms either)😆
  11. It really pisses me off that ESMI hasn't packed her shit and heading out the door instead of mathilda!!!🤬🤬🤬
  12. Baby Thor just won't stop with the bullshit won't he!!!!
  13. Without baby Thor acting like a dick,good for him!!! 👏 👏
  14. Baby Thor has arrived!!!! In time to fuck things up!!!!!
  15. She can live anywhere she pleases, as long as it's not here!! 😡
  16. Why trinity didn't take her freeloading roommate with her?!
  17. Is that the tall chick from deuce Bigelow in the kitchen right now? 😆 🤣
  18. Seems like Tim might be in for a dose of 'blue balls'.... it's a great start from the new girl tho!! 100x better than freeloading esmi!!!
  19. There are people here that are happy with those do nothings being here!! Matter of fact they'd be furious if they were to leave, cunts!!
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