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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. Kimb seems to have set her sights on anthony...this could be interesting 🤔
  2. I honestly hope they make it as a couple,they're cute together.....🥰
  3. What a day to get out of the hospital!! After having a catheter in for a week I hope I'm not too sore to jack off to what looks like an epic 3sum when I get home later!! Masha 💘
  4. The unpredictably of masha is why I fucking love RLC!!!
  5. I have no capturing software, and besides VHTV has an archive so it's relatively easy to access missed events.... but I'm still thankful to you and others that provide video and picture captures!
  6. I meant finally they returned to VHTV, relax bro...
  7. The free beds can be overlooked if there was more action taking place, my sub ended Tuesday, don't intend to resub anytime soon, you are right, at this present time,RLC is not worth $45 to watch a few people while the rest gets paid to do fuck all!!!
  8. I agree, VHTV is trashier than RLC, so there's something for everybody on either site....
  9. MY worst, everyone has a worst and a best I'm sure....I hope esmi never returns to RLC!! Apart from the fact that she didn't do jack shit basically, she had an attitude and always seemed annoyed at the cameras, at the people that pays her salary!!! Could you beat that??
  10. Yes, so unpredictable that she didn't do shit and spent most of her nights elsewhere!! I'm not gonna dispute your liking for esmi, but with all due respect, esmi was the worst tenant at RLC for me!! Sorry
  11. Esmi!? we're in a snooze,are you trying to take us into hibernation??? Lol
  12. Damm that's messed up....I usually take my $ to VHTV whenever RLC decides to hit the snooze button!! I'm currently at the hospital with a catheter up my dick so it's all the more reason to not have a RLC sub lol
  13. My sub ended two days ago,sooo happy I didn't waste my $ on a renewal, maybe I'll wait till summer for things to pick up here again!!
  14. There's a troll that's using the laugh emoji on all the responses to the original post of Paul 'man handling' leora, I'll assume that troll is possibly an abuser like paul that can't contain their anger!
  15. I hope he doesn't put his hands on her again,but yea,he's a dick!!
  16. I have one reason and it's the only reason I need to dislike Paul and it's because he put his hands on leora when they lived in Russia!!! Any man that assaults women isn't a man in my opinion!!
  17. Got to agree with you there, even when they were in Russia I couldn't bear to watch Paul!! As I've mentioned before, what irritates me the most is how lost he is whenever they have sex, like he has no clue what to do, and after he cums or leora has an orgasm, he just lays there clueless, like a boy that was just molested!!
  18. Didn't She used to ride the older gentleman's face when she lived with kamila in Russia???
  19. they are the best tits in rlc history,which is why sometimes her taking a shower gets top cam!!!
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