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Everything posted by cupid30

  1. Ulyana was bashed to oblivion by her cult when she fucked Dylan
  2. There works be a mass suicide of her cult followers 🤣
  3. Let time I saw this was with Sambuka, the dude came in her and they both fell asleep with him in her doggystyle 😆 🤣
  4. Massi is a "player",Ney tried that shit and he snapped her right out of it 😆
  5. Nadia Is obsessed with his dick lol, she seemed like she wasn't into sex when the other dude would come around....but a woman isn't in the mood for sex, she's just not in the mood for sex with YOU....and I believe that's the case with Linda,if she gets a taste of someone like massi we could see a totally different side to her
  6. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Where is his cock? She had her hand stopping him from going too deep earlier✌️
  7. masssi pulled the "jackhammer" out,Nadia taking a POUNDING!!!
  8. Babi could do as she pleases,just don't wanna see that woman beating,asshole again!
  9. Why?,she's been getting shagged regularly for the last 48 hours.....and she seems to be enjoying every second of it
  10. It was kind of stupid for her to do that,she saw the broken glass, she's barefooted, why didn't she stay where she was?? Hope it's not too painful.... I like her
  11. You have no idea how hard i laughed at that....i would NEVER argue with a woman with my "crown jewels" exposed,he got lucky tonight🤣
  12. Getting slapped with your soft dick out is a different level of fucked up!😁...but all jokes aside this thread would've been on fire tonight if it were the other way around....and if i remember correctly,they had this same issue last time they were here. He handled like a man though,good job Pepik🤙
  13. I would rather not wear a belt than use a shoelace as one!!! What the fuck dude?!
  14. It is!...fucking piece of shit! Hope she finds it in herself to NEVER let him back in her life....
  15. Babi back with bullshit and tears
  16. It's how I always pictured you 🤣
  17. I must say....i love these installments😍
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