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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think you are the first RLC paying member that they have given you access to the drone and you are testing it for all of us here and that’s how you know 😆🤓🥳
  2. It has been said that they are from another part of Spain , I still believe that all these years in Barcelona , they haven’t made enough friends ( not forgetting of course that maybe they advise the “ friends “ not to appear on cameras or simply these friends don’t want to be exposed on cameras ) .. but I will go with my theory that Alberto enjoying having more quiet times and Martina also being very young and perhaps not trusting so much to “ require “ things , well , it is a really positive change the way i see it with the Russian mixture
  3. Nah ... I would have liked to see a mix of Spanish ( Martina ) and her 😋😋😋😋🥳🥳
  4. I personally believe that ( judging with Paul and what we watched all these years and without knowing the current situation or her previous before RLC ) that her sexual experiences haven’t been the best , to be honest , a fast search at the internet for L&P videos will prove my words right i think . Anyway , too much time posting off topic and we aren’t fair to the real participants here ☺️ But in a way also , there’s no chance that you can post all these theories at the L&M thread because within minutes the “ Army “ will eat you alive 😱😱😂🤣
  5. I have proof of nothing , but I read here at CC that she was also offered Barcelona but she denied and chose Prague . But the people who post these theories , I have been advised not to take serious , so ..
  6. Nah ... Leora should be introduced to Curly to finally realize what good and quality sex is 😋😋
  7. It is RLC , when everything might be seem like it is the end , they will always try to recruit their biggest asset .. I don’t actually think she would deny if the price is right for her 😉
  8. I wish all topics had the fun that the Barcelona apartments have , good and “ clever “ posts , disagreements or “ going the same page “ it is part of it and at least here , no one is being ironical with whatever anyone has in mind to post , all in all , it is good fun 😇
  9. I was told ( maybe it was a small back and forth posting with you , can’t remember at all ) that if it was one day for L&M to appear as GOV in Barcelona , Leora would be very fast trying to “ climb the hierarchy “ and be kind of boss let’s say , she wouldn’t have liked to stay in the shadows .. as far as Malia is concerned , she would kept on doing as her mentor instructs her 🤨
  10. Maybe you have inside info and they are off to a trip and visit in Barcelona “ L&M “ 😂🤣😝
  11. I am glad it has given the sparkle for endless fun speculations .. this with the volunteer job , it is also another good one 😂🤣😂🤣 To defend a bit my post a couple of days ago , I said “perhaps” 😆😆😆🤓🤓🥸🥸😂🤣 for the ATM
  12. L&A back in B2 , poor Anthony with all the women , I hope Tyrion joins and they get introduced to one another and play with the PlayStation while the girls will be doing their mumbo jumbo thingies 😂🤣
  13. I was also carried away speaking about Holly and I apologize .. but it is still UM so ..😔
  14. Every bate of Holly is enjoyable , mostly because she hardly ever bates for the cameras ( in my opinion at least )and she uses mostly her fingers than a vibrator . At the end , I believe she doesn’t give a shit about the cameras , where she should position herself for better angles and so on , something that lots of tenants do . In my eyes , this is what makes her exceptional but as I have said , I think she is not having fun being there anymore and it is like “ where can I be better than here during these stupid times “ and that’s why she keeps on being part of RLC while I think at the same time she is examining her options . Conclusion is that Holly will always remain in history of RLC as the tenant that her appreciation and acceptance by the viewers , members and fans can reach a definitive 90% .. I can’t honestly think of any comment being negative towards her in all of her appearances
  15. Did she bring the dog back or is it still with Smith’s parents ?
  16. At least , whatever they do , they are off prime time zone and they are dressed 😁😆😏
  17. Actually , it is all a conspiracy and the FG has been visiting “ The Lone Gunmen “ by climbing the balcony and trying to figure out if with her behavior and showing her beautiful body every now and then , can actually be her “ ticket “ to enter the RLC world 🤓🥳😎😇😂🤣
  18. Martina proved part of my theory I guess ( hanging out with girls of her age 😎 ) 😂🤣 That’s more than normal , almost 4 years in Barcelona and didn’t actually have any close friends , I don’t say that they will be besties of course ( after all , most of them have expiration date contracts and they live in a different country ) but I think she feels like it is good for her to spend time with them , discuss problems of their age , men , fashion and whatever they might find interesting ☺️
  19. X-Files revival I see ... “ I want to believe “ 😉
  20. And that’s why I enjoy our chats , same or different opinions , we always make it civilized and with respect 😉😇 At the end , maybe we are also “ helping “ in a way the tenants ( if they are reading here from time to time ) of what the viewers think and without of course suggesting that they should do as we say , maybe their thoughts are getting affected reading the variety of opinions posted here . Don’t forget also that we are ( you and me ) close to age - you around 40 if I am correct , I am 43 - and we can perhaps solve our opinions variation and difference in great ways by chatting and posting our thoughts 😎😇
  21. I think Martina enjoys currently this new thing in her life , she found reasons to be more active and socialize more , they both seemed to be isolated in their apartment and this turn of meeting others and just hang out , I personally love it . I prefer this growing up Martina and wondering about life and relations than living like this routine daily life of her talking with Alberto , the dogs , having the daily sex and in general a routine couples life suggesting that they are in the mid 50s and married for 30+ years and not a couple of nine years as it has been mentioned . All in all , I want to say that it is obvious for me that Martina wants to discover , experiment , be adventurous and crazy and just be a girl of 24 years old and LIVE , something I believe she realized the last months and her “ eyes just opened “ let’s say by mixing with the Russians , hanging out with girls of more or less the same age like her , watching them being free with their lives and not stuck in a daily basis routine . I don’t say she doesn’t love Alberto , she does and she admires him and she enjoys each and every moment she shares with him , but she wants more . She is happy but she wants and she knows she can be happier . In my opinion , Alberto has understood this and that’s why I have so much respect of the guy , he feels the needs of his GF and he gives her the freedom without questioning or being worried . I think deeply inside him , he knows that maybe this can’t last forever , it is Martina’s first relation and big love as we learned , it would be a miracle that she doesn’t explore other sexual paths , men and crazy experiences . This doesn’t mean she will stop loving Alberto , in fact I believe in the depth of time , no one will replace him in her heart , but maybe she makes a “ life tour “ and live for a period and perhaps returns back to him at an older age if he is also available of course and he wants , but he is wise enough I think to know that whatever Martina now is wishing , isn’t normal for her age and the needs to discover life . That’s the analysis I have for both of them , their love is genuine and real and my experience tells me that these two people no matter what , will always be there for one another not matter what happens . And this is the biggest gift they can get in this life and how the world is nowadays .
  22. In general , this is the worst apartment regarding the technical staff and I was more than surprised when they were offered to move to the one of Z&L currently , they didn’t want to change . This is an apartment that they should put UM for a week or so and make the arrangements , it is a pity one of the most watchable places and the popularity that Martina enjoys the last 2-3 months , that we all subscribers can’t enjoy whatever happens in their place . I also believe that viewership is also being affected of how “ easy “ an apartment can be watched for a long time , the lighting , camera positioning and the general feeling that this is an old apartment on shy helping as well . For example , look at L&M place , it is an almost nothing happening place or let’s say to be fair not so different of things to watch ( so I don’t insult the L&M fans ) but they have the newest apartment , great camera positions and excellent illumination and helps to watch easily whenever someone tunes in . Let’s see what happens since Martina’s popularity has incredibly raised. and also the new dog and Alberto being quite fan of he wishes , plus visitors that will maybe start reappearing as soon as restrictions are lifted , well , it will be a pity not being able to enjoy
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