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  • Birthday 05/27/1977

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  1. I remember Mati complaining already when Jadith and Isaac was there, at least it was more “ socializing “ for them but still it wasn’t a good chemistry let’s say and he said it during one of the visits of someone ( unfortunately can’t remember who - maybe Octavia ) that he can’t understand why it can’t be that “ normal “ people be tenants and that they were already difficult . And it was the ultimate disappointment with this current couple , I will take your words of the scheduled departure for Amalia and Mati but recently Amalia said that she left because it wasn’t fun and it was a pity that Magdela joined at that late point otherwise she would have stayed.
  2. Unfortunately , the negatives are both villas , we have the ALL THE TIME DEPARTING Nelly and Bogdan but still here ( how a pity personally that this couple wants to drag their stay till the very last moment of the pregnancy when they should be off cameras and planing their new life ) , we have the second worse male participant Hawk who clearly has sex issues and he is more a child than a man ( still way better person than that failure Lacrim ) , we have Madison that she tries to handle the life of an environment that she doesn’t enjoy so much ( not liking the other girls this much , departure of her sister due to pregnancy , most probably problems with her guy who was visiting that it seems is over ) , Kali who is a strange in my opinion tenant with absolutely no will and wish to form any kind of relationships with any toner person in both villas .. which leaves us in B4 that unfortunately Katarina and Vesna have ZERO interest and in my opinion is a scandal that ( especially ) Vesna is part of RLC with nearly 3 months in total of holidays and very often disappearances for unknown short term outside activities ( and unfortunately she has dragged Katarina with her that I believe she feels alone and that’s why she does all that Vesna asks ) , Sara and Karma are the ONLY real life as they do normal things and lead normal lives with activities and boyfriends and for me they should just stay as long as they want as they have rewarded my money as a viewer and last but not least , Cassie and Alessa who are the youngest and craziest , they both WANT TO LIVE AND ENJOY LIFE AND EXPERIENCES but they are in the wrong place , “imprisoned “ far from the center that they could go out and clubbing or daily socializing that they seek so much as we saw recently being in B1 . I think they should give them the room in B5 so they can have parties there also or visit the other girls but then , sharing a bedroom will never be easy for their private moments and also the lack of language contact with Honny and Demian ( Honny speaks zero English and I think that was Amelia’s and Mati’s problem and they left Barcelona as they didn’t like the B5 atmosphere ) . Cassie and Alessa are the unlucky girls currently , both for their lives and us as viewers , they want to do so much more and have no problem to do so but the villa(s) are a graveyard for them .
  3. She has found her way and enjoys daily and gradually RLC and she gets more attached with the other two who are simply besties let’s say . Nothing was given to her but she shows interest , in the beginning she was trying to please the viewers but lately she has arrived at point to combine pleasure both to the viewers and herself . The best thing is that also the relationship with the other two seems to have improved , she LOVES when others join the apartment and she’s very social and friendly which makes me wonder why she doesn’t visit for example B2 that they are also very social girls . In general , it is a period of very beautiful girls that we get to enjoy and have , but the problem is that the girls don’t bring their outside activities inside the apartments for their own reasons which we need to respect ( personally I never liked that since the girls can bring new people on cameras - the ones who don’t have a problem to be seen obviously - and nobody says to do anything but they could simply have a chat , a coffee , a glass of wine , a salad or whatever ) no matter agreeing or not . Lina is an amazing fit woman with an incredible body , Savaira can be endlessly sexual , Chilli she knows how to control the beauty she has as a woman , we have a former model ( Eris ) , Lilith has gained ultimate respect from me with this run as she has done and tried all and her recent seizure collapse made me see her with a complete different way and admire her to the maximum , Pam is the absolute funniest to watch as she has no boundaries and she can do anything , anytime with anyone and there’s Jessi that she has her reasons for the way she behaves ( hiding ) .
  4. I will agree with this . I believe that a former participant spoke to her on joining RLC , this I say because of the lights on the wall which is a very old trick that many used to do so the lights trigger all the time camera detection / attention . And her advise was , go , show your super amazing naked body and tease the viewers with nudity . I believe she has kind of a night job sometimes per week ( bartender perhaps ) and I will simply agree that maybe she has done a lot in her life but she hasn’t experienced the pleasure ( at this level ) that her toy has / is giving her . I think she hasn’t been also a girl that she has been into masturbation , BUT , either advise from the other girls in the apartment or maybe this forum or general talks , led her to try and see how it is . That’s why the strange condom first tries with her fingers , this I haven’t seen to be honest in RLC .
  5. The sexuality of this woman, her passion and truly enjoying her sessions , these incredible facial expressions , I honestly can’t say more or describe what this woman gives to the subscribers . For me RLC’s biggest asset , a pure natural woman , honestly what more to ask .. Savaira rules ..
  6. It is just for the wishes of a Happy New Year to everyone and people / good friends here know that good friend @thinga69 is an eternal fan of Esmi , I am the one of Ulyana that I consider one of the top 3 ever and my personal favorite …. BUT …. WOW WOW WOW , this from Savaira has been one of the best masturbations ever made on cameras , I don’t care whether has been a show or whatever anyone considers but the girl L-O-V-E-D it , pure passion and she enjoyed , it was all for her and simply sharing it for all the people watching . Absolutely amazing , few can have this connection with the cameras and she simply has a great chemistry , well done Savaira . STILL … a pity that all of these girls struggle or have chosen to lead a single life , especially Savaira you could see how much she would love a great sex encounter . Let’s see , kudos to Savaira , great and amazing personal pleasure she had 👏
  7. Harley Fatboy , you have made the forum pathetic to be read again with your presence , your hate on something or someone you can’t have or not see is at an unbelievable level . You say all the time “ I was told “ , “ I read “ … BS , BS , BS , you are so addicted to this site like none who actually pays to watch and HE/SHE CAN HAVE AN OPINION because they simply watch . You aren’t watching shit ( as you claim ) but all the time you are a Harley Fatboy old miserable man wanting to know all details , who does what , BEGGING that they send you videos and photos , addiction at the highest level . And let’s finish it , you and some of other bunch of losers here you complain complain complain BUT you say all the time that you know how RLC makes the rules , forcing programs , shows , whatever . HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW when now you say in this post “ nobody knows what the contract says “ , meaning that in the contract the way you present the things they are forced to put shows and everything when RLC HQ gives order . So , put all your Harley Fatboy shit together , find a purpose for your miserable last part of the years you have in front and the hate you have will reflect back on you , simple rules of life . I felt sympathy for you once when you made it public that your wife died and could understand that the forum was your only way not to feel lonely despite your even greater hate you had for RLC back in the days. Except if you are with another woman again as you claim ( and well done as life moves and you moved on ) , your dishonor and disrespect to your late wife is a SAD SAD SAD example the way you are seeing life and people in general. Merry Christmas to everyone , had to make this rare appearance ( maybe my one and only post in 2024 ) not for a good reason but I put this man away of this forum once and I thought it was my biggest contribution here on CC but unfortunately I have no idea how much he seems to have begged to get one more chance from Stone Cold and Co. , which in the beginning he was “ soft “ and playing it fair and square and forum rules but the last month or two he is the SAME OLD MISERABLE Harley Fatboy .
  8. Funny that nobody has said ANYTHING for the “ indefinite “ time that Paul took “ staring / thinking / being lost “ at the abyss while he woke up in the guest room some tome very early morning hours … Completely lost he looked , I always thought that we have the famous “ the soul of a woman is an abyss “ as we say here but Paul’s absolute “ VOID “ looks is impressive to say the least .
  9. It looks like CamCaps is at the Full Spirit Of Christmas , “ bringing back “ and “ liberating “ people 😂🤣😂 that were out , as it seems , temporarily .. Have fun at the forum , it only gets started to become a place of negativity at its maximum in most of the topics and the centre of ruining opinions in another special one .. That’s what the site wants I guess ..
  10. It is like RLC found OUT OF NOWHERE a person working triple and quad shifts for Esmi and Octavia …😏😁😆
  11. It is the “ MAGIC “ of this apartment , it is the “ Only At Masha’s “ that , still , 8 years after , this place has a unique “ erotic “ aura … It is incredible , weird , unbelievable , call it as you like but 9 of 10 people entering Masha’s apartment and specially the ones that will at least lay down even for one minute on her bed , will end up one day , sooner or later either having sex , masturbating , running a bath and being nude , THEY WILL 9 out of 10 people will offer a private moment shared on cameras … It is insane that somehow , someway , THE BEST TENANT IN HISTORY OF RLC , Masha , makes them don’t “ see “ the cameras , don’t bother with them , feel comfortable that they are recorded and not guilty , Masha somehow makes her guests feel “ proud “ that they are watched and observed . No other tenant has his/her apartment so much visited , no other tenant offers his/her apartment providing nearly all to her guests like Masha . Roxy , we just got to know her as soon as Babi resurfaced after a period that she and Masha seemed to have kind of misunderstanding . Roxy reached the point without even caring at all about cameras and everything to let her loose and surrender to the “ erotic aura “ of Masha’s bedroom and simply participate in a threesome experience with Masha and Elvis and later she confessed she has never done something like this before and it was great to experience it . The words lose their meaning many times when it comes to speak about and what this apartment has offered . NOBODY KNOWS 8 years later , who , when and what more is to see and watch . No matter who enters this apartment , it can literally and easily DO ALL ON CAMERAS , when other “ Queens “ have fear even to invite people 😂🤣😂 , Masha shows who THE UNDISPUTED BEST TENANT IN HISTORY OF RLC is .
  12. The ONLY people who have negative things to say usually for the guys are the JEALOUS ONES .. they simply don’t accept that these guys CAN DO much more than what they have done in their lives . It is difficult to accept that the guys ( Wolf now in our example ) can on Monday have Margo and Wednesday Ulyana before ending during the weekend with both Margo and Ulyana . In the beginning it was Wolf the gay because he had the shirt lifestyle .. Then Wolf the steroids guy because of his injections , then the annoying guy because he wonders around shirtless and half naked , swims in the nearby villa instead of the one he resides , he enters and breaks the privacy of the girls in B4 , he visits the rooms of the girls without notice , ETC ETC ETC 😂🤣 These previous things are MORE OR LESS the reasons that people categorized him as a jerk , asshole , stupid and whatever else .. ahh yes , I forgot the main one , GIGOLO 😂🤣😂🤣 What more to add , it is easy and simply life psychology , what you can’t have and someone else does , it makes you nuts .. especially when you see him messing with one of your favorite girls and having with them what you always want to but you can’t 😁 … Wolf ( and also the previous guys apart from my preference of his behavior Lacrim and sometimes Tim who I think was strangely controlling Tani ) has done NOTHING wrong to deserve all that . They are just having their fun , NEARLY ALL THE GIRLS seem to have always enjoy their presence and company , the rest is as I always believe .. JEALOUSY 😁
  13. Happy Elli , happy viewers 😉 … And FINALLY having some “ serious “ and “ emotional “ sex ( even not the best quality but let’s not ask for everything so fast , gradually and slowly 😇 ) that this girl DESERVES that a guy “ invests “ and dedicates time to and for her.
  14. And a new position for Elli .. still lots to learn 😇😊
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