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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. You are very right with your comment , the lockdown is obvious that has affected maybe the most the girls of this “ Barcelona season “ , you can see it with Megan also , the previous girls ( before the change in September ) , it was summer , they had the pool and life because of the summer and the beaches in Barcelona open plus less restrictions than now , had helped to have so much better content . We don’t know how much time they have with their stay , I can only say for Ariana that on her very first stay when she was speaking around 3 hours on her mobile in English, she said that she would be in this “new” home for nine months 😉 So , let’s see how it goes , because my estimation says that most of the restrictions will start getting lifted minimum end of March , beginning of April
  2. Hilarious Linda and guest moment 😂🤣😂🤣 funniest thing happened all night everywhere 😂🤣
  3. Linda and her friend could easily offer a sleep half naked competition of who has the bigger boobs 😆 The pleasure would be for all of us enjoying some of the best natural big tits ever side by side 😉😉😋😋
  4. As predicted 😂🤣 Top spot from amazing Linda’s guest 😎
  5. The thing is that Amalia entered with much “ appetite “ to be Amalia that we saw during her previous stay . But , after that incident with Loraine and Anthony in the current Monica’s bedroom , she took a complete turn and she has since avoided anything , except one catastrophic show with Loraine a couple of weeks ago . There’s also a strange avoiding from B2 girls going to the villa , even though we saw N&B visiting B2 recently . Anyway , I will take as a conclusion that perhaps everyone is tired with the stupid pandemic , the girls don’t enjoy , they can’t have their boyfriends next to them and they just “ live “ a routine life in front of cameras . Patience is needed and spring is just a couple months away and perhaps it gets better .
  6. Pure punishment to all RLC viewers , even the FG is absent to make it with some crazy theories 😁 I think if Linda’s friend was more comfortably dressed 😆 , she would be the most interesting apartment to watch
  7. Let’s hope that Aleksandra will every now and then gets away a bit from the villa as she seems the only one with skills that can seduce any of the other girls . Of course , not everyone has “ lesbian “ or bisexual appetites or the will to try . And at the end , this is much more fair and honest from the girls than pretend and “ push “ themselves for unnecessary shows ... Even money can make anyone do anything 🤓🤑
  8. So , Loraine interferes and of course we get 3 half naked women with their asses towards us saying “ dear viewers , thank you for your contributions , now let us watch some porn “ 😂🤣😂🤣 Poor Carlos and Anthony ... if bars were open , they should just let the girls do their things and go enjoy their drinks and flirt the passionate Mediterranean women 😁😆 Hope they do soon , at least Anthony who as I have said , I consider him a really cool guy messed with the wrong person ( apologies to Loraine fans )
  9. It might be as you say , but I think they are a bit more “ official “ with their relation , despite the “ missing “ ring . In any case , what it is important is that she appears every now and then and as always , a shower from her before going to bed in the guest room , is always very pleasant to watch and admire her wonderful curves 😋😋 She and boyfriend or whatever , could make a much funnier and watchable apartment for example , than E&P 😉😏😎
  10. I think they should enjoy Prague “ full throttle “ , especially with the pandemic slowing down gradually as soon as spring and higher temperatures begin , especially Malia . They will both fall in love by managing slowly to travel not only in Spain , but to whole Europe as soon as borders and restrictions are reduced . Traveling is so cheap within European countries and especially capitals , they will both have the chance for escaping weekends to Paris / London / Barcelona / Rome / Athens / Vienna , it is amazing what they can discover , i wish this for them first . At the end , if Leora wants to make 6 months in Barcelona ( or Spain in general ) RLC will easily give this to her . But with the current loving lives they both have , I highly doubt that they could take a risk for another change .
  11. 😂🤣 Monica just feels nice with C@C madness and talks ( was actually listening to their conversation last night at Monica’s bed , about bitcoin and so on ) - plus it seems that money bonuses work fine for all three of them 😁😉 - , the problem is if Loraine will destroy one more evening .. Amalia and Amira they are now away for any show participations - especially with Sera back in Amira’s life - and I am glad that Monica got away from their serious influence the last month and she just wants to enjoy all the craziness ☺️😇
  12. But even today , it has been nearly 10 posting pages , you can’t say they are few when the FG hasn’t appeared and also no other apartment i think has so much commenting and posting like this one to any of the rest . And I believe that this is also happening because a lot of people post in comparison to other apartment that have their standard “audience “
  13. For any of us who live in Europe , we know the quality of life offered and for sure we have no doubt that life routine , challenges and “ temptations “ are in an incredibly higher range compared to Russia where , for example , homosexuality isn’t approved , we should not also forget that it is a bit more than 30 years that the country is free of communism ( for whoever really know what that means ) . I can then totally accept all of the change of Leora’s attitude having to adapt and adjust at this totally new environment .. and Prague , for whoever has visited , it is mostly a “ fairy tale “ city to enhance your senses and live your feelings at the maximum , imagine having a boyfriend / girlfriend next to you for this . But trying to excuse Leora’s choices that she put more than her loving life and stable way of living in Russia the money, this is beyond me . I read everyday about “ big love Paul “ , “ pussyboys “ , “ boytoys “ and so on . I know that if you really love someone , there’s no money or way of life or places that will prevent you from being with the person you want the most , anything else for me is an eternal excuse for a person that is too confused and complicated to face the truth , which is for me that this is the life now in Prague and if she wants to make it and succeed there , she needs to abandon any connection with Russia . She doesn’t do , I have said why in the past according to my opinion and all this fake life is simply a result of these wrong choices .
  14. I admit that it has been a very popular apartment , unexpectedly perhaps , but it might be a reason for the admins to also b more flexible at times . I know it isn’t so easy to change some basic structure sites , but suggestions with positive criticism can only benefit the site I believe 😇
  15. I think she also got married like Linda in the summer 🥳 it is the guy that we have seen in the apartment couple of times and holding hands
  16. I have tried many times to stay away from long posts , but I can’t find another way to put all of my thoughts in an order and explain whatever it is that I comment and post here . Perhaps if it was a back and forth fast chat system “ You Tube “ style , and with many people expressing and exchanging ideas , I might have written less 😂🤣 I don’t think anyone should dictate to others how they should express themselves , long or short messages , my way is always to justify whatever I wish to say and not with repeating emojis or gifs that I have stored for each case that I feel good with a member or bad with another one ☺️😇 But that’s me and I can’t understand if my comments and posts are so annoying and disturbing , why people keep on reading them .
  17. Slowly and no rush , we still have FG active and on the radar , better concentrating on one than having multiple and then needing even 10 more threads to adjust with the comments 😂🤣
  18. FG will return , we need to rest a bit before the forum becomes red hot 🔥🔥 again 😉😇
  19. So , you now judge by reading . Ok .. at least , this time the source hasn’t appeared . I call it progress . I am now pulling my head out of my ass and i stop being a dickhead to satisfy your request ☺️
  20. But at Leora’s topic , you make threads so you can post comments for negative things so as to keep the supporters and hardcore fans from bullying your posts away , still it hasn’t worked . I believe in general this “ many threads creation “ rule hasn’t helped , judging by the results .
  21. You have proof again from the fellow RLC source member that provides you with info with either photos or videos that you never ask ? I am impressed that now your source has also information of what the tenants do outside and he informs you about that as well . Nevertheless , you hate RLC , the tenants , but you seem to know so much more than all of us who pay to watch . Ahh , I forgot , you are here because you like the forum . And then , you like the forum , despite , the majority here has argued with you . Just to make a comment to welcome you back after a week that the forum had quiet and peace and could engage in nice talks 😇 Just to save the time that you will take to answer me ( I feel honored and thank you for that ) , I am going to piss off now as per your request while I will be LMAO 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  22. Always one of the best RLC moments to see the family of these two visiting them every now and then 😇 Even though no Smith’s sister today 😔
  23. Whatever I post here , it is simply an opinion of what I experience watching the apartment which ultimately leads me to a conclusion so as to state my comment . I have never ever said that I am right or wrong , the opinions are always subjective , that’s why I have never made fun or blamed anyone of what they say here , on the contrary , certain members , very annoyed that I was quoting them to express a different opinion than theirs , they asked me politely to stop “ stalking “ or “ follow “ them at any post they made that we don’t agree and I simply did so . My point is that I even came in this thread to post so as to attract as few as possible of the “ hardcore “ supporters knowing that my comment wouldn’t be that popular for them . Still , even here , their bullying continues if someone doesn’t praise the girls , when in my opinion , so many things are wrong for my taste to praise . L&M used to attract so many posters , either for bad or good things happening, translators that were helping to understand more and explain easier what is happening . I don’t find it “ random “ that they have disappeared and in this topic now , there are around 10-15 standard members that post , it is the least engaged apartment for comments by different posters and the reasons I think are obvious . I have too much self confidence with my beliefs , personally I feel sad for the girls whenever I see a laugh or a confused emoji for my posts because I can’t really think that these people really see these girls as human beings and not sexual objects , still , also my opinion ☺️😇 Of course I don’t believe that the girls are prisoners , but their life choices lead them to a dead end with catastrophic consequences and with my subjective reasonable opinion , i state what I see and nothing more or nothing less . I really want that any of the participants in RLC ( not only L&M ) be happy with their job in RLC because then me as a viewer , I am also rewarded the maximum of the content that it is offered . And for this apartment , me , as a person , I don’t feel this way . For the majority who posts here , it is different , but I never questioned them . I oppose the opinions with mine but never question them . Sorry for my long post , I usually do by “ quoting “ someone that has stated a reasonable argument for an opinion , you did so and for this , you have my absolute attention and respect , even if we disagree .
  24. Billy Kay and Peyton Royce , “ The Iconics “ , Aussie must know them ☺️
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