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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think this is the most “ sexual “ Holly we ever seen , even with Bruno who was so much into him , she never had all these sessions we enjoy watching both of them having .. This clearly shows how much of a healthy and full of chemistry , good vibes and feelings relationship can add to some incredible sex between a couple ..Thor changed Holly’s life , maybe finally she found the guy that she was “ begging “ to have all this time .. And what an irony , it all happened when she wanted to go back to her traveling routine life ….Let’s see if no matter what the decision of abandoning the Bali experience so as to enjoy the boyfriend experience was the right call …usually , it isn’t the best to alter the plans , especially for a boy or girl ..that’s why this relationship in my humble opinion should grow and develop off cameras , this couple is really great towards one another and for sure it is a great pleasure for all of us who watched this since Day 1 and how it started , evolved and currently is …Well done H&T 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  2. I think Esmi is the most authentic / real/genuine girl we currently have .l And as good friend @nagachilli2said , this is perhaps the secret of her popularity since she doesn’t show much …viewers appreciate a girl who isn’t “ lying “ at them woth fake shows , camera obsession , repeated things ..Esmi will cook , make her e-learning , she will watch TV on the couch , she will iron , she simply lives a day in day out normal roomates life in Barcelona .. Imagine if she was more into privacy showing… she would rip the roof of RLC servers ..but then ,ahne she would be “ one more single / GOV” …Esmi is the top girl because we simply like her authenticity , how much we miss this reality ..
  3. Let’s hope not in B1 and we get a gift from Esmi …
  4. Cameras obsession flow at the maximum continues , very good 😆😆 66 / 400, 334 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 1 month and 4 days Tik Tok
  5. For as long as we live and breathe , we hope 😆😆 I have expressed repeatedly my theories about Esmi even when everyone was “ going mad “ on her ..
  6. It is great seeing Esmi having no nudity issues anymore and the long not feeling comfortable or being shy on cameras days to be a very long and distant memory .. this Esmi is “ must see “ for people who appreciate a girl being herself , real , authentic , smart , serious and not belonging to the model type cast that defines Barcelona since the apartments opening ..
  7. On the other hand , maybe a lonely Esmi at home can have a visitor 😋😋 or provide some of her amazing personal sensational sessions ( few but always unforgettable … ) 😈😈😈😋😋
  8. It would be great for Marlene to show Esmi her hunting skills ( and favorite bar/pub/club ) … it would be even more amazing that both return with guys and I personally don’t mind seeing Esmi giving the blue balls while Marlene scores one more time 😁😁😆😂🤣..However , seeing Esmi even surrounded by a guy , she would make RLC have servers on alert 😋😋😋
  9. The veterans with nudity trying to make for an eye candy interesting Saturday night in Barcelona instead of going out , dance , flirt , meet new people .. oh well , I guess they have had enough of this in their lives 😂🤣
  10. After a long time , need to say that Val is fantastic .
  11. Sad times for Val and Jul , nothing strange for the ones who watch the apartment carefully and analytically ..
  12. Very very true 😂🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  13. It seems that T&T will have also during this stay no intention at all to visit either villas and the people there , what remains to be seen is if the popularity of H&at amongst the rest of the villas and the quite expected visits in B5 ( hopefully ) will cause any heat or in general won’t be so appreciated by T&T .. This will be interesting to watch ..
  14. I try to be fair , praise with all great words when a tenant is the definition of a single in Barcelona ( even not showing much like Esmi for example ) and very very negative towards someone who considers the majority of paying members stupid .. The worst is that RLC seems many times to have ninc,he of what’s going on in Barcelona , even at times who occupies the beds or whenever girls go on holidays and so on … Barcelona is such a big concept and so many times they simply don’t even care for their tenants and ultimately for whatever comes on screen for us viewers .
  15. At least I have something to say - right or wrong , it is what it is - whenever your only wisdom has to do analyzing the quality of a masturbation 😂🤣 It is for sure a talent that few people have in this forum 😆
  16. The only talks concerning this topic since Paul arrived it is nothing else but how was the sex session between Leora and Paul , how Leora pleases herself , either alone or when Paul irritates her and in general just sex , masturbation , repeat ..Whener another opinion is going to be mentioned or heard or whatever , it is buried under emojis 😂🤣😂🤣 This tells it all about the quality of people who follow this topic ..It is just nudity , sex , masturbation , repeat ..Except if there are also other activities that I have missed observing.. And Leora is at the top currently of her exhibitionism obsession , she simply can’t stand not occupy the cameras , her obsession to expose herself is at the maximum level … Hardcore fans are having a great summer watching her 😈😈👏🏻👏🏻
  17. I am patient and supporting with nearly everyone who participates but I hate when I personally believe that a tenant is taking advantage of the RLC business … I have been very strictly criticizing anytime I believe we are taken by fools here , two very good friends here “ taught “ me to not be fast with conclusions ( despite still being 🤣 ) and their theory of “ RLC being a marathon and not a sprint “ - I hope now they know to who I am referring to 😇😉 - applies many times at my comments but this now it is beyond ridiculousness .. There have been so many stupidities and lack of disrespect towards the subscribers , but I personally believe that this is one of the worst moments we see with this girl ..
  18. Ich stimme dir in vielen Beiträgen zu, aber ich hatte bisher einen wirklich schönen Sommer, mit so vielen Erlebnissen und Erinnerungen, die ich geschaffen habe, dass ich nicht in eine Konfrontation mit dem gehen möchte, der glaubt, dass Leora und Paul die „ultimative Beziehung“ sind, ich Lasst die Hardcore-Fans glauben, was sie glauben wollen, und ich habe mein eigenes, das ich einigen bestimmten und wenigen Leuten hier geteilt habe, und ich hoffe ehrlich, dass ich mich als falsch erweisen werde … Wenn ich vom Rest der Welt isoliert bin und keine Freunde oder Alternativen habe für den Fall , was für ein Szenario eintritt , dann ziehe ich es vor , dass ich das Leben falsch erkenne und Leora und Paul es richtig haben ...
  19. I don’t doubt any of the reasons or the friendship or whatever .. I am just saying that it is RIDICULOUS ( always for my taste as a viewer and definitely a personal opinion ) to have two girls who are best friends to share one bed .. Kristy many times wants to masturbate and she doesn’t because of Alana , Alana is a gorgeous girl but she’s one of the biggest RLC singles failures .. No passion to do anything , dream life and an income in Barcelona to live rent free , Mediterranean Sea view from the best Barcelona apartment , I mean , come on , Lola and Anna and even Mila , in 6 months at least they had two weeks of doing everything with Rasputin and the bold guy ..And Lola , who can compare to Lola’s beauty and Anna who her sex sessions have been some of the most remarkable I have personally witnessed ? Alana is a failure and Kristy , despite I believe wanting to do and show more , she’s just the B2’s apartment coordinator …
  20. I will say it here for whoever can look the big picture and escape the microworld … We have a girl that for 3 years nearly she saw her boyfriend for a short time , then the boyfriend after many years found a new girlfriend for a period and the girlfriend did the same . For whatever reasons , the boyfriend returns . 3 years that the girlfriend has - according to repeated public posts - made friends , has learned the city , 3 years that the girlfriend had 3 ( three ) visitors , 2 girls - one of them became a roomate - and a guy . 3 years that maybe the girlfriend didn’t have visitors because of possible being afraid to open the apartment to new people , being afraid that they will stalk her , whatever whatever whatever reasons . Now , the boyfriend arrives , IN ALL OF THE REST OF THE APARTMENTS , everyone has welcomed friends , wouldn’t be the girlfriend proud to invite 1 or 2 or 3 really close friends of these 3 years and enjoy an evening , showing the LOVE OF HER LIFE to them , Paul getting to know some of his girlfriend’s best friends and people who supported her all those years ? Is this strange to happen or nuclear science ? Of course , the answer is that these two don’t want that and we move on to the next chapter …. And let’s see then the other side and next chapter …Will this be the first or the last couple ( judging also by the fact that both tried to move on with their lives with new lovers .. ) that the relationship isn’t going to work , what then ? And ok , Paul will grab his things and move maybe back to Russia , but Leora with her dream in Europe ? Who will she have to be next to her and support her if the relationship doesn’t succeed ? Where are the alternatives if the story with Paul and as soon as the “ honeymoon “ months are over , isn’t working? Do you see any alternatives for these people ? Who is it there that they can trust , a friend to speak , someone to have and talk face to face in case things don’t get nice ? Or is this completely manageable and as Leora said “ she doesn’t need anyone in her life “ and whatever happens , the company of her portable devices will save the day ? I think that even the majority in this forum has at least ONE person , family member , best friend , WHOEVER , that we need , we feel , we want the chance that we can talk and take things that we have inside our chest and soul so as to feel better and relief ourselves …Because not everything we live everyday is golden shining.. But , now there are two people who do all together , very nice and totally understandable …But WHAT IF ..? Except if such a thing can’t happen to this couple 😂🤣😂🥲Exactly like Paul not being able to find another girlfriend after Leora or Leora finding another boyfriend for 1,5 years in Prague … Let’s see if this will be an one of a kind couple in history , a couple without friends , a couple that their life will be in front of cameras with a dog , as they say , for as long as Leora wants …
  21. Well , even me that I am patient and supportive with the cast , I have been since this new girl joined but ….Is this Ailey a joke or what ? ? Is RLC still keeping a girl who plays them fool ? It is like they don’t have options when Barcelona is full of possible participants currently .. The war in Ukraine - yes , completely unfair but we see it realistically - has brought a “ golden opportunity “ for RLC to hire girls without any visa issues or restrictions for a minimum of 3 years , as long as the girls prove that they have been impacted by the war , according to a European Union rule .. And RLC has , a) a single bed in B1 , b) a master bedroom in B2 where two friends can’t stand sleeping next to the other , c ) a master bedroom in B4 where two veterans , one takes holidays just a month after joining and the other needs to share it ( ridiculous ) , d ) a single bed in a freshly opened villa and the one who has recently occupied one bedroom has no intention to be an employee , she just appeared on cameras for a day and since then she’s gone and RLC doesn’t even inform with an airplane sign at least …..RIDICULOUS ….
  22. It’s been a long time seeing Esmi at this time with junk food , going a bit away of taking care of her silhouette the last months which , in combination with her amazing natural tan , has made her look gorgeous .. Let’s hope it is just a pleasure food break 😆 rather than a “ usual many times “ self revenge or kind of punishment in case her date didn’t have satisfactory results ( which she doesn’t look by the expression of her face ) …
  23. 65 / 400, 335 more performances to go in the next 2 years , 1 month and 7 days Tik Tok
  24. Very “ divided “ image , a fun and enjoying the night Zabava and a waking up in tears Esmi …Strange .
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