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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. If I were Bogdan , I think I would have already gone my own way and abandon a woman that despite showing my disappointment of her actions , she kept on doing them .. Were I Bogdan , this relationship would have been over , especially understanding that my abilities are in a great level and can help me make my life in Barcelona … Apparently I am not Bogdan 😂and as long as he’s happy with his wife , it is the most important ..But , what I have learned in life is that “ don’t do to others this that you don’t want happening to you “ ..And Nelly either sooner or later will experience the other side of the flipped coin .. I hope it won’t happen on cameras because , in my humble opinion , the 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 for Bogdan will be 10 times more of what we saw Nelly and Martina doing .. Nelly can never make anything without Bogdan , if he ever abandoned her she would collapse completely ..Bogdan might get sad , cry , feel betrayed and whatever but he will stand on his feet because in comparison to her , Barcelona is both business and life , expanding and building for his better future when Nelly’s concern is to enjoy the benefits that come to her because she has a husband who is totally weak towards her . It is really bad for the moral thoughts I have concerning married couples , but I would so much love Bogdan fuck the brains out of any GOV …And then we can see how Ms.Nelly will react when we already know that she was so jealous only even when Bogdan was giving friendly / work ethic hugs to the girls back in B4 days .
  2. Could be ..but knowing being her colleague , this is where I doubt ..I still expect a party during the weekend ..
  3. But this isn’t 2011 but 2022 ..RLC has built a legacy , we can’t go back to those days .. the product should be improved ..
  4. I think Marlene isn’t in need or wishes any “ internal action or activities “…she makes no shows , she’s not into anything with others for whatever we have seen …she’s my visualization and complete success of how and what I personally a GOV should be ,in Barcelona , discovering the city , make new friends , go out , swim , tan, flirt , dance , get fucked wild with ONS or get disappointed with guys , possibly fall in love with someone ..Give me one more Marlene and that’s it .. I could see Loraine doing something with the guys though 😏😉
  5. I immediately stated my new “ looking favorites “ the last days with the new arrivals ..Zara and Venera …Top of that angel Marlene , ddhm is happy watching 😁😆 when he has time .
  6. Martina should visit Eva and Matvei ..And then whatever she “thinks “she knows about threesomes and whatsoever will become history .I have been asking at other topics to name possible candidates for Eva’s and Matvei’s partners , I can’t wait if this return of Nelly can somehow work as a coincidental “ get to know “ of Martina with Eva and Matvei and see her visiting them ..that’s now what I would LOVE to watch ..
  7. I agree totally , as I said , this is finally a proper couple living a daily normal real life shared on cameras . Venera has a daytime job , their routine is as close as to what happens to most of us .. The success of the Russian apartments was exactly this concept , normal people , normal life shared on cameras . Add the stunning presence , the exhibitionism hints by Venera ( I can’t remember a newcomer female couple participant walking and being naked since day one for entirely the whole time she’s in the apartment ) , the woman is SUPER HOT , plus her sex skills are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ..RLC finally found a couple after many many years that can excite most voyers preferences ..
  8. 😂🤣😂🥲 the guys getting the glory and attention from the ladies , who would have thought ..
  9. Holly’s and Tweety’s “ male candidates “ are guys who have “ big pockets “ , much money , enough to provide them luxury , at least for tweety this is my opinion based on her holidays and out of RLC period .. Holly can always seduce anyone but honestly now , I don’t think they are let’s say the Marlene type of guys they are “ hunting “ , I don’t think Bruno types are in their “ candidates list “… Of course I hope I am completely WRONG and mostly for tweety and see her have a real session like the kind of pleasuring herself last night , watching her anal dildo herself caught me by surprise when minutes earlier I was expressing my frustration seeing her behaving strangely and without clear direction of what she wants with RLC .. Let’s see , I DO WISH YOU ARE RIGHT 😇
  10. I will be surprised if they fuck fellow employees .. I think they are there so as we finally start getting female outside visitors in comparison to the male hunting all those years by the girls .. any serious mixing amongst tenants will be dangerous .. except if it is just sex ..but , how well are informed for the bonus shows money ? And what’s going to be in the repertoire with the girls if shows start happening ?
  11. This you are absolutely right … But I think this continuous gesture support by RLC is also fine for me .
  12. Matvei’s fingers make miracles , this is what I can tell seeing how Kristy relaxed in the sauna , how Masha felt surrendered but the substances ruined the night and Olivia who wanted to have control that day ..Part 2 will be the final though , unless is successful , i doubt we see more ..I don’t know if I want or not to be , if it is , maybe they continue with Loraine and then no others , if not , doors open for other candidates 😁 ( Kristy the obvious pick here ..)
  13. I think Luna was brought as an anti Radislava , simply removing a local with a local so at least securing a long term bed .. I have really high expectations with Luna due to her social Barcelona circle and the students community she is .. let’s see . I agree totally with your thoughts of them going back to the downtown Barcelona apartment they had when they were removed from B5 and before rejoining B4 , but damn , isn’t both of them so clever so as to have managed to secure both their places on RLC as working personnel .. look , they have rent free staying villa , they have lots of money for all of their outside RLC activities by taking right decisions , Bogdan I think is a big asset for RLC and they trust him for many things , it helps being also a participant from the golden era . I will observe B7 with high interest not because I want to watch guys instead of girls 😝but just to see what means for RLC and what do they want to achieve with having male tenants . Alladdino’s wishes have slowly all becoming a reality , he was perhaps the only one saying that a villa needs also male tenants ..let’s see .
  14. But maybe these guys can be magnets for some amazing girl visitors 😇
  15. Zwei pfennig , what memories you brought 😏.. I think the went too fast , completely different than their precise and to the point tactics they have when moves , times , location are part of their apartment seduction .. Loraine was there for the show but I think the talks from both Matvei and Eva completely chilled her out and relaxed , she wanted to don’t rank and let go even more , she clearly seemed having fun and wanting to enjoy . I honestly can’t tell with Loraine where she stands and how much she feels of anything that is happening , the curse of a model type woman like her being kind of emotionless kills the whole aura ..Think Eva , think Anna ,these two recent ones , the current Eva and the recent Anna who could make you cum even with their touches , looks , kisses and licking .. I think when Loraine returns or in my opinion , when Eva and Matvei visit the villa at the weekend , I expect a jacuzzi shower ( I don’t know how this will go with Luna ..) and then all ending up in Loraine’s room , for sure we can the. tell more …My two drachmas 😂🤣 are 1) getting fingered and finger penetrated , showing of trust to Matvei by Loraine , 2) seeing him penetrating Eva , this was the ultimate this isn’t happening tonight …Eva taking a smoke break outside , I think she wanted to give relaxing time to Loraine so as to feel even closer to Matvei but Loraine felt kind of insecure as she didn’t know exactly how to proceed .. A shorter break would be beneficial but Eva’s lasted way too long ..Coming up really soon Part 2 as I said 😇
  16. Ahh , ok , i haven’t seen or at least I can’t remember her showing any dance things to the others .. Esmi “ stole “ the show couple of times with her moves and I thought she is one
  17. It seems to me that everyone split during the night ..Marlene must have been hunting , nobody can know the result , if she fell at once to sleep most probably she had fun outside , but nobody can confirm it , perhaps a possible “ partner “ didn’t want the cameras or she might have been with Cleopatra drinking , Cleopatra also showed up late , she was checking if Kristy and Alan were home .. But most probably it was 3 different “ happenings “ , in any case angel Marlene will provide , there’s no need to worry about her …Time to have Zaba stepping up her game as the real GOV showing better and happier feelings , Esmi will never ever blame , had stated the reasons .
  18. Some really good points very nicely justified , others I don’t agree ..my biggest personal disappointment is having Nelly on screen again , Bogdan is fine , but Nelly’s life in Barcelona , I don’t know , I simply can’t attach to it and I can’t sympathize with the girl . I don’t obviously know her , she has done no harm to me and she’s maybe the best girl with the best heart , a real soulmate and amazing friend to anyone ..But she belongs in my head to these kind of people that I don’t like without being able to identify any particular reason , very strange ..Perhaps I think deeply in my thoughts that she presents a very strong and powerful personality but in reality she’s a very insecure and scared person , hiding at the difficult times behind the shield of a husband who doesn’t only love her but worships her ..Pff , I don’t know ..The way I see it , this experiment of RLC I am willing to watch it , funny that Fior and Cecilia stayed away as tenants , Fior for sure has been staying there ( this is where he was when the intruder incident occurred and he came immediately in B4 ) and Cecilia who was doing things like she was already a participant .. Last but not least , I can’t say anything negative for the guys as they aren’t even online 24 hours , their first impression is really cool ,socializing and comfortable , it was really nice the late night Thor’s behavior both to the newcomer girl and Holly .
  19. It is still strange why she doesn’t go to the fitness room in the villa and they have the Russian teacher once per week there …
  20. This doesn’t erase the true fact of the first incident ..There are worse tenants than Zaba , Cleopatra to bring us an example .. Anyway , we got Zara and Venera 😁
  21. She tries maybe to find another dildo but now it is too late with Holly back ..
  22. Again saved by the bell Tweety 😂🤣😂🤣
  23. I think this all reactions of Tweety while masturbating are some of the most genuine things we have seen by a girl pleasuring herself ( for whoever is watching can understand what I mean …) 😁
  24. Holly’s room at least makes miracles , tweety anal dildo , hope she manages to cum this time and not interrupted again 😁😆
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