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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. This is one of the best camera set by RLC , the value of the tenant and the sexuality can be offered to any of us so as to criticize , not many can “ work “ this camera easily , I think Marlene is after Ulyana the one that handles it excellently 😉😉😈😈😋😋 Harley could be great as well…
  2. And sleep with him where ? And do you know if he wants to be on cameras ? It took Pam one month so as Jordie feels comfortable , not even Esmi is comfortable with them ..But Karol works for it with bla bla plus I am sure Zabava must have shared her experience..Be patient and have faith , after all Marlene is full horny since a week as it seems that she’s in search for someone and it isn’t working..
  3. She has found the place like sweet little Ulyana 😋😋😋😋😈😈 Marlene , best GOV current tenant .
  4. If she doesn’t go out to meet people , she can never bring them home ..Zabava , Marlene , they were both out and brought guys home , they didn’t invite them first on cameras and then do what they did ..Come on , we are talking of young girls who want to go out , have a drink , flirt , should they stay inside with their mobile tindering and invite guys in turns so as we reject or approve them or cameras ? There are 24 girls working for RLC , two of them aren’t engaging in anything sexual , show or whatever ..Maybe they will never do but why not concentrate on the other 22 and just complain over and over again for the 0,085% of the inactive girls ? I am not defending them , yes they don’t show things but they aren’t doing it because they don’t want , they want to hide , they use RLC for whatever but because of what they face in their lives .If this is their “ crime “ , guilty as charged and perhaps they should quit RLC like Tata ..and then everyone will feel better because new ones will come , they will open their legs because they have to so as for the masturbations to be recorded and life goes on ..I just say that maybe for these two we can all show a bit of our human instincts before sending them to lala boredom land ..
  5. I am going to have lots and lots and lots of fun when Zabava ( I am sure for her at least ) will get loose when this stupid war is over and show us exactly like when she joined , that she took the decision to come in Barcelona , have fun , live her life and enjoy the maximum this opportunity ..But life many times doesn’t bring things the way we wish and cruelty showed the true face to her on the worst case scenario , an incredible unfortunate event since the war hit Europe nearly 80 years after out of nowhere … And oh , what a terrible decision she took , instead of burying her sadness feelings at the maximum that overwhelmed her , she chose to host her sister and offer her the chance that both of them stand on their feet and try to continue with the ongoing chaos in their country . I guess seeing someone putting more her sister than the job she was hired to do doesn’t come nice to some people here .. Even Karol sacrificed her seniority privilege realizing the serious of the situation and she moved from the master bedroom only to give the room to the sisters . Funny , Karol who is Russian understanding the cruelty of a war and many people here complaint that these two newcomer sisters aren’t fully professional so as to masturbate or fuck or whatever just to satisfy the pervert needs of any of us here , like RLC is missing desperately the women who will pose and choose cameras and masturbate out of duty and not because they feel the need of the hormones …Whatever …
  6. She’s protecting the environment and also helps RLC save on water accounts 😂🤣..Seriously now , as we have said , the whole idea since she joined it has been that RLC helps her due to the war problem in her country ..But we see what happens .
  7. The difference is that Tweety is 90% natural ( after a recent as it seems face “interference “ ) while Radislava has much plastic on her .. And usually , when plastic interferes , it shows kind of insecurity for a woman or low self confidence .. I can also name many 28 years old girls we have seen on screens , just a recent example is Lola , past her mid 30s , perhaps almost 40s and I think there can’t be a serious comparison to her .. In any case , she’s for sure an impressive woman that wouldn’t go unnoticed ( that would be insane ..) but we had a camera addicted , Leora , now we have Radislava being obsessed as well .. But maybe like this and the occasional admiration and appreciation from her fans , she manages to “ fight “ the low self confidence issues …I can maybe now think of the times when she was interacting with us while in B1 , that she loved it knowing that the fans had her back ..
  8. I think Radislava is under heavy depression , her drug use is the way to escape the negativity and emotional sad world .. Her food routine is also another factor , an ongoing situation makes the mind and body react , 16 months without eating a bit of everything , we never saw her have period , it is a series of so many things that definitely suggest that many things aren’t right and something is wrong ..I will say though that despite the reasonable move after such a long time would be for RLC to remove her , I think this will completely ruin her , for me , RLC it is her whole world , she’s totally into this , it might be her really first try on doing something for such a long period ..It might be the best that either they “ force “ her on some kind of holidays for a period so as to recuperate since RLC seems to want her indefinitely , but current Radislava is a mess I think and trying desperately to find allies so as to “ fight “ the complete negative atmosphere towards her in the villa .
  9. Ulyana ? Drugs ? The one recently we saw having problems has been Nelly ..
  10. There are many “ strange “ things currently happening with RLC that are of more importance than the criticism that the sisters suffer by people who see them like any other girl who is in the project to provide entertainment .Yes , their job has much to do with lots of private sharing things but as I have said , for me it is one of the best things that RLC has done , if not the best as human behaving and thinking , supporting these two girls by giving them the chance of providing financial help , especially to Esmi , assuming she’s in the apartment not with the absolute GOV meaning but as you say , as a refugee .RLC helps and I am glad that in a way my monthly subscription is part of it .. Now , we have Karol who , no matter how amazing she is , I am totally against that her boyfriend is in Barcelona with their dog and she still keeps on with RLC rather than quitting , find a normal job , be a waitress , a bartender , I honestly have no idea what but I can’t think she can’t find a job , leave RLC and go live her life under normal circumstances . Then we have Kristy and Alana who just make dance practicing and that’s it ..Cleopatra who still prefers her local accommodation in Barcelona than her B2 job and bed .. And then we have B4 which is a mess of chemistry and toxic atmosphere and daily backstabs as I see it .. Therefore , I prefer watching an apartment thst even if it is quiet at times , it offers the best current GOV for me personally , angel Marlene , and I prefer watch the normal and gradual blossom of my second favorite becoming Esmi who , even if she shows nothing sexual , she has this incredible dynamic and strong personality aura that makes me “ hungry “ wanting to know “ what’s next “ even if there’s no next at the moment 😂🤣 B1 is an easy going , relaxed , peaceful and quiet apartment to watch but the feeling is that anything can happen anytime.The girls have a great relationship and chemistry and rather than the toxicity and negative aura that especially B4 and secondary B2 broadcasts , it is a great place to watch .
  11. Say anything you want but Harley’s traditional and original finger masturbations are some of the best we have the chance to enjoy ..no machines , no toys , just her porn watching and boom , fantastic and pure real… Edit ; Can I also repeat that she has one of the best pussies across of all RLC apartments ? 😋😋😋😋😈😈
  12. There have always been offcamers and they will always be ..They have been girls in the past going out to clubs every single day , but slowly they brought much of their private lives inside the apartment .It is an EPIC problem now that in all of Barcelona apartments most bedrooms are occupied with two girls , even Radislava seems to have been jealous of this now and she “ moves “ around with Cecilia 😂🤣 Few girls have a real life residency currently but when they live their life normal , they are insulted because they fuck around with everyone or the guys are losers ( Fiora / Vamp ) , Masha … I think it is for our best of interests to have variety , you are a bit strict with the sisters when we have said repeatedly the drama of their family in Ukraine . Zabava didn’t disappoint but look what happened .. as for the rest , here we will be to go “ mad “ on them being indifferent ..
  13. I agree ..but then see it differently also , Zabava who was very generous can’t now have her own things as soon as life returns in some weeks to normal as things indicate ..I also believe that Esmi has been a gesture of help by RLC due to the war ( but you never know if she enjoys the idea slowly , as we know , many girls have the “ need “ to know that people watch them )…
  14. The more the months with RLC , the more the money making ..That’s all 😏 At least she provides , whatever it is , she shows something , even creating drama ( real life ) , even repeated boring nowadays shows , even fakery things , she does SOMETHING..You can easily now bring in mind several other tenants being there much much much time and offer the absolute zero or a repeated boredom staying .. I would guess it is the apartments you avoid commenting 😎😎🤓😆
  15. Back to the privacy stupidity of RLC 🤬🤬😡😡.. But , with Marlene and Zabava being generous plus Karol being the absolute mentor for all of them and more important , really respecting her and listening to her , it is all possible ..it is just that this place is far by hosting any major gatherings unfortunately which , uncounted times , ended in some really amazing things happening on cameras ( despite only Marlene perhaps seems belonging to the category of nothing to hide and do it all ..)
  16. She does in comparison to others …BUT….Nothing new or exciting , just repeated things , different partners ( ? ) plus , in my opinion , a girl who creates controversies amongst tenants , difficult character ( that’s why maybe special ) …Anyway , for a girl living in Barcelona , for 16 months in the project , I would expect to see more real life friends than Cecilia , let’s say …
  17. Don’t forget that Daniel actually might have tried to “ approach “ Loraine when he accompanied her to the villa when she was still with Anthony , many said it was an action of jealousy from Loraine to Anthony after the incident in B2 on that day or recently of that incident ( I don’t remember exactly now ) with him and Amalia which made him and Loraine have a big argument and we also saw a change of dynamics since that day for Anthony and his behavior to the girls . I even had commented that Daniel accompanying Loraine that day in the villa was a friendly and out of complete respect and nice gesture by him , few we knew about him that day and maybe i was wrong then 😂🤣 buy still looked friendly ( him falling from the chair in the LR’s table is another one of his epic goofs 😂🤣😂🤣 , I remember it like yesterday and Loraine running to check on him if he’s ok . Then Anthony appeared and he slept on the couch if i remember correctly , Loraine might have achieved her goal to create interest for Anthony and possible making him jealous . Loraine’s in a chaotic mind state , nothing will surprise me from her , for the absolute nothing doing till participating in whatever show for the cameras . But at this moment , it is zero Loraine boring behavior and actions .
  18. I don’t think that RLC can’t find a solution to this problem , even on a small island like here we have a master key maker 😂🤣 who can create car keys of even the latest electric model , I don’t think in whole Barcelona there’s no place to do so .. If there were 3 copies made , it shows that can be done .. no matter the price , this is a must do expense for RLC .
  19. The amount of comments on this topic prove easily the conclusion that there’s no M&A apartment worthy to watch without Martina . She’s the one that keeps the interest , the way of her life , her behavior , her actions . Alberto unfortunately serves currently as the supporting cast , the irony is that - as some good friends have said - Martina by herself in this apartment , she could easily skyrocketed the interest . I can imagine parties , visitors , guests , I could see Martina as a “ Masha “ of sorts without going to the extreme of Masha , but maybe one day she would . We could then have Martina , Masha , Leora , Martina single or living by herself ? I challenge any reasonable CC member to think of the possibilities of a 25 years old single Martina in Barcelona .. that’s all …
  20. I think the majority pays to watch the private life of other people 24/7 , pure translation = anything goes .. you are paying to add in your list of videos the next masturbation of tenants and keep the numbers going , that’s what I think . I don’t really know who the fucking weirdo here is …🤥🙄😏
  21. You are right with Beatrice and it is my bad of trying to keep her “ innocent “ , for what we can speculate , she might like Cleopatra ( we saw them cuddling one night but cleopatra was uninterested ) and felt jealous knowing she brings someone inside . On the other hand , it is absolutely RIDICULOUS that Cleopatra seems to have no keys for the apartment ( I think it was the same with Agneta ) and every time she is out and needs to come back , she has to ring the bell so they open her the door . ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS a tenant not having her own keys for the place she lives / stays .
  22. I think cleopatra isn’t feeling as comfortable and free to do things in the apartment that’s why she goes out . I think Kristy has set rules in the apartment concerning visitors , parties , noise , alcohol , drugs .. If B2 was a place to have fun , why everyone goes to B5 to enjoy and dance , sing and whatever shows ? B1 has the history of complains and that’s why I come to the conclusion that Kristy runs B2 and that’s why zero things happen apart from dance practicing with lingerie that actually Kristy initiates always . If I am wrong , we see it when Kristy leaves the project and Cleopatra remains , as always an opinion as you know like anyone else here . For me , for every action there’s an explanation and Cleopatra’s behavior it is what I just described .
  23. You try to bring sense and logical thinking to people who tune in just to watch any sex activities when they can simply go to any porn site and choose the content they want to see . Ignoring the human factor on all these people who are daily on our screens , it shows that they have absolutely no human understanding of how humanity works , just satisfying their personal perverted habits by categorizing these people the way you mentioned . You shouldn’t even bother with them , these people will never comment when and if any of the tenants cries , shouts , smash things , laughs to tears . They will just come here to moan and complain because the girls don’t masturbate 24/7 , that they don’t fuck 7 days per week and that they aren’t naked 365 days per year in front of cameras .. don’t bother and spend your energy to the nice hobby of watching / being a voyeur .
  24. You are perfectly right and as I said , there are others who “ contribute “ zero for me as a subscriber , Tata is gone , last night they were all 3 local girls on the couch , Radislava , Cleopatra and Cecilia , I don’t know what they could have been saying , Cleopatra is also now a girl that her interests are outside than enjoying the job she got hired to but I don’t know , I think if Kristy wasn’t running B2 , I think we would see more from her .I think she wants to have visitors in the apartment and more nights like the ones we saw with that boys company but it isn’t easy with Kristy there , so she just goes away , meeting with others out and so on , that’s what I think .Now that I am thinking about it , look at Beatrice , she had to go to B5 and have a guy around to flirt , drink , let herself completely loose so as to see the next level from her . For me both Kristy and Alana should go , back to “ Radislava is contributing more “…But Radislava also , it is just too many months , I don’t see what more she can do and as we see , we like it or not , relationships are affected with her on the picture and that’s the sad truth . I don’t know how things can improve or what more to expect so , that’s why I say that Radislava’s time is up .
  25. Masha helping Eva ? Since when Eva needs help ? To prove what ? They are all day naked everyday … Anyway , to each one his own opinion .
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