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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I agree that the apartment was for sure against public silence rules . But it has happened again in this apartment and I start believing that maybe there aren’t others living in other apartments of this house and it is just the “ pharmacy “ ? exactly downstairs that we had the owner complaining of the water leak . But there was no police or at least someone hitting the door or asking that they stop like we have seen in the other Barcelona apartments . Strange for sure
  2. Many things are different in Europe than the USA .. there are the public silence hours that nothing is allowed from everyone but no one can actually complain within time limits .. it also has to do if it is a multi apartments house or next to countryside and so on . I believe that the police was called on that day because a party was happening against the rules and the music was just the cause . There have been parties and parties in this villa and it was never actually major problems , also with the two girls T&E , they were just having fun in their house , sorry , unlucky neighbors that it isn’t as quiet as they were expecting .. in any case , I don’t of course approve of the actions but I try to give my opinion and explanation ☺️ that for sure can be totally wrong 😁
  3. So .. a guy that a woman is playing with him for over one year , a guy that he isn’t allowed in her apartment , a guy that he MUST obey and DISCIPLINE and do as Always Commander Leora wants , he is always the bad guy in the story , the problematic one , the stupid one , the disastrous one and Leora is the Angel , the woman next door that she’s innocent and the one who plays with people and feelings , she’s Santa Leora .. she’s the one that as soon as she feels sad with her story in Prague and has problems , she will phone / use the love of her life to calm down and feel better 😂🤣😂🤣 Santa Leora uses Paul to feel better when things don’t look nice and will phone him 2-5 times per day to just listen to him and feel happy and arrange business and at the same time a guy that simply wants to show that he is interested with the girl who wants many times to spend days and nights with him , he is the stupid one because he simply wants to have a normal thing with her and she plays with him day in and day out . It is all of course a speculation as we don’t even know if this is the truth 😂🤣
  4. I don’t say that you might not be right but I find it strange that it wasn’t a problem all those years and now suddenly it has been . For me it was more because of Covid restrictions the call of the police but it’s what I believe as I said ☺️
  5. I don’t think there’s a problem for parties in the villa but people who would wish to organize something like this aren’t current residents . If Gina wanted to have her birthday party in the villa , I don’t think it would have been a problem . I can’t believe they are restricted , it wasn’t the first time of music being loud at that time , I think it had to do with Covid restrictions that parties aren’t allowed , the famous and forbidden corona parties and I believe someone informed the police of that .. the sound was just also one more reason . Anyway , what matters is that we don’t get any more parties unfortunately in general .
  6. I can’t complain of these two girls , everywhere they went they did their best to be the absolute GOV , they have been great and let’s hope they keep us busy the whole summer ☺️
  7. I was sure that by end of May , everyone who joined in 2020 ( except of Bogdan /Nelly and Radislava ) would be replaced .. The ones who didn’t enjoy Barcelona then as tenants of this current stay , they seem to do it now since they aren’t replaced .. I think Holly and Megan wouldn’t have been any different .Anyway , it is what it is , imagine if we see Tesla and Elian leaving soon ..
  8. Vivian and Tesla seem to have slow down their incredible fast pace rhythm of happenings in B4 the last 2-3 days , let’s see if it is a calm period before a great weekend storm 😉😆🥳
  9. Amira is so obvious that has no interest anymore except living a free life in Barcelona , absolutely ridiculous and can only be compared with the two girls in Prague . Monica at least provided the first couple of months when she entered RLC with this current stay but at the moment and with her move in the master bedroom , even whatever BF she might wanted to bring for bonuses , won’t work except if Amira keeps on overnighting regularly ( in general this is a really bad scenario currently in B2) .. I wonder how the other girl or girls will escape this B2 atmosphere and actually try to have a more normal inside the apartment life like the 4 great ones of last year 😕😔😒😞
  10. You are very right with Nana , a complete natural so far , very well accepted by everyone , she’s social with the others , she keeps a gentle distance when she either feels tired or not in the mood , the most important , a GOV that acts normal despite her first time on cameras and only in such little time . It is a pity that we have so great additions ( Vivian , Nana, Tesla and Elian , Pam is great as she’s now in the next level by living a normal life without camera hesitations ) , Radi is always there for the top cam clicks , Ariana with some glances of giving the viewers something different every now and then ( whatever she did with Radislava plus showing off her oral skills a couple of days ago with the plastic toy ) , we have unfortunately in all of these happenings the rather worsening than improving situation in B2 with Amira and Monica and the couple in B4 .. And it doesn’t even look that any of them is moving any time soon 👿😡🤬
  11. B2 ready to get even more boring and predictable with one more move from Monica within the apartment and if the two ( or one ) new girl(s) aren’t in GOV mood , most of summer happenings in B2 will be a disaster .. let’s hope that I am totally wrong and the new tenants will perhaps challenge the veterans Monica and Amira .. 😯😐
  12. I guess it would have been so difficult once again for Leora to allow to some of her friends or generally to those she wishes to actually see where she lives for once by having them invited in her apartment and celebrate with music and drinks and singing or whatever they like … in all of RLC’s history , there has been no one that has shared nothing personal like Leora has done ( I mean in Prague of course ) . And this will always be for me the biggest minus and disadvantage of this apartment and of course the biggest “ fault “ that RLC has allowed to happen in all of their apartments history . Happy birthday to Leora and let’s hope that turning 30 can perhaps “ push “ this strange invisible button that all women have in this age when they start suddenly wondering things like “ when am I going to be mother “ , “ what will I do with my professional life “ “ how will I handle the challenges of the next decade “ and so many more minor or major thoughts that slowly start occupying the women’s mind as soon as the switch turns to 30…
  13. I will speculate that Gina has been celebrating when she was absent from two days from her apartment with the whole gang and that’s why no energy for whoever turned up at her place yesterday .. of course , we might see more during the weekend ..
  14. One more time then .. - Leora is in Prague the last 22 months and she has shared time with her long time BF for a week or so ( fact and seen on cameras ) - Leora has a parallel relationship ( since Paul is considered to still be her BF ) but no one can visible confirm it as the guy has never been seen and we don’t therefore know if he is a a sexual partner , good friend or both 😁 ( non fact as has never been seen on cameras ) With these two previous things mentioned , a great chat could be happening here in the forum on what everyone thinks of Leora’s actions . Is it fair the way she behaves to both Paul and this guy ? For what love we speak when Leora has another guy ? Yes , Leora will always love Paul but she loves Paul with her own terms , that is having another guy for her sexual satisfaction and company in Prague and at the same time pretending to Paul that everything is fine and she misses him and also to the other guy that Paul is just a guy she was together for many years while she was in Russia and now she’s in Prague for a new beginning .. If for anyone of you here this is ethical and moral and most of all a fair and honest , sincere and true behavior to both of the guys , I have no more words to add ..
  15. Ariana’s bates have a really great time frame 😉 enough lengthy to satisfy definitely her and also the viewer of not getting tired watching 😎 ( especially with her when her orgasm is the masterpiece of her action 😉 )
  16. Radislava seemed quite skeptical and sad while playing the piano music from her laptop with an endless loop … let’s hope she didn’t get any news that her RLC time is up , there are other tenants that need to go and for sure not her .. let’s see .
  17. Very nice post with great arguments , one of the best I have read in a while here . I will let others hopefully comment to your post as I am not in the mood to create confused and laughing emojis with my thoughts concerning your very well and nicely analyzing thoughts , so , well done once again presenting the situation at how actually is with the obvious conclusion , a big confusion for everyone 😔
  18. I think it is nice that B5 has a great chemistry amongst all four of them and that they do many things together , but in the depth of time , the interest will be gone due to lack of visitors or happenings with other people … I also think that without the bonuses , they might not be satisfied and they will seek attention by interacting more often with the GOV apartments but still , Tereza is in charge in B5 i think and it is up to her how things will go with this apartment ..T&E visit really boosted B5 ratings and the forum chats but as we said , they can’t be everywhere to save RLC’s Barcelona project ( especially B2 ) 😔
  19. I think we were writing at the same time 😇 Had no idea about that , thanks for updated info 😎 I agree that Bruno’s gang isn’t the best for her but I think she liked the cameras world .. I hope she stays away and keep on having a normal life 😎
  20. A lot of members suggested that they tried to approach the B5 couples for possible shows and they declined and since then there’s even no connection with B5 , I didn’t believe this in the early talked stages but I start slowly changing my mind for this …
  21. I always thought that our good friend @nagachilli2would have made an “investigation “ about it but the only thing we learned was that they broke up ( no RLC no money perhaps for studies ?? / pure speculation ) and she was never seen again 😔
  22. Amira is very well experienced with RLC now..we appreciated her that she had a rather impressive current stay in comparison to her previous one ( she really did many things and the most for me was when Carlos licked her pussy ) , but since C&C departure , it has been some really rare bating moments and 1-2 shows with Monica every 15 days ( synchro bates mostly ) … we thank her but it is time that she moves on
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