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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Sorry to my confused emoji friends , I only made a comment regarding a post made by pulo recently . Here it is . Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 34 pulo filipe replied to pulo filipe's topic in Leora, Malia (08/14/19) Malia is working 9:00 / 17 -18 :00 Hair andbeauty salon
  2. According to him , Megan’s behavior was inappropriate because of the way she was with her costume , her general attitude let’s say ... we can call it jealousy at least 😂🤣 The thing is that he’s allowed to have BJs by other women when he is with her , touch them , kiss them , lick them . What can I say ? 😂🤣
  3. I don’t think she did anything wrong , she got drunk , kissed a couple of girls , touched the boobs of others as well , nothing that would make furious her BF that she is willing to share . That’s what makes his reaction totally out of the benefits he enjoys being with her . It’s one more example , a man can always have as many ( especially if the GF approves 😁 ) but the GF should behave as a nun . I don’t think then either that she was wrong , I just criticize the selfish behavior / reaction of Rocco
  4. Rocco is watching 😉 He wouldn’t say no 😁 but he was furious with Megan’s behavior at the party 😬
  5. At least Ariana respects the “ real life “ concept and shares lots of her private life on cameras by talking ( in English ) with possible BF or lover or whatever her guy(s) are .
  6. Yes , Holly’s appearance can be described like “ wrong place , wrong time “ 😂🤣
  7. Masha learned Italian , she communicates in this language easily . The cats , she’s allowed to have pets in her current apartment . A cleaning lady , a masseuse , so many friends . She’s just having holidays and that’s all , she’s just not sure I believe with the return date but she needed for subscriber reasons to have a date written on the main RLC page . But of course , we will see what the future holds , it will be totally out of character seeing Masha abandoning a life she has created the last 6 years in Rome and move in to Barcelona , especially when these people there are temporary and most of them will be returning back in their countries when traveling is easier again .
  8. I think Masha was kind of water bating in the jacuzzi having the water between her legs for irritation , don’t know how to describe .
  9. She has an open ticket and the return date for RLC is happening for subscription reasons I believe . Of course she could be back the date that it is written but I think a week or so more will remain in Barcelona .
  10. Most probably she will stay more in Barcelona .. She isn’t leaving Rome , her life is in Rome and she made a big effort to create a life there and make the apartment just for her and the way she likes it with decoration and so on . She’s actually a tenant that made her job apartment an apartment for her to live and not one more RLC apartment like the ones we see in Barcelona .
  11. From tears to a common bate ... Amalia is much better than becoming a second Ginger 😡😡
  12. Malia was making extra hours at the beauty salon working as it seems 🤔
  13. Let’s see how they fill B4 after Masha departs and if it is going to be a new face or someone we have seen before . At the moment , the most reasonable prediction is to have a “local “ as soon as Masha leaves or even keep the bed empty for a few weeks.
  14. They kept so many months Amalia and Amira in the same bedroom for no reason when we were all saying why they didn’t give Amalia the empty B2 room when that girl who appeared for less than 24 hours abandoned RLC . Anyway , let’s see how this will work out , it’s still an empty bed in B4 since Masha will be leaving sooner or later back to Rome .
  15. Nobody ever figured out why they moved her away from her best friend Amalia only to put her in B4 where she was nearly every second day away from it . Clearly atmosphere is better , I still believe Serafima was “ toxic “ to the rest of the cast .
  16. Serafima left and suddenly this place , B1 , has visitors again , for whatever reasons ( Pam in the apartment , Ariana back from holidays ) , even Radislava came out of her room 😁
  17. I thought with the way that Alessandro was behaving with Tanya that they either had broke up with the GF or he was thinking like “ what the hell , why not ? “ with Tanya . He managed at the end to stay “ faithful “ 😆but undoubtedly he likes Tanya . But now it will all be great with the GF , so , that’s what matters the most .
  18. It seems as you say ☺️ ..I am looking forward to have both Tanya and Hedi in the apartment together with Babi , Masha and Alessandro with the GF 😂🤣😂🤣
  19. As moos has mentioned some days ago , there are many translators who simply observe many of the apartments but they have decided to stay away from the forum due to the totally unfair criticism they have suffered by either questioning their translations people who don’t even speak a word ( incredible isn’t it 😂🤣) or they also see till now other forum members be bullied and also being questioned by trying to provide information here at the forum ( omedo , a Spanish translator is a recent example of what I am saying ) . I provided that info with danger not to get the chance to be informed again but it was simply too much standing aside and reading whatever , moos has proved that he is a very trustworthy person when he says things , so , when he first mentioned kind of a hint and few believed him , it felt like giving the exact info . And that’s the story for that ☺️
  20. Ariana captivating the audience with her Madrid adventures 😎
  21. Alessandro being faithful mystery solved as the friend is back from Prague , welcome ☺️
  22. If Rocco could visit at this period , it would be lots of fun with Masha there and Cesar spending more and more time in B4😉
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