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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The woman has the advantage already that she knows exactly the erotical zone and doesn’t need to “ search “ like we men do before finding out where it is the best for them .. 😉
  2. This facing the cameras now and being able to watch their facial expressions , it is the best moment of all the four sessions so far .. amazing
  3. Yes yes , I agree ☺️☺️ Also with good volume , it gives a very much extra to the atmosphere 😇
  4. Ready for round 2 ... lucky women 😂🤣 they don’t need long breaks 😆😆😂🤣
  5. Martina in similar body positions she has with Alberto in order to reach orgasm 😉
  6. Not a fan of lesbian sex but for members who are following RLC for many many years , I think these 4 lesbian sessions between these two girls must be the best lesbian action in the history of this site .
  7. Nelly too aggressive anal fingering , Martina I think had to make her go slower 😂🤣
  8. It was an exhausting forum chat for me today and now it is relaxing
  9. I will dare and say that for Martina seems to be more a “ fuck “ while for Nelly it feels kind of “ having more feelings than Martina has “ . Obviously , great sex can never be if you don’t “ feel “ the other but I think Martina is more like satisfying her crazy , wild and well hidden lesbian side while for Nelly it is like she wants to “feel “ a person next to her , be pleased and just relax from many things ... And it seems also that Martina wants to have control , she wants to give the rhythm and control what’s happening .
  10. They finally proved that they don’t give a shit about the cameras , that’s why it makes it special again .
  11. Very happy that they prove that they fuck for themselves and following the passion they share for one another . Incredible that they still fuck like it is their first time , sharing again all the wild hidden lesbian feelings they have . But above all , they still have me stunned that I can’t even now at N&M Part 4 figure out if anyone of the two or both sees this only as sex , as just an escape from their men and having found a person that they feel nice or if this is just a way to let all the worries they have in mind for their lives by simply fuck and enjoy a person they admire ... or all of the above ... a great mystery the story of these two and this is what makes it amazing to follow it ... By the way , their sex today seems to have a great balance between wild and passionate . Previous times have shown them the way for today , what they like and what they don’t , parts of the body they enjoy and where to focus for pleasure . What an amazing pure sex experience they both provide , well done M&N
  12. Interesting to see if this is going to be another sex session for themselves or the cameras start slowly playing a role ( if sex occurs of course )
  13. It is a strange apartment but it isn’t far of the real life concept . The problem is that it is a strange couple , all the rest is actually the way you wish . No shows , real friends , a pet even ☺️ But it is the life of this couple strange , that’s why my comment .
  14. Are you in search of my posts so you can find conflict of words and messages ? Because this can be an endless loop without reaching an actual point ? I am overwhelmed that you pay attention to my posts to be honest since you don’t seem to walk the same path of thoughts like mine . I said that and I hope she pays no attention to my words and she does as she wishes .
  15. I can’t confront you , this is too expertise english for me to use and not the language I have learned so I can communicate on occasions like this forum here and in my daily routine life . You are right , you proved your supremacy and superiority over any of us here who can’t handle the way you write , truly remarkable . I will keep on posting the way I am doing , my own style , which makes me have haters ( very long posts ) and admirers ( that they like that I always have an opinion and not afraid to express it , despite being wrong or right ) . The girls had a life before whatever they have put themselves into and we comment and post about them according to what we see . I comment and post according to ways i have studied and the vision and realization I have for the world we are living . All the rest , bigger or smaller details that you refer to defining the lives of the two girls , it is of little interest to me . It is of big interest to you . At least we managed to communicate and make a fair talk and I applaud you because you came out and posted . Why should we reach the earlier point for this to happen ? I need to analyze further what you posted and find perhaps the right vocabulary to match your way of writing . Consider an admiration by my side ( if you feel like ) that at least you made yourself available with a comment .
  16. Il a été dit dans le passé que seulement s'ils sont absents pendant une semaine, RLC peut mettre le signe de l'avion, surtout si l'on est à la maison. Un beau week-end à tous les deux que je souhaite, au moins ils sont heureux où qu'ils soient que dans leur appartement.
  17. At least you and pulo try and give the pleasant tone in this thread ( as it should be ) than many of us who are having nonsense childish behaviors ( I speak for myself as well 🥸 )
  18. You appear in Masha’s thread to translate “ δεν της έκατσε ο τύπος “ ... your knowledge of greek language is a total miracle to me , you must have had an amazing teacher learning you the language and thank you for trying to expand your unquestionable knowledge . Do you have anything to comment concerning the apartment or you will keep on finding “ loop holes “ to prove your higher than average IQ than the rest of us forum members who are the usual daily types people ? Actually , I wonder why you never comment on your fellow masterchef cult , encouraging him more when he has finished jerking off after Leora’s masturbations and him kissing her nice tits . Ups , off topic , but maybe you have been fascinated also that you saw Masha masturbating earlier and your comment was about that originally but then you saw me posting here and you wanted to include me on your post . I admire you because at least someone speaks ☺️😇 Apologies to everyone for off topic and biting the bait 😔
  19. Thank you on enlightening me with your wise words , at least you have the balls to come out and comment . Jimbo’s words seem to be more and more accurate then , even for the doubters . Do you wish to comment anything regarding the girls and what we are trying to figure out here or will we continue like this ? Because we are way off topic
  20. Ik kan alleen maar zeggen dat zelfs de kinderen zich niet zo kinderachtig gedragen als al deze veronderstelde volwassen volwassenen. Ik denk dat door de masturbatie al die jaren vanwege Leora, hun hersenen verbrand zijn 🤯
  21. Δεν υπάρχει στα αγγλικά η έκφραση ... Δεν της έκατσε ο τύπος 😂🤣😂🤣
  22. Never complains with you dear friend , they know who they are , that’s why they are afraid to post 😂🤣 They are hiding behind their cowardice 🥳
  23. I call them out politely and with dignity without never offending them to chat if they wish . I guess they have mastered hide and seek when they were young , a bit after the Second World War times 😂🤣
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