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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I am in a roll the last days Naga 😉 Just a step start writing in greek , after a test , google can’t translate it correctly , it will be awesome to speak “ direct “ and not “ traced “ 😂🤣😂🤣
  2. Almost 8 years for this job , it is too much , it is better to leave when you are still on top than not having anymore the same glamour like once in the past ( which is normal , no one can defeat the time ) .. I hope for her to realize what is better for her future life and not the 1,2,3 years or I don’t know how long more she wants to do this .. I believe that always you can do better when you are familiar with the culture and you know the rules , your original place you will always miss , especially when there aren’t extreme differences except the cultural philosophy .. if it was to move from a mega city to an island or close to the beach , that’s a change .. from a village to a city , that’s a change .. but it is just from a big city to another one ( Krasnoyarsk - Prague ) .. I believe she will go back after trying to live some years in Prague .
  3. It isn’t necessary .. we actually know that they are always in contact , it doesn’t mean that they spend all the time together ( that I also believe they do 😁 )
  4. Excellent strategy change by Radislava , approaching the girls and letting the others know of events in B1 ( at least I hope so she does 😎🤩 ) Amira could possibly confirm the not so nice Sera’s attitude 😉 despite the truce that seemed happening last month 😁
  5. Awaiting for Radislava’s Saturday’s night destination 😉
  6. We actually don’t know where she is as we also don’t know for Malia , they have also other friends in Prague .
  7. It is a pity how this thread has become , to be ruled by the absence of dialogue and the continuous actions from members which show their misery as persons . Ρε ελεεινά και τιποτένια ανθρωπάκια , ελπίζω όσο η βασίλισσά σας διασκεδάζει , να έχετε στο κομοδίνο δίπλα σας υγρά μαντηλάκια για όταν επιστρέψει να τον παίξετε με ησυχία 😂🤣😂🤣
  8. I guess both girls are so happy with their lives in their apartment 😂🤣that can’t look for periods like this one ( 3 weeks strict restrictions law ) to spend it at places where they feel honestly happy and not bored of doing nothing and having a routine . At least Leora understood also that she should follow the steps of her friend Malia and start going away for longer than 24 hours periods . Poor Malia , I don’t know how she will manage her loneliness having the apartment only for herself after spending a great and happy week at a place where she really feels excited being .
  9. I agree with you , any different behavior would be a surprise .
  10. Actually , it is everywhere a quiet Saturday night .. Netflix evening and smackdown later😆🤩
  11. Well , one more proof that slowly she gets more and more off of her “ afraid “ shell and starts to make some friendships and meet her colleagues 😇
  12. Why worthless Monica ? And Amira has had a decent presence this time .
  13. I think she felt comfortable and they were nice with her , more than this , remains to be seen 😎
  14. She seemed to like it though ( the cameras and Zac , we don’t live her life to know if there was a chance with RLC , if she was willing to participate again )
  15. 😂🤣 Then , let’s see what the evening holds 😇
  16. Can we get any comment or an opinion from the people who leave smile/ ironical emojis to any of us who try to have a nice forum chat here ? Or their English knowledge is below elementary and they don’t know how to spell the words ? I feel pity for Leora if she was / is / will keep on being in touch perhaps with these people , I can tell that her future looks secure and bright with such people around .
  17. Sad learning that Luna isn’t still with Zac ... Happy that she will be off the cameras world .
  18. Tech issues then ... or when it is back online , Radi can share the reasons perhaps 😉
  19. B1 UM , hope they didn’t start throwing plates to one another 😂🤣
  20. If there’s no other transportation except of a taxi , it is really expensive to move only by taxis back and forth to the centre .
  21. If she can’t live a normal life with cameras being part of her life , what’s the point having a life that doesn’t give her the freedom she wishes ( I don’t take money as the only reason obviously ) . If all residents had fear that anyone they meet outside the apartment could become a problem , then there’s no need for a life like this .. and .. forget the men , she has female friends from beauty salons , hairdressers , has she also to be afraid of them as well ? It is a proof that viewership in apartments is exploding when outsiders are presented . If you can’t trust a guy that you know 9 months , what more can I add ? But the female friends ? Security for them for what ? I know I shouldn’t compare with other tenants .. but Masha and the guys she brought in the apartment time after time , the Barcelona girls and the lovers for one night stands ? Haven’t they felt the way you describe of dangers ? To edit my comment so as to add something , so many things are known for her life from people who claim to speak with her , in all of the threads all of the years , it has never been mentioned that she experienced something to feel danger , but i agree that it can be a very serious reason that if it had ever happened , can explain her actions .
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