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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Off topic speaking about Malia but obviously , not a chance to analyze her on their thread there as it will provoke only laughable emojis , just because 😂🤣😂🤣 The problem with Malia is simply one . She is Leora’s puppet , she has learned all about RLC from her and we can’t see unfortunately by her any sign of her personality . We don’t know who she actually is , what she likes , what she doesn’t , 13 or 14 months with RLC and we have no idea of her interests , of her hobbies , of her social skills ( what 😂🤣 ? ), we don’t know this woman and it is a pity because I truly and strongly believe that if she had an apartment for herself , she would have been a much more interesting tenant for any of us to discover . Unfortunately , Leora’s shadow is preventing any of her incredible big potential . Apologies for the off topic but the thread there is currently a “ minefield “ to post anything that won’t be praising the girls
  2. I think it is the first time we see Serafima and Martina at a same place ( except if she was at the very first spiritual Ariana’s thing in B1 and they were both there )
  3. I guess no wild speculation for Martina being out of the apartment 😆
  4. https://www.barcelona.cat/covid19/en/measures-combat-covid-19-barcelona
  5. I honestly think that the situation on B1 is currently “ heavy “ for her , it is the 3rd consecutive evening that she spends away or visiting , two days in a row in B5 ( chats with Claire ) and today in the villa , where I think it is the first time she is visiting since she joined the project ( no parties , gathering of girls and so on ) , definitely one of the biggest surprises and stranger things to happen so far ( she also doesn’t like to be away from Barcelona center although no bars and clubs open to her support on her decision )
  6. Leora is the most popular tenant in the history of this site and has helped the popularity of the site as many became subscribers because of her . They are for sure not a couple , just long time best friends . If you were posting something like this at their thread , it could be a time that you would get very satisfactory answers but at these days you would only get some confused and laughable emojis for simply asking reasonable questions . There are plenty of shows happening at RLC but it is clear what a show is and what real life is , N&M it is true sexual passion , I think that not even in professional lesbian porn anything this real could be witnessed .
  7. Sera in the villa ... I can only say that she tries maybe to get some allies after the hate she seems to have been suffering 🥸🤩🙄😲🤔 A positive thing nevertheless this surprise 😇
  8. If the phonecalls were providing valuable info and could lead to nice chats and exchange of opinions , I think it would be completely fine analyzing the talks , the amount of time spend and so on . But i honestly see it as a statistic daily thing and that’s why I don’t understand the contribution to the forum .
  9. As you know , I have total trust with your translations , since i didn’t get any explanation that day or I never read anything different , this is why I came up with my post . I apologize then for the inconvenience I created and that’s why we need people like you at the forum so false assumptions don’t develop in standard “ science fiction “ theories . My apologies to everyone then and thanks to you for the clarifications 😇
  10. I know that I make tired many of the members here because I talk/ write a lot , but at least I don’t copy paste repeated things just to fill pages and i am thrilled that I get the chance to analyze and communicate my thoughts with such a big variety of characters and personalities of all ages from all over the world . At the stupid times we have , communication like this it is the least we can do ☺️ I will always speak mostly from personal life experiences but I am always willing to read other opinions and learn , this is how I can improve personally as a person and add more good things in my character 😇
  11. These comments i appreciate much more because are well presented with arguments . It doesn’t mean that I agree with you , but not completely disagreeing like on other occasions . And finally , it is good that at least a post from you isn’t containing the “ pseudo lesbian “‘famous quote from you 😃
  12. Very good points again ☺️ I will disagree and say that for Martina isn’t such emotional ( despite coming out as so ) like Nelly , I think Martina is satisfying her wild and hidden “ dark “‘desires “ , that is taste other women . With Nelly , even after her repeatedly been asked by Bogdan to stop with Martina and she keeping on , that’s why i say it is more emotional and yes , it can be that she loves truly Bogdan and possibly starting feeling for Martina more than she original thought as an one night stand pure sex action
  13. When did Nelly and Martina run for a pseudo lesbian show ? Do you speak Russian to understand the talks that take place between Nelly and Bogdan ? Do we know what happens between them when they are away from B4 ? Let’s wait and see what happens , I will never hide if I am wrong and will always come “ publicly “ and accept you are right with your theory .
  14. You are right , I am always the psychologist and the guy that they will come for me for advice .. I am the male Ariana 😆
  15. In comparison to all of the rest threads / apartments , this is by far at the moment the best to follow and for sure opinions and ideas are expressed , right or wrong , at least it happens and we can chat , maybe you haven’t paying attention what goes on with the most popular ( alongside the villa ) place , L&M , where there are no opinions posted and one guy fills pages of repeated things . B4 , this one and Radislava topic are currently the threads to have a reasonable and back and forth with arguments chat . Speculators will always exist , it is the nature of RLC project to create this .. I am one of the biggest speculators for example 😂🤣
  16. Yesterday’s sex couldn’t be experienced at its whole “glory “because Martina’s apartment is the worst cameras and lighting installment . I hope she soon moves to a more modern and newer one ... I mean , come on Leora for her legendary bates she enjoys this luxury apartment ( and she deserves for her RLC contribution ) but also Martina ( and Alberto ) deserve a better place after almost 4 years with RLC . On the other hand , some months ago , the former C&Y and L&Z was offered to them and they rejected the offer , i can’t even think if they have accepted and at the end needed to evacuate the place and ultimately be removed from RLC , nothing of what we see would have been now a reality 😇
  17. Cameras state that Alberto is completely satisfied with what he gets from Martina . Martina is hot , yes , as a man , he might be looking other women like we all do , but the feeling is that he isn’t interested in someone else ( again in front of cameras )
  18. It is just a couple and things happen like so many others in real life . The cameras are what make us characterize , otherwise , no one else would bother what they do in their personal lives . We need to allow these people to do whatever they want , either agreeing or not , we can state our opinion and comment , but it is their lives and like you and me , they are free to do whatever they want . It isn’t our lives , right or wrong , completely their choices , none has forced them and they will need to live with whatever complications might occur .
  19. I don’t think that sex was predetermined , Nelly was paying Martina a visit but they both didn’t manage to handle their lust and they went for it . I will , personally , always take care a bit more of the apartment’s cleaning if I am about to have guests .
  20. Very good points and some personal example shared to make your thoughts more justified . But Martina and Nelly have met only the last 8-9 months and whatever is happening , it is the way you described and Leora and Malia are long tome friends and whatever is happening between them it is first a viewers show and at times an experiment of how they personally feel for themselves and how their bodies and minds react sharing things with another woman next to them . There’s absolutely no sexual attraction between Leora and Malia and they are also clear away for any lesbian interaction because they are simply not into lesbian sex . Which is also at the end what makes it sad to watch at times when they push for a show that there are no feelings and only money is involved 😔
  21. As i have said , maybe like this he is forgetting the ongoing situation 😔
  22. Usually women do so , we men are usually the weak ones when we truly love them 😩
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