Paul's so unfit he hasn't got a decent fuck in him, he's a prime candidate for either a cardiac arrest or heart attack which could be sooner rather than later unless he gets off his lazy arse and gets fit. Yes we assume he goes to the gym, but knowing how lazy he his, I think it's safe to say the only exercise he gets is walking to the gym and back, that's assuming he's got enough energy to spare. I Leora wants to see the love of her life and wants him to see 40. she needs to kick him out more often to get some exercise even it means buying him a bike. The result would be two fold, Leora will have the time to entertain her followers just like she did in the old days, and Paul will be able to take care of her sexually more often, and he will only need to sleep for around 8 hours.
Will this happen, doutfull, I think we'll have more chance of seeing the second coming