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Everything posted by Sean_G

  1. She must have bad breath. Never seen a guy refuse to kiss his girlfriend as much as Lion Aka. Mouse
  2. But Lion more like a mouse than a Lion. Venera looks ready for some fun but he seem a bit shy.
  3. Luna was the girl wit Zac and Fridge girl, right? She spoke Spanish with Zac and friends but sometimes English with a British accent on the phone.
  4. Cleo Just about done packing. probably gone by tomorrow.
  5. Holly has a perfect hearth shape above her ass crack.
  6. Am I wrong or is Holly excited about maybe new tenant or tenants?
  7. Is that Two towels on the bed in the guest room?
  8. Or are we getting Nelly and Bogdan for the summer?
  9. And even if he did, how does that affect you? Do you think he took away your chance of a fuck?
  10. When Bogdan was there there was no break in, and when they had guest over for lunch he did the grilling and also the heavy chores around the place. Which girl here going to do same?
  11. Why is that ? Was Bogdan presence a restriction in any "gross" way?
  12. Maybe RLC should think about having a male in the apt. for muscle and security. Just a thought.
  13. Agreed, but some assistance should have been offered. The others seem to think of it as a resort. Last year Bogdan was her help and I am sure she would have appreciated some assistance.
  14. That was not a good job by landscapers then. But why is it only Holly working? Mary jackass?
  15. Holly better call the landscapers to trim the ivy and the pool service people because no other tenant there would. Only home maker of the bunch.
  16. Poor Holly has no help with spring flowers this year.
  17. And a light beach wrap Alana's tossed over her shoulder to protect her sensitive shoulders.
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