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Posts posted by long_ranger

  1. "Paul need's to wise up...you don't miss it until it's gone.he need's to pay more attention to leora,hell he has one of the prettiest girls on rlc. take her out more,cuddle without sex,just hold her hand and just hold her.talk over things,help her in the house.PAUL SHOW HER YOU LOVE HER."

    Could you set that to music for us? Broadway show style. And a dance video of it, with some nice CGI effects, maybe featuring a montage of RLC tenants crying and pining, and wielding knives. Oh, and doing topless auto body work in the living room. See Diana about singing it for us. Sell it to RLC as an advertising piece.

  2. You're proposing a different product, which I started to propose myself, then deleted before posting, because it starts to get complicated. Not that it couldn't be done, but it poses significant difficulties. Point is, it's a DIFFERENT PRODUCT FEATURE,  which of course would be worth more money. You're paying now for a live feed; you want to add a DVR feature, you're going to pay for it.

  3. Let's imagine that you write a book and publish it. Let's say you sell one copy, and find the guy who bought it handing out photocopies of it to everyone in the world, and they like it. How would you feel? RLC created a product, and they have a right to control its distribution and profit from it. Yes, it's frustrating when you miss something, but that's life.

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