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Everything posted by rafan

  1. They are all under substances, they didn`t stop moving and trying to make show since they came, that little wop start to shake ass on whatever music is on, few hours ago wagner start to play and he try to dance on that, this is ridiculous. He is somewhere between funny and obnoxious and moving to obnoxious side like 2 hags.
  2. Agree, better watch fat ulyana and harley ass than those 3 stooges'
  3. Absolutely, that is VHTV material, staged fuck, reallfe my ass
  4. If Dylan fucks drunk and drugged aziza tonight, would that be as bad as Miron did
  5. I did, let me repeat what do you think they will do now to stop them party?
  6. What do you think it going to happen, they will send them to bed without supper, I`m really interested what do you think it would happened?
  7. Lavika right, Loraine Lanvi is now stage name for lorraine, google it, nice erotic scenes
  8. Good for him, I wouldn`t be confident if Im tall like him (about 1.50m)
  9. Another NB rant, it is so tiresome, you may not like them and that is ok but if you think that because of them other tenants cannot show their full potential than you are fucking retard. There was period without them and it was same or even worse then now.
  10. Another glued to her Iphone, what are the chances?
  11. Unpopular opinion, all new arrivals are meh, maybe Liza is only pretty one
  12. Most of the viewers can make a difference between real and fake relations. M+N was real
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