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  1. Meeeeeeeeeegaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan isss BAAAAACKKKK🫡🥰👏🎉🎉🎉🍾🍾🥳
  2. Last night Kimberly only wanted to have sex with Tani, and play with the girls (kissing,...) but she found out what happened with Taylor, Tani and Lilith. She got angry when she was left alone and that they didn't notify her, she tried it with lilith, but between them there were only kisses. Kimberly at the next party, she will try again with Tani
  3. Tani went to sleep with him so that the anger would not be greater, Tani wanted to continue with the girls' night but Tim did not want to when he found out that Tani was kissing Taylor
  4. Kimberly and tani "fixed" it between them on December 31, since then I have seen Kimberly more active even at parties and wanting to kiss other girls. I have also seen today a sexual tension between Kimberly and Tani. Kimberly wanted to have something with Tani and she couldn't because Taylor only wanted to have Tani.
  5. Taylor is the typical girl who wants to have relationships with other girls, the problem is the other girls because Taylor is very open-minded
  6. TIM IS ANOTHER IDIOT.... Two weeks ago he had “sex” with Kimberly and he gets angry because Tani has relations with Taylor... SHAME
  7. Kristy is a real stupid and idiot, she has a boyfriend and she doesn't let Taylor not have relationships with other girls....
  8. Qué demonios le pasa a Lilith?!?…. Normalmente ella siempre da juego con Holly y con las chicas, da el juego con besarse con Holly, Marlene,…. Pero ahora se va a dormir?!? Lilith siempre quiere mas y las chicas “la frenaban” pero ahora que TIENE LA OPORTUNIDAD, se va a la cama A DORMIR. LILITH HA SIDO LA DECEPCION JUNTO CON MARLENE Y ANYA.
  9. I think it is because there are girls who want to return and have to rent more houses
  10. CAROL IS RETURN! carol's new house is exactly the same as martina and alberto's house
  11. carol's new house is exactly the same as martina and alberto's house
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