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Posts posted by emnv

  1. 10 minutes ago, darkman said:

    alberto solo debe a martina 3000 euros de una bicicleta , lo demas ya se lo devolvió .

    esta claro que algo salio mal en la relacion con gf4 , o mal o no como ella pensaba .

    cuando uno se relaciona con una persona , toxica ,  lo mejor que le puede pasar es que lo dejen , si martina no hubiera dejado ha alberto , se hubiera perpetuado su mal toda la vida , alberto no es consciente pero martina le a echo el favor de su vida dejandolo .

    de momento notradamus dice que taco se queda en rlf .

    Cuatro frases, cuatro falsedades

    El odio te ciega, majo. Y lo peor no es que manipules y mientas, es que encima presumes de no juzgar y mirar los hechos concretos 😒

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  2. 14 hours ago, micshum said:

    a many questions for the people who understand Spanish,what did happened between Martina and Alberto? what the cause of the separation? are we gonna see the gf of Alberto always now? and who is the man Martina bring two days ago?? 

    When they broke up as a couple last February they reached an agreement to continue in RLC until she finished her studies and started the new course at the university.

    Meanwhile they each had to look for a new place to live. Martina has a new place already rented. Alberto decided to buy a house in July and paid the purchase downpayment. Since then he has been trying to get the money he needs and is not covered by the mortgage, but he has been unable.

    He has been telling Martina for weeks that she should lend him the money, but Martina has already given him part of the money and she was not willing to lend more.

    Furthermore, according to what Martina told her friends this week over the phone, she discovered that Alberto had been speaking badly about her to his friends, while telling her the opposite so that she would lend him the money he needs.

    Martina offered Alberto other alternatives to get the money, one of which was for Alberto to continue in RLC and she contacted the management proposing it. Finally, RLC has approved that Alberto and Juliet continue in the apartment, Martina will save her money, and Alberto will be able to buy his house. Everyone happy, at least for some time.

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  3. 2 hours ago, darkman said:

    les voy a explicar, por que ella es mala, y por que tiene comportamientos psicopaticos, el esta cagando tranquilamente, ella sabe que el esta ahi dentro, llama a la puerta, entra para hacer NADA, mirarse un grano en el espejo, el acaba de cagar, y ella ni corta ni perezosa se baja los pantalones y se mira el culo en el espejo, ¿qué sentido tiene esto? , no tiene sentido , , como la mayoria de cosas que hacen estos seres , no te dejo que me toques , pero te enseño el culo , para que veas lo que te estas perdiendo , es una HIJA DE LA GRAN PUTA , asi con todas las letras , la reaccion de el es decir ( VAYA CULO ) y darle dos besos , ya tiene ella su dosis de EGO ,  ya sabe que lo tiene comiendo en su mano . 

    No te olvides de tomar la medicación, que luego vas diciendo animaladas como estas 🙄

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  4. 1 hour ago, darkman said:

    yo si se catalan , y español , y no es como usted dice , en conversaciones con alberto en el dormitorio , ella le decia , el enganche que tenia con nelly , y lo que esta la ignoraba y que eso le daba mucha rabia , martina se hacia la buena y culpaba a nelly , igual que hizo el otro dia con alberto hablando con marta , otra manipulación psicopática , proyección de la culpa y dar pena , FUE NELLY LA QUE DEJO A MARTINA , los problemas de nelly con la bebida es otra cosa , además ¿ quien no se ha emborrachado en su vida ? , mire usted siempre lo que hacen , no lo que usted piensa o le dicen , el árbol bueno se conoce por sus frutos , y los frutos de martina , no son muy dulces , con nelly mal , con alberto mal , mal con todo . el valor de martina es su juventud y su cuerpo , pero ya se estrellara contra el muro , cuando eso pase .  a mi no me gustaría una martina de novia de mi hijo , ¿ A QUIEN LE GUSTARIA ? que levante la mano .

    Even if you live in Barcelona, I highly doubt that you understand well Catalan because you get everything wrong when they don't speak plain Spanish.

    The use you make of "usted" and the slum language you use tells me that you are a sexist Latino who had a problem with a woman and now you think you are Alberto and the woman is Martina.

    I would beg you to stop intoxicating, confusing and bothering people with your problems.

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  5. 2 hours ago, chuck206 said:

    one tells Martina what to do    I pay no serious attention to that. Just something posted on the forum. A statement uttered under what context?  An argument? I think we all have a streak of independence and defiance in us. 

    fuck Nelly while Alberto played video games     whose value system are you using? Mine says it's wrong. BUT .... Martina and Alberto play by a different set of rules. After the sex, with Nelly asleep, Martina went to Alberto (in front of the TV, playing video games). Alberto had a big grin on his face, they talked, and they were both in a good mood and laughing.

    Her basic attitude toward Alberto   when? You mean the last 4 years or longer? When Martina would jump into Alberto's arms and kiss? When they would cuddle on the sofa ..... which usually lead to a BJ or sex? Or the many times they attacked one another in the kitchen? If your talking about the last 6 months, I think Martina has been clear on their relationship .... it's ending. No more sex play. 

    some have observed, she doesn't make an effort toward him either   3 observations of the same event ..... 3 different conclusions. As no one understands the language, we really don't know if this observation is true. How many times has Martina asked Alberto to join her for an outing? How many times has Alberto declined? Nothing but speculation.

    if Alberto tried to stop her, it wouldn't go well.    I agree. When would it go well? If the girlfriend wanted to do X, and the boyfriend said no, would it go well? If the wife wanted to do X, and the husband said no, would it go well? Conflict is conflict. Somebody's feelings are going to get hurt. Normal. Alberto has been understanding of Martina's desires. Tolerant and accepting. That would have been something to see, if Alberto objected and laid down the law. 😲   

    how she treated Taco    what does that have to do with being self centered? Taco hurt Martina and she swatted him. Molehill-Mountain. Martina has treated the dog very well over the years, one swat and now she is a horrible monster. I don't think so. Taco ate the leather couch....he lived! Taco has been hugged and cuddled. It was Martina who took the dogs for a walk at 3am, while Alberto slept on the couch, tired from a long day of video games. Taco sleeps on the couch, on the guest bed, and in the main bed with Martina or Alberto. Martina has taken Taco to B4 in the past, and to B7, where he plays with Nelly dog. Poor Taco .... he is so mistreated. Call Animal Control!



    Brilliant post !! 🎯

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  6. Transcription of this evening's (23:47) conversation between Marta and Martina, with some clarifications added in brackets.

    Martina- He (Alberto) doesn't want to come 
    Marta - Why?
    Martina - I just don't know how to address him anymore
    Marta - You both have to relax
    Martina - But do you think I address him in a bad way? Have you noticed how he talks to me all the time? I don't know, or I'm imagining it myself?. It doesn't matter. He has been like this for 3 days, and he is an expert in treating me like this when there is someone in front of us. And I'm tired, and he gets me down. He is not the same person as he was 3 days ago. And in 3 days I have not done anything different from what I do in my day to day.
    Martina - It doesn't matter, It would be my imagination.
    Marta - It is not that you imagine it, obviously it is not the same now (1).
    Martina- It has always been like that, how do you manage to have that attitude when there are people in front of you?. 9 months ago we went to a party with my friends, on the way they stopped to pee, and he was saying: "Hey, hi, thanks for leaving me alone", or something like that. It's to attract the attention all the time, are you a child or what the hell are you?. I mean, at that time we were together (1), he has attitudes like that when there is someone in front of me, he has to treat me like that. Because I don't know how to treat him so that he stops having that shitty attitude when there are people around. Because afterwards, when there are no people around, he looks like a puppy. Do you have memories of him trying to treat me affectionately, apart from touching my ass or trying to sexualize my body? You know, because in front of people I don't think that...
    Marta - Yes, many signs of affection. Not now, obviously, (1) but before yes. A hug, a kiss, yes.
    Martina- I don't feel like this type of things. I'm not going to tell him not to come. This is a thing of yesterday, he has been like this since yesterday. The rest of the days for me it is comfortable to be with him. It's just that I even want to get home and he is home. But if he is like this, why do I want him to be like this, if we're going to end up fighting... I don't even want him to speak to me, no, I'm fed up.
    Marta- I do not thing it is a good idea this situation (1)
    Martina - It is what we have until he solves his life (2). Obviously, I'm not going to go and leave hime alone... you know? What do you want me to do, go to (hometown), and meanwhile he will have to...
    Marta - Of course, there is no other option.
    Martina - That bitter face that he wears all the time, I don't know... Anything I say is taken in the bad side,  I don't know boy, try to manage it...
    Marta - I think that everything comes for the same reason, because of the situation you have right now (1)
    Martina - Do you think so? You think it is for that, when he really has always been like that
    Marta- You didn't get along so badly before.
    Martina - No? When people come, my brother, for example, has had to suffer situations... In the car(...)
    Martina - It's not because of our current situation (1), my sister told me that years ago. But do you think it's because of the situation? Well okay.
    Marta - No no I dont know. I come for a while and I go, I don't know.
    Martina - Exactly.

    (1) Martina and Alberto broke up as a couple on the weekend of February 11th-12th. Since then they are co-living as simple friends, and they plan to live separate lives in the near future.

    (2) On July 14th Alberto bought a house 50 km away from Barcelona. He has had problems with the bank, they have not yet granted him the mortgage. He cannot move until the issue is unblocked and the  purchase is completely made effective.

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  7. 1 minute ago, darkman said:

    yo no siento odio hacia Martina , ni soy misógino , ni estoy frustrado por nada , solo siento odio hacia personas hombres o mujeres que se dedican a ir por la vida , jodiendo a los demas .

    a mi me toco una martina .

    a otras les toca un hombre , pero todos estos tienen un rasgo en comun , psicopatia .

    son el 15% de la poblacion mundial , generalmente ocupan puestos de responsabilidad , precisamente por su transtorno lo tienen mas facil que el resto .

    pero no todos son asi , hay muchos integrados en la sociedad , y son tu primo , tu vecino , tu novia . y  creeme que no te vas a dar cuenta hasta que te hagan añicos , lo vas a pasar muy mal , pero vas a aprender , y mucho .

    es cierto que las victimas de estos personajes , solemos ver psicopatas por todos lados , pero con el tiempo y la experiencia esa paranoia pasa , y aprendes a interpretar banderas rojas , red flags ,  desde el minuto uno que vi a martina , y vi su comportamiento , y encima limitado a este foro y a rlfc , dije pobre alberto .

    imagina que su tubiera informacion de primera mano , aun seria peor .

    lo positivo que puedo decir de martina aparte de su edad y que tiene un buen polvo .

    es que es lista , suelen serlo , pero la falta de autoestima profunda que sufre , hace que ella misma sea su enemigo , ningun profesional de la psiquiatria o psicologia , quiere tratar a un psicopata por que no tienen salvacion .

    mi psicologa me dijo , no puedes hacer nada , dejala y que la vida se apiade . 


    Vuelve a visitar a tu sicóloga, el diagnóstico no es correcto. Eres un machista de libro.

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  8. 30 minutes ago, darkman said:

    te contestare yo , la diferencia es que en una relacion liberal , las dos partes estan de mutuo acuerdo , pleno en sus facultades fisicas y mentales .

    en la relacion de alberto , los cuernos son unilaterales , y no es una relacion donde el disfrute viendo a martina follar con otr@ eso tambien seria una relacion liberal .

    la relacion de alberto es ella manda , el es un mangina sumiso , y si no tragas con eso , me pierdes , esta coaccionado , no tiene sus plenas facultades mentales  , esta manipulado , indefension aprendida , disonancia cognitiva , sindrome de estocolmo  . ESA  ES LA DIFERENCIA 

    Tu actitud y personalidad es sencilla de resumir:

    • Machista: Crees que el hombre es superior a la mujer, y ella debe someterse siempre a sus deseos y órdenes
    • Misógino: Sientes odio y desprecio hacia las mujeres, especialmente a las que no muestran ser sumisas al hombre
    • Victimista crónico: La culpa de tus problemas la tienen los demás, tú siempre has hecho todo bien.

    Ni Alberto es el tonto con el que tú te describes en el pasado, ni Martina es la terrible mujer que tanto te hizo sufrir por lo bueno que tú eras. Por mucho que te empeñes en mapearla, asume que no es ella la que te hizo sufrir, y Alberto es un ser más inteligente de lo que tú eras.

    Búscate una vida, no molestes permanentemente en este foro con tus aburridos problemas y comentarios vacíos de fundamento.

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  9. 7 minutes ago, onso said:

    The six is a note from last year 

    if I remember correctly she got another six in math

    She has signed up for college which will start in September

    Not correct, she had a 6 this year in French because she has had a crazy teacher, she had a run-in with her the first days of class, and in addition the classes were at 8 AM and she has missed a lot of them because of her sleeping problems.

    She has not signed for any university yet, but she is almost decided. But she will start a new job on Tuesday next week, 30 hours per week.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Moosecini said:

    Well, I'm sure a few of us would welcome a translation of that!  🤔  Alberto seems unaffected, but that doesn't really mean anything.  Could have been her frustration with her grades/school.  I don't know if it's as bad there, but an 8/10 is a "B" here, although a 6/10 is a failing grade. (Grades per Onso [That's It] earlier.)

    Martina's grades have been 8 (very good) in all subjects, except a 6 (average) in French language. You can see the US equivalence below.

    Congratulations on your graduation, Martina!!


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  11. 2 hours ago, Moosecini said:

    For anyone relatively new to ANY of the forums here, the sooner you come to grips that opinions and speculations have a high chance of a counter opinion, the better for you.  Further, an opinion is just that and an opposing opinion is just as "valid" as it is NOT FACT.  That being said, you must also concede the fact that ANY of these forums are 90% opinion/speculation about what happens OFF camera with no way to validate and 10% fact regarding what is witnessed ON camera, which in most cases, can be validated.  As for what's HEARD on camera... well, there are apparently very few who understand the Catalan dialect of Spanish, so if you do, AWESOME, if not we can only rely on those who claim they do, so it's your personal preference whether you believe said people or not.

    The big, honest picture is that we're all here to see a hot ass girl naked and getting nasty.  I think more people may feign feelings for Martina may be because she and Alberto are more like a "soap opera" than other girls who are probably just strippers on vacation.  She appears to be trying to better herself and sure, that's going to be a bit more "boring" than the girls who constantly bate, suntan nude and bang anything on two feet.  I'm guilty of developing a specific attraction to her, so I'm certainly not on any high ground.  However, it where it comes to the "discussions" here, it would be excellent if everyone would remind themselves that it's all COMPLETELY out of our control and MOSTLY unknown/unseen.  RLC shows is their "life" AT HOME.  They're not required to spend their lives there, so let it go.

    If there's anything we, as subscribers and supporters of the business, should be bitching about is the quality and relevancy of the cameras and when something of interest DOES happen on camera at any of the sites, that we are able to clearly see what's going on.  That's their mandate.  The participants also need to FOLLOW THE RULES.  The increasing tendency of hiding in corners, blind spots and blinding the crappy cameras with clever lighting tricks needs to stop.  That, by definition, rips us off.

    Ok, I've said my peace... let me have it! 🤣

    Oh, one last thing... if you don't like a specific girl/couple, then DON'T WATCH THAT ONE.  Plenty of other to choose from.  What's the point of bitching about how you hate one of them?  Watch someone else!  Quite a few I don't like, and therefore, don't watch and don't comment on.  Waste of time, says I.

    Excellent post, I couldn't agree more. Just two comments or small remarks:

    • Catalan is a language, not a dialect of Spanish.
    • The forum rules say it very clearly: Once the tenant(s) step outside the apartment that is their own personal lives and what they do in their own personal lives outside of the apartment confines shall not be discussed in open forum boards of any apartment.


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