Am I the only one who thinks that F219 is a very sick and obsessed psychopath? People like him are at least serial stockers, and may graduate into murderers. Very sick puppy, so to speak.
Dude, are you going to follow me around for a while?
First of all, I was not making an assumption, I stated a fact. I listened to the conversation they had since I am fluent in Russian; I was born in that godforsaken country. LOL I thought you were a retard, now I know you are.
Secondly, are you an imbecile just like Paul? After all, it takes one to know one.....
P.S. I agree with you, he is an imbecile, but not for the reasons you pointed out....
Unfortunately you are dead wrong. Some of the most intelligent people lack common sense because they over-apply their reasoning abilities and, as a result, get every day things wrong. Psychology 101 - every 18 year old college kid knows that.....
This is how he always is, nothing new. And you are incorrect, he knows how to fuck and does it well, he cums every time. It is not his fault or problem that she is OK with a one way street, so to speak. More power to him.
Once again you made an assumption that may or may not be true. BTW, I am assuming you meant to write common sense not intelligence, because the later has nothing to do with not sticking one's head in a cement mixer. Intelligence and common sense don't necessarily go hand in hand....
Not that I do not agree with you, but look on it this way: You may want to blame yourself, a dirty old man, who sits in front of his computer looking at girls with ugly tattoos yearning for the good old days ....