They do not take any money. They do not sell their bodies! How can they subordinate something? And besides, we're not talking badly about the girls here!
Yesterday it was discussed here, whether RLC should set up a chat with the girls. As an argument against it was said that the girls would then get too many inquiries to do something for money. I think Irma and Stella would not mind!
Boys, i have worked with about 200 strippers and (******) from Lithuania, and later the Ukraine for 20 years. I know all abou them, and about anything has to do with them.
But if anyone here has more knowledge about this theme, o.k. But i dont believe that anyone is here.
Talk bad about the Girls? No. Why should I? At a stripper is nothing bad. The fact is: I'm talking about stripper, and YOU associate "bad". I have never rated anything!
For the beginning It would be good if the opinion of others were respected here. That's not the case. I believe here are are people who have made themselves to protectors of the girls because they love them, or even believe they get their facbook addresses when they unconditionally defend them. And these people do not accept anything that is just a bit critical.
I think they all have their prehistory in sex-business, where they are now displaced by younger ones and therefore have to work for rlc.
Of those, none worked as a cashier in a supermarket or so.
Stella went to the kitchen to fill the glasses. Probably the bottle martini bianco should be divided. And now look what she did: Replay: 23:41 and, back from balcony, before she goes to irma, 23:51
When mia or lia would masturbate, they would have done somewhere (bathtub). No, the only thing we'll "see" in B1 are dancing girls in lingerie. For hours. In every other apartment is more happening than in B1 and B2. Perhaps RLC should let couples move in, as VH-TV.